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Robalo's ACE configs

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AFAIR the crates are the same, with or without my configs. Only their content differs a bit (RH mags are replaced with ACE mags where needed).

You can check, just run RH's mods over vanilla and let me know if I missed anything.

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These configs work really well. What you do is greatly appreciated as I really couldn't play Arma 2 without ACE 2 and I absolutely love RH's weapon packs, especially the HK weapons. Do you know if Christian.1987 plans to make his MP7's ACE compatible? The only thing that doesn't work on his weapons are the lasers as far as I know. Sorry if it was already mentioned or answered.

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Do you know if Christian.1987 plans to make his MP7's ACE compatible? The only thing that doesn't work on his weapons are the lasers as far as I know. Sorry if it was already mentioned or answered.

I don't think he's planning that, but he's fine with someone making an extra ACE compat config, that's what I gather from a recent pm with him.

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Just to let you know, I found a couple "bugs" with your ACE config file for the RH SMG pack. The HK-53's don't have any types of magazines assigned to them. Also, the sub machine guns that are meant to be carried in the "pistol" gear section, the magazines for those types of weapons default to the main rifle magazine loadout boxes. I am using the updated OA version of the RH SMG pack. It's kind of wierd how they did the version on the pack because the updated SMG version for OA is actually version 1.0 in the ReadMe file. Just thought I would let you know.



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About the HK-53s not having magazines assigned, I tried to get what you meant and turns out that I forgot to put them in the box. They should otherwise be working fine, class name is "ASR_30Rnd_556x45_HK53".

For the inventory slot assignment, it's meant to be that way, using pistol slots for smaller mags and primary slots for hi-cap mags like 32rnd UZI or 40rnd MP7 mags, which are not so small. Plus, a weapon can load the same magazines with my config no matter if it's in the primary or the sidearm slot.


Edited by Robalo

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is it possible to put all the stuff from robert hammer into one folder like @RH-Weapons , and also put all of your configs into one folder ? or do they have to be separated?? I'm still a bit confused with replacement configs ..

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Fruity_Rudy - Yes, you can put them all in one folder - Arma doesn't care as long as it has the foldername/addons structure.

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so i only need roberts pbo and robalos ace config, or is the default cfg pbo from robert also needed? As i said, i'm still confused with vanilla addon+ace config

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so i only need roberts pbo and robalos ace config, or is the default cfg pbo from robert also needed? As i said, i'm still confused with vanilla addon+ace config

If you install them over SU all should be handled automatically. Just add any of the ASR_*ACE mods to your preset, all dependencies and startup parameters are handled automatically.

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well i'm putting the on the server while being in the university right now, so no sixupdater atm. I simply need to know if i need robalos only or both of the cfg's

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I haven't actually looked inside the folders, but I would assume that if you wanted to use the M4, you would need everything from @RH_M4 and also everything from @ASR_RH_M4_ACE.

This is one of the reasons I use Six Updater is that all I have to do is select Robalo's config and Six automatically adds the dependent RH stuff as well.

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well i'm putting the on the server while being in the university right now, so no sixupdater atm. I simply need to know if i need robalos only or both of the cfg's

You can mix all addons in a single mod folder only if you replace RH's config pbos with mine. I don't recommend this really, instead better make 2, one for RH's addons and the other for my configs, loaded last, like:


RH has separate config pbos which you don't really need, since mine override them completely, but I'd advise keeping them anyway with this 2 folder setup, to avoid mistakes. They're tiny mini files.

Edited by Robalo

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thats exactly what i already did, thx for the info. Great stuff.i love the weapons in ace..really nice , that you did the configs

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Most excellent! Can we already expect a release soon? :D

Just finished reconfiguring @asr_pukf_weapons_ace, which will be split into 3 pbos:

- asr_aceconfigs_pukf_gear_replacements

- asr_aceconfigs_pukf_weapons_l115a3

- asr_aceconfigs_pukf_gear_replacements_l115a3

Need to do a bit of testing before releasing it. Not updating the whole pack, just this component for now.

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Version 11 of the configs is up.

- compatibility with latest P:UKF weapon pack (note: the optional ACE config that already comes with the mod is also required).

- separate configs for L115A3

- sound-mod compatibility for L115A3 (unsuppressed)

- ACE sight adjustment for the long scopes that did not have it (some M14 variants)

- optimized for better compatibility with JSRS

- fixed GL zeroing for some M4 M203 variants

- new sight for M249 ACOG

- few other minor fixes


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Nice. Thanks for sharing Robalo.

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Great news, we are looking forward to this! ;)

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got a question: When i put all the robert hammer stuff into a mission, can i somehow change the mission sqm , so the ammoboxes with additional content are not "required" ? So somebody can join server, even if he's missing the HK416 addon for example?

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got a question: When i put all the robert hammer stuff into a mission, can i somehow change the mission sqm , so the ammoboxes with additional content are not "required" ? So somebody can join server, even if he's missing the HK416 addon for example?

You can add some vanilla boxes and script their content with addWeaponCargo and addMagazineCargo. But all people on a server should either play with or without the extra weapon mods, otherwise weird things will happen.

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I'm getting an error for the FMG9, MAC10/9, PP2000 (not the sidearm, however), TMP, mini Uzi (not the sidearm, however) and Uzi SMG.

Error in expression <e >> "cfgWeapons" >> _wpn >> "ace_jam") select 2;ace_sys_overheating_cur set [2>

Error position: <select 2;ace_sys_overheating_cur set [2>

Error Zero divisor

File x\ace\addons\sys_overheating\fnc_weaponArrays.sqf, line 24

Also, any chance of an ACE config for those great AEKs floating around, seeing as they may not make it into ACE otherwise and you did a good job with Sudden's AK74Ms?

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I'm getting an error for the FMG9, MAC10/9, PP2000 (not the sidearm, however), TMP, mini Uzi (not the sidearm, however) and Uzi SMG.

Also, any chance of an ACE config for those great AEKs floating around, seeing as they may not make it into ACE otherwise and you did a good job with Sudden's AK74Ms?

Thanks, I will try and fix those ASAP. I had some of those in my testing, but thought I got rid of them.

Will add my AEK configs to the pack too, had them for a while but was hoping to find time to integrate them directly into ACEX. But perhaps they can be useful untill then.

Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.

Thank you !

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Uploaded v12 and updated first post.

- Fixed ace_jam related errors (thanks CameronMcDonald)

- Added configs for the AEK pack by yvandrey (they will eventually no longer be needed after the AEKs will be integrated into ACEX)

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:D Cheers mate.

EDIT - Perhaps consider linking to the Armaholic versions of the weapons pack in your first post, where possible - the multiupload links are not doing so well on my end.

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