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Everything posted by Midnighters

  1. Midnighters

    Mission not loading anymore

    11:57:59 Creation of object L Intel:19 failed, state LOGGED IN 11:57:59 Client: Nonnetwork object 4b50bca0. Looks like you logged in, but player creation failed? I'm not too positive. It's very possible you have description.ext errors though. Go back and open your mission up in the editor, see if it throws any errors when you load it in the editor.
  2. Midnighters

    Custom Arsenal, not working

    Yep sure thing. One thing I forgot to mention, you can't use player in the addScriptedEventHandler function. I had just got something off the top of the head, with no documentation at hand. but you can add this to the missionNamespace
  3. Midnighters

    GUI Editor Issues

    I'm trying to wrap my head around displays. What's the difference between safeZone and GUI_Grid?
  4. Midnighters

    Custom Arsenal, not working

    couldn't you add a scripted event handler? [player,"arsenalClosed",{ //arsenal closed }] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; and for a opened arsenal [player,"arsenalOpened",{ //arsenal open }] call bis_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;
  5. I'm not too sure. I've never used this, but it would seem for each color combination used when called that you'll need to call it again to produce the same result except with a different color.
  6. What about the EpeContactStart Event handler?
  7. selection 1 of the params is for an array of RGB values. Take a look at this: Procedural Textures
  8. How long is your video? The max I've ever seen for, say a 15 second video is 8 mb.
  9. I suppose you can use: enableCollisionWith
  10. Holy crap! This is pretty amazing, very cool integration. I hate hearing people complain about using TFAR as a addon. So this provides an excellent alternative.
  11. Midnighters

    Combat Patrol

    I have a question regarding the faction of the units spawned. Will we be able to change the faction type, say in the module or in a script form? Thanks.
  12. Midnighters

    Eden Editor Red Squares

    simulation on that object is disabled.
  13. I got it working now, thanks!
  14. Hello, I was wondering if there was the possibility of getting a variable to be persistent through a mission restart. I want the player's inventory to be saved and then reloaded when connecting back. Any ideas?
  15. Upon loading in, the player doen't have the weapon saved upon disconnect. Any ideas? The player acts like he has a gun at first, then puts away i'd say an 'invisible gun' ?
  16. Thanks for the usage. This actually clears up some problems I had been running into, I appreciate both of your help.
  17. Oh sweet! Totally skimmed over this, much appreciated :)
  18. Hello forum users. I have written a script to animate the hummingbird based on crew members and everything works fine. One thing I fret very badly about is performance. I'm just not sure if it would be best to use something like bis_fnc_loop instead. { if((typeOf _x) == "B_Heli_Light_01_F") then { while{true} do { if((count (crew _x)) >= 2) then { if(isTouchingGround _x) then { _x animateSource["BenchR_Up",0]; _x animateSource["BenchL_Up",0]; }; }; if((count (crew _x)) <= 2) then { if(!(isTouchingGround _x)) then { _x animateSource["BenchR_Up",1]; _x animateSource["BenchL_Up",1]; }; }; }; }; } forEach vehicles;
  19. Ooohh..! this is quite interesting, I'll take a look at this.
  20. Oh no. Definitely not how I put it into my .sqf file. I just had to make it somewhat readable, found out github messed up formatting.
  21. Gotcha. I figured as much, I just wasn't sure as to the reason why. Thanks.
  22. Midnighters

    List of Vehicle Base Classes

    Ah woops, I'll add to it anyways. Didn't really come to mind at first. Sorry about that.
  23. Midnighters

    Script loop after respawn

    try switching the event handler type from "Respawn" to "MPRespawn" forgot about the locality issue between respawn and MPRespawn