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Everything posted by gippo

  1. gippo

    Support vehicle issues

    Yup, they can be totally separate values. And it's pretty ok, script writers need to check for hitpoint damages as well when writing service point scripts for example. However when the engine side repair does not check for the hitpoints, that's an issue. (Engineer/repair specialist does!)
  2. gippo

    Support vehicle issues

    Thanks for the response. Well, for the repair problem, just put down a repair vehicle and another vehicle. In this case, make it a wheeled vehicle. Put down an infantry as player as well. Shoot out at least one tire (hitpoint damage) and try to repair the vehicle at the repair vehicle. Notice that you don't have the option to repair, it also doesn't repair automatically. Do a quick "setdamage 0.1" on the vehicle and now you can repair it. -> the repair action only checks the main damage value, not the hitpoint/hitpart damages. For the repair/ammo/fuelcargo problem: Just use any of these support vehicles and monitor the value with getRepairCargo/getAmmoCargo/getFuelCargo commands. Notice that it stays at 1, but it should decrease on use. So you basically have unlimited resources on the support vehicle.
  3. I know, I just pointed that out, because it's sometimes needed to not to get overlooked by devs in my experience Not sure if this is related or not, but this triggered me to put that note here, that it works with players as well.
  4. All you need to do is to hit the disassemble action just before the other unit gets in. Then you can basically transport the unit in the weapon backpack.
  5. Greetings, I hope I'm posting this in the right topic (as Feedback tracker is down) deleteVehicleCrew does not work on FFV positions with dead bodies if the vehicle is remote. (haven't tried with alive units) Doesn't matter if you execute it where the vehicle is local or where the vehicle remote or where the unit is local. It's just not working properly. Where the vehicle is local, it's getting deleted, but where it's remote, the dead body is still in the vehicle. Basically it is impossible to remove dead bodies from FFV positions due to this issue. (moveout doesn't work, setpos doesn't work, deletevehicle doesn't work, etc) In my experience it is working as intended in non-FFV positions. However, the vehicle still needs to be local where it's executed (Wiki says otherwise)
  6. Btw this also works with players :D
  7. gippo

    Difficulty Overhaul

    Great news, I hope you touch the Auto reporting as well (AFAIK, right now you cannot disable it). Essential for PVP. Custom preset means that you can finally change every setting, right?
  8. Sweet, will be an awesome command to detect wall/floor glitching with :D
  9. I swear that happened to me when firing the armed Hellcat's miniguns. Not sure if it's the same problem, but for some seconds there was simply no sound at all. What is 100% sure: if you fire with Hellcat or Pawnee (7.62 minigun) and you doubleclick/tap on the fire key, this happens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmlTV3WfDSo Basically, there's a short delay before the sound is played again, however I'm already firing the miniguns.
  10. You know that you are still invincible against planted explosives, right?
  11. Tried with the canrepair and candeactivatemines stuff (or something similar from the config), but those don't work. Engineer is already in, and the engineer can repair AND deactivate mines, so I think it won't be a separate specialty :(
  12. Any info about the specialty names? I know "engineer" and "medic" already edit: "uavhacker"
  13. Oh.... then it might be a different issue. All I know is that in multiplayer, sometimes the AI is waiting too much (even a minute or more) before proceeding to the next waypoint (cycled MOVE waypoints). Haven't tested with RC or DEV tough.
  14. I experience the same, but only in multiplayer. In multiplayer, they are just standing there and God knows when they will proceed to the next waypoint. In Single player it's working fine tough.
  15. Please, let the 1.56 have this fix! :D
  16. gippo

    Feedback tracker administration

    Some other 3DEN related stuff here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27468 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27359 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27360 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27324
  17. I think the VON (side channel) could work better if we could restrict it to only squad leaders. In my experience, VON is mostly stuttering only if there are a lot of players listening to the message. Obviously a VON fix would be the best, but well... keep dreaming. :D I agree on disabling the system message spam.
  18. OMG, this is awesome. (inb4: disabled because security :D )
  19. Is it possible to create a vehicle wreckage? (if yes, Where can I find the path to them?) edit: found in the PBO (eg: "APC_Tracked_01_wreck_F"), not sure about where to find in the config (or should I just put a "wreck" into the model name?) Also: Is it possible to include custom objects (within PBO mission file) this way?
  20. gippo

    Eden Feature Requests

    I agree, would be great. If they are not implementing this, you can still do it with mod. Not 100% sure, haven't looked into the custom scenario attributes, but if it works the way how the object attributes do, you only need the mod at mission creation. :)
  21. I would be so happy if we could put line breaks in the debug console tough. :D
  22. Any info on this? Or is it just disabling the chat messages automatically?
  23. Any news on these issues (3DEN)? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27468 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27359 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27360(minor) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27324
  24. Yeah, I think I need to reinstall arma or my whole system to fix it then :D :D