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Betons addons releasethread

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Hi all,

since there has been a little confusion...

i would like to inform you that from now on i will post the links to all my addons and to the latest updates of my addons and maps in this thread. So everybody who is interested can find the links on one page. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Betons Addons:

These addons contain all the custom made objects like plants, buildings etc. which are needed for my maps. There will be updates every now and then. The updates wil be available as full download and as cumulative patch for the ones who already have the previous version. Ill try to keep the addons downwards compatible so you only need the latest version.

Mirrors are always welcome

Download Betons Addons:


- added various WW2 structures

- WW2 structures are now useable in the missioneditor

- various textures and LoDs reworked


- added some old style buildings usable in editor

- added stairs to some buildings to make entering easyer

- added simple sandbags to ww2 structures

- Added Path and Pos to all ww2 structures

( AI still doesnt´use them always, don´t know why)

- added tree with hidden sniperposition called " Baumschuetzennest"

- reworked some plants geometry

- changed appearance of sidewalks and cobblestone place

v. 1.47

- keys and serverkey is provided

- added signs and roadsigns

- fixed many errors in geolods

Links: due to some problems i had to split it in two parts






Some of the bunkers, there´s some more of course:



no patch


My main Project atm.

Western front in Germany in November 1944, dark forests in the valleys... plateaus with little cover and some small villages. The winter came early so the upper parts are covered with snow.

At this time Americans tried to push the Germans back to the Rhine. Choosing the Hurtgen Forest was not the best decision because the US soldiers encountert Germans that had dug themsevles in deeply in the dark forests. Because of the bad weather there was nearly no airsupport possible.

Also nice with modern units as long as there are no ww2 units available.

No more Beta!

The map has reached it´s final status. This does not mean that no changes or bugfixing will be made in the future. I am always open for suggestions especially from missiondesigners because i don´t know how to make missions.


- The map covers an area of 10x10 km roughly based on realworld data if possible

- The map features the area between Hürtgen and Schmidt in November 1944 but does not claim to be 100% historically correct

- roads and bridges should be used properly by AI

- there are many dense german style forrests and also wide plains

- You will find many custom buildings, bunkers and of course trees and bushes

- Some bunkers and other stuff is already placed on the map but there ist still more than enough room to place your objects available from my addons or other addons according to your own requirements

- many of the buildings are open to give the possibility of interesting fights in the villages

- on the map you may find some trees that can be climbed on, to give places for snipers (usable also by AI)

Huertgenwald 1.11:

Addons needed: Betons addons 1.47


- keys provided

- added more roads

- added signs for better orientaion

- added more villages and other locations

- added more bunkers etc.

- many minor changes


- cleaned some roads from trees

- made villages a bit nicer

- placed some fortifications

- i suggest using JTD skyfog and NIM Weathereffects for better atmosphere

- i also suggest to use 31st Normandy mod of course







Some pictures:




The Hürtgenwald in winteroutfit, basically the same as above. Some small changes in vegetation etc.








Nome Island:

At first it was only for testing. Then i made it a little bit nicer. A small map (4x4km) with with an Island in the middle. Quite suitable for Infantrycombat.

Version 1.0:

Nome Winter

Due to the small terraingrid it is a fpskiller. Caused ctd on some systems especially with viewdistance set too high.

Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/335092380/winter_nome_1.0.rar

Including needed addons

Arma2base: http://arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=1497

Version 1.1:

Bigger terraingrid, added and moved some Plants and objects. Better performance.

Nome Winter 1.1:

Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/338299163/Nome_Island_Winter_1.1.rar

Filefront: http://www.filefront.com/15396643/Nome-Island-Winter-1.1.rar/

Armed assault.info: http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=islands&id=102

Arma2base: http://arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=1497

Addons needed: Betons addons 1.32

Nome Summer 1.1:

Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/338299158/Nome_Island_1.1.rar

Filefront: http://www.filefront.com/15396459/Nome-Island-1.1.rar/

Armed Assault.info:http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=islands&id=103

Arma2base: http://arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=1532

Assaultmissionstudio: Nome Summer Island [1.1]

Addons needed: Betons addons 1.32

Version 1.2:

Terrain is rougher again, added and moved some Plants and objects. Better performance than vers.


Nome Winter 1.2:

Addons needed: Bet_addons v. 1.35



Assaultmissionstudio: Nome Winter Island [1.2]

Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9142

... have fun

Edited by Beton

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Your Armaholic links give errors.

Cause we are updating them but as I am sure you noticed yourself getting the files from crapidshare is a lot of work, please be patient. The files should be in our house today :)

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Cause we are updating them but as I am sure you noticed yourself getting the files from crapidshare is a lot of work, please be patient. The files should be in our house today :)

Thanks for the hint Foxhound, switching to filefront now.

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New on front page at Armed Assault.info

Link to mirror :

Nome Island Winter (v 1.1) : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=islands&id=102

Nome Island (v 1.1) : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=islands&id=103

Betons addons (v 1.32) : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=addons&id=1224

It takes me all the night to DL maps and addons, the so called Rapid thing is just a ***

Edited by Old Bear
Comment about Rapid****

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Now with Nome Winter 1.1 it works great, too bad i can't get the snow working with the NiM weather mod.

Thanks for the update :cool:

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the performance in the new version got alot better, thank u :ok:

but imho u made the island less interesting by flaten all the hills and making the valleys less deep. in the previous version the terrain was very cool to use with infantry combat, now the island got boring and has nothing special any more.

on the old version i already thought about making a mission ww1 like with fences and mg bunkers on all that small hills, artillery raining down, flares in the dark dusty skies, u r that scared grunt in that muddy whole screaming " GRENAA..." "BAMMM"... :D

now that vision is gone.. :(

but hey thats just my 2 cents and mabye just my special taste, i wonder what others think about that.

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ill try to get the hills back....

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Thx for the new version!

Put it on our island section at Assault Mission Studio.


Nome Winter Island [1.2] by Beton


Nome Summer Island [1.1] by Beton

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Update on 1st page:

Betons addons has been updated to v. 1.4 via patch.

Map Huertgenwald has been updated to version 1.5

Vegetation has been changed and is mainly finished now. Village of Huertgen has been added.

The question is. Do you want bunkers and obstacles already installed or do you want an more or less empty map?

Suggestions are welcome...



have fun...

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Great island!!

Make sure you continue polishing it, it really is great!

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Update on first page.

Betons addons are updated to version 1.45

Map Huertgenwald v. 1.0 is out.





@ Undeceived: thanks for the info

... have fun:)

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Thanks Beton, great map. fyi, the addons download reported that the rocks.pbo was broken when I extracted it, but seems to be working fine.

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Cool! :)

Beton, watch out, some pics are above 100kb. Or do we have new rules? :)

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Had some problems with filefront... link updated on first page

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Download does not work! Press on Download on File front, than it opens the download page again! No download starts!! :confused::(

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Well.. i tried just now...

works fine for me.

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Update on Page 1:

Just added a Winterversion of the Hürtgenwald map.

Some impressions:




have fun

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That portion in the last photo, my favorite area in game. Excellent job on this map and the objects tied to it Beton.

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Very nice winter version of Hürtgenwald, thx for your work!

Put it on our islands section at Assault Mission Studio.


Hürtgenwald Winter [1.0] by Beton

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The two Hürtgen Islands were really great! Hope, that WW2 Infantry will be released soon! Cant wait to make a campaign on this map!

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