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Everything posted by johnweston

  1. Hello all Hover Thankyou for the shop scripts they are brilliant I've got everything working except the *kill reward and I know this has been harped on but I am using the Dynamic AI Creator [DAC] script to spawn in and handle most of my AI , I have read all that I can on the matter and I'm currently trying to add the required bit of code [_unit]callHG_fnc_aiUnitSetup; to where the [DAC] script handles spawning AI but to be frank when you use scripts that are in acuallity a folder or two full of sometimes dozens of scripts all referencing each other it gets a little difficult to track down which .sqf is handling what.// That being said would it not be easier for your script to just apply the kill reward to all of the units present at all times regardless of how or when they were spawned? //still with the ability to blacklist certain units by side or group etc. I have tried a couple of ways using foreach allUnits etc. But I still am learning and have no luck. If that is not possible then can someone please help me figure out how to use the kill reward with the [DAC] script. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25550 It is very well documented much like the store script yet I still cannot find it
  2. johnweston

    All The Weapons

    Hey Twisted is there a way to make the units spawn with only submachine guns and pistols? I'm looking for a way to use all of the awesome things your mod does but just exclude certain weapons more specifically anything that's not a pistol or a smg. I am knowledgeable of unpacking the mod pbo and altering the scripts I've tried a couple things but could only achieve getting just blufor to spawn with random smgs regardless of role (medic,sniper,etc.) So let me describe clearly what I would appreciate any help achieving. 1. Make Blu use random smgs and pistols 2. Make opfor use Lee Enfields and random pistols 3. Make ind use Lee Enfields and random pistols 4. Will settle for making everyone use random pistols 5. Or Make everyone use smgs and pistols Which ever is easier Mods I'm using Massi pack and rhs pistols I'm open to any thoughts on how to do something like this in a simple way
  3. johnweston

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Hey spunFIN ive been using your awesome script pack for a good while now and its been great, but it seems since the last BIS update my Ambient spawned units are not patrolling or receiving waypoints they just stand in formation until they are engaged or spot an enemy. I was wondering if you have encountered this problem recently? I have tried adjusting things on my end but with no luck which led me to assume maybe the last BIS update broke something. Also im not really getting any script errors on my debug console that would give me any clues as to what is happening.
  4. :) this is great ! That is a very helpful explanation and I'm pretty sure I see what you have done there in the script. I just tried testing it in the Arma3 editor but I could not produce the desired result. :( ///What i did. 1. Created rediusCheck.sqf (with the script^ inside)& inserted it into mission folder. 2. Placed a game logic object named "aidcenter1" 3. Placed a trigger near ^said game logic and inserted:null = [aidcenter1, 10, createGroup west, playableUnits] execVM "radiusCheck.sqf"; into the activation field of the trigger. 4. Placed two Blufor riflemen (set to playable) one in my squad and the other not. (the unit not in my squad has a "move" waypoint to the trigger area) 5. Sent both units into trigger area. This did not work for me. I believe im doin it right but I could very well be making a mistake. The desired effect i guess or what i was looking for would be that when any AI unit enters that trigger area they are assigned a new group. Preferably a group of 2 riflemen (not the two mentioned above^) I have placed in the editor and designated "svrgroup" (short for survivor group). I also tried : null = [aidcenter1, 10, svrgroup, playableUnits] execVM "radiusCheck.sqf"; ---------- Post added at 11:29 ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 ---------- Also I turned on my -showScriptErrors. In the editor it returned thus: '...x; }forEach _unitArray; _closeunits |#|joinAs _group; ' Error joinas: Type Array, expected Object File c:\users\myname\Documents\Arma3 - other Profiles\myusername\missions\Medic%20Duty.Altis\radiusCheck.sqf, line 14
  5. Once again thank you for your help im sure you know how for a beginner these things can be very frustrating so receiving advice is a godsend. But unfortunately I am still a bit confused on how I would go about using this particular script. After defining myArray and myAidStation, and placing the sqf into my mission folder should I then simply call the script via the trigger init.? Or am I way off? BTW- ^ the help you have given so far is gold to me , helping reduce the amount of hair pulling time and also teaching me a few things. Truly Grateful.
  6. It is an editor placed trigger.
  7. thanks again for your help DreadedEntity :) , but where would the join group command come into play ? The original plan was to execute this through a trigger. Is this still possible? Or should we find another way to call the script?