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Arma mlrs

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Has anyone figured out how to use the MLRS and mortar accurately? Myself and a friend were messing with having a spotter like in real life, but with no elevation settings it is hard to tell what range you have. By accurately I mean indirect fire.. well out of the line of sight.

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Look at this linky Link: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module

At the End You will find some Example Missions for the MLRS, in the Mission you have AI Artillery Support.

When you place a Mortar/M119/MLRS on the Map, 2 Soldiers and one Artillery Module you have to synchronize (F5 in the Editor) the Mortar/MLRS/M119 with the Module and your ready to go. :cool:

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That is fine for AI, but what about in multiplayer... Is it even possible for someone to direct fire?

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yes it is, if you got a human gunner, syc him with the artillery module ( in editor ), (and the artillery pice i think ) and voila ;)

Now, as a gunner in the artillery, you get an action menu option for target artillery.

If you now have a spotter out, get the spotter to make a map marker for were he want's the artillery barrage, aim at the map marker, and fire. either you fire for effect ( a nice big salvo ) or aim, shoot, aim->shoot ( ie 1 shot, and wait for feedback from the spotter )

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This would probably be better in the editing forum, but i'll copy a previous reply i did to a similar question on the mortars:-

User controlled mortars:-

1. Place a playable unit on the map.

2. Place the Artillery Module game logic.

3. Place an empty mortar from the static selection.

4. Press F5 or click synconize on the right.

5. Click and drag from the Artillery module to the playable unit.

6. Click and drag from the Artillery module to the mortar.

7. Preview mission, get in as gunner.

8. Use action menu to access artillery control.

9. Move your mouse around, to move the aiming marker on the map to the desired target.

10. Bring in some devastating 81mm HE rounds.

Take time and look at the entry's in the wiki for the arty module.

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Eh, for MLRS to work with Arty, you gotta load in the right ammunition. YOu gotta type like "addMagazine "NAME HERE";" If you dont the MLRS will just blow up in your face xD

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I remember reading that the MLRS lacks the target function of the mortar. Might be what the OP is refering too.

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it works fine since 1.01 final (I'm sure its working, i just tested it)

btw, you don't need to synch the player / playable unit with the game logic, only the arty piece.

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Can't wait ... you lucky bastards ... truely jealous :D

Btw, what's the effect like? Both visual and ... ah ... well the devastation factor I suppose!

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found a video on youtube -

i'm sure you can find more...

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I'm not talking about in the editor.. Maybe I'm missing something here but I was talking about using this in warfare.. most of the discussion appears to be talking about editing objects.

I have... these dreams about bombarding an enemy base with the mlrs.. and wake up with the sheets all wet..

On a note of realism.. the MLRS should fire much faster..

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Firing rate seems about right probably slower for balance issues considering the MLRS has the highest range of any artillery in the game.

Technicly the launcher shouldn't be able to deploy and turn so swiftly realisticly either, and it should kick up more dust but obviously for the sake particle overload that wasn't simulated.

Now imagine if you could only turn the launcher of the M270 at those speeds. Edited by NodUnit

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If you want the MLRS to behave as you want in WARFARE then it has to be put in that way into the WARFARE mission. A lot of people want it so its just a matter of time until someone adds it like that.

When i get ARMA2 i want to be able to set it up like that. For example 3 MLRS (physical ones) somewhere and also get a menu so i can tell them to target and shoot where ever i click on a map. So i can actually watch them fire. Kinda the same way it works in the SOM module ive seen. i want that kind of arty menu, but i want to SEE the MLRS physically turn and target and fire. :)


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I'm impressed with the radio message chatter for the artillery communication. It's simple but correct. I don't understand why 1-1-A says "Splash, Out." repeating what the artillery commander says. Splash is what the artillery commander should say. There's no reason for 1-1-A (the human player being the spotter) to say it as well.

As cool as this is, it looks a little too easy and accurate. Just mapclick and 40 seconds later that grid square is removed first time and every time (I imagine that shell spawn is going to get used over true ballistic in 99% of missions). I also wonder how reloading of these MLRS units works. I hope it's not like the old OFP ammo truck thing, 10 seconds and ding, ready to fire again.

In a multiplayer environment how possible is it to have a 1 human player lead a MLRS battery such that the human player deploys the vehicles and takes care of them but I assume only the AI can actually aim and fire the things (with any accuracy that is).

Edited by Frederf

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The timing and all can be done by the community. Sure a more solid core game is what we all want but we cant have it all. At least not at once.

However, for timings on reload and all - ACE2 is coming! :) Can just imagine the work those boys have to set it all straight phew. Maybe one can chip in and help on some part. Well see when i get my copy.


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I don't understand why 1-1-A says "Splash, Out." repeating what the artillery commander says. Splash is what the artillery commander should say. There's no reason for 1-1-A (the human player being the spotter) to say it as well.

That is actually the correct way. During a fire mission the CP will state "Shot over" When the FO heres this he responds "Shot out" acknowledging he has heard the report of shot.

Approx 10 seconds before calculated impact the CP will radio "Splash over" indicating the rounds will impact now. Why? the FO is an arty officer attached to an infantry unit. So instead of watching the impact zone waiting he is free to do other tasks. After he hears "Splash Over" he responds "Splash Out" to acknowledge he has heard the report of splash and can bring his bino's up to watch where the rounds fall so he can then call in adjustments etc.

In artillery fire missions very strict radio procedures are followed, including reading back every aspect of a fire mission to ensure everything is correct. Why because you DON'T want to get it wrong!

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Read through this 2 pages of posts and youll get it. Headspace example mission plus a line in the SOM to cut off the random missions will give you physical arty's you can see fire when you give it orders to do so. Remember that the MLRS are stationed far down south east on the small island due to its extreme range (in the example mission).


Example mission (not the virtual one): MLRS EXAMPLE MISSION

Just read the *end kinda* of the thread i linked to and you should get it. ;)



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