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Everything posted by thesnypr
Plastic Armbands/Markings
thesnypr replied to canis lupus's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
hi nice job just how to add it to spawned unit is it possible? like nameofunit ... add armband classname ? -
The AI squad command changes from grouping to join group
thesnypr replied to Maciccio's topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
hi all, i ve notice the same problem yesterday, a bit tired when my squad refuse to come back in formation??? but they reach a waypoint when i assign thew one, where the problem is comming from? i tried witout any mod also because maybe vcomai or something like that but no change? arma 3 files updated & checked everything fine just f...in ai don t obey -
Remoteexec of dynamic text possible?
thesnypr replied to Michael Marsh's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
yes for now it s ok for a smal lan with no jip, but we ve got a team and we would like to try it with more friends, anyway thanks for your help i will work more on that -
hi all, i would like to create a kind of template script to work in MP, i m starting with litle knowledge even in english.... the idea is to use an already working script (it spawn a determinate number of ex. amobox randomly inside some buildings in a define area) first i ve got this script to spawn some amobox , it spawn atrigger around each amobox with a marker this part seems to be ok with some tweaks i think... // _null = [] execVM "scripts\SPAWN_Boxtriggers.sqf"; // wip script but working! if (isServer) then { countboxtrigger = 0;// set boxtriger counting to zero _chancedispersion = 0.002; // afect the dispesion on map! _boxpawned = 0; // set count to 0 _maxboxspawned = 6; // max num to spawn _houseList2 = getmarkerpos "centerzone" nearObjects ["House",1500]; while {_boxpawned <= _maxboxspawned} do { { if( (random 1) < _chancedispersion) then { _c = 0; while { format ["%1", _x buildingPos _c] != "[0,0,0]" } do {_c = _c + 1}; if (_c > 0) then { _ranNum = floor(random _c); _cratelist = ["HLC_AK_ammobox","HLC_AK_ammobox"]; _crateselected = selectRandom _cratelist; _crate = _crateselected createVehicle [0,0,0]; _crate setPos (_x buildingPos _ranNum); _crate setdir random 360; //[_crate] execVM "scripts\fillcrate.sqf"; //[_crate] execVM "scripts\create_crate_triggers.sqf"; _newMarker0 = createMarker [format ["marker0b%1", _forEachIndex], getPos _crate]; _newMarker0 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _newMarker0 setMarkerType "mil_triangle"; _newMarker0 setMarkerColor "Colorgreen"; _newMarker0 setMarkerSize [0.3,0.3]; _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _crate]; _trg setTriggerArea [3, 3, 0, false]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false];//not repeat =false! _trg setTriggerStatements["(Player in thislist or Vehicle Player in thislist)","_trx[thisTrigger]execVM'scripts\boxtrigger_activated.sqf';",""]; _trg setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, false]; _boxpawned = _boxpawned + 1; }; sleep 1; }; } forEach _houseList2; }; }; and the other part when the spawned traigger is activated i need some help to * finish them to hend properly for all players the mission by creating a clean MISSION_OUTRO.sqf * show corectly for each players how much boxes are already found (when trigger activated) * and is it possible to create a mp task for exemple to show first amobox zone to reah it as a task and after it create task on box 2 up to the max zone to reah or is it too hard? the goal is just to have 2 or 3 smalls scripts to add objective (force groups players to cross around the map) to play with Vandeason & ravage, for now im making this template on Grozny winter lov this ambiance too much.. will be happy to share some idea or to get some help..
Remoteexec of dynamic text possible?
thesnypr replied to Michael Marsh's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
thanks a lot pierremgi..but still the problem is... i test this mission in lan with my son.. i declare in init.sqf for exemple " playerwaypointcount = 0; " and in my script each time any player cross the trigger it does " playerwaypointcount = playerwaypointcount+1;" in the script i ve got // playerwaypoint_COUNTING // // declare first in init.sqf _MAXplayerwaypointcount = 0; // // this script is executed by triggers exec placed in eden editor // // _null = [] execVM "scripts\playerwaypoint_COUNTING.sqf"; _delay =60; _MAXplayerwaypointcount = 3; // declaring hom many trigger must be activated playerwaypointcount = playerwaypointcount+1; // this info must be shown to all player!! but not??? hint parseText (format["founded boxes<br/><br/> %1", playerwaypointcount]); if (playerwaypointcount > _MAXplayerwaypointcount )then { // exec outro script to end mission _null = [] execVM "scripts\OUTRO_win.sqf"; }; // delay to loop the script sleep _delay; _null = [] execVM "scripts\playerwaypoint_COUNTING.sqf"; i know parse text maybe not best way to show infos to all players? but how can i do, even for my outro script in case of victory wich is the best way to hend the mission corectly for all player? -
mod release Vandeanson’s Apocalypse
thesnypr replied to Vandeanson's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
hello, great stuff an amazing ambiance with novice knowledge for the player.. thanks for all of us 😉 just a small questions.... is there a way to pass some arrays from my mission init in state of using in game (copy poaste )option?? ex; i would like to pass some customs arrays from rhs or cup like custom rifles or custom clothes classname list.... and the last question if i let active the ravage mod for the sombies spawner how can i desactivate the spawn of some bandits from ravage? even without ai module i can found some bandits spawned?- 322 replies
- vandeanson
- spawner
- (and 15 more)
Remoteexec of dynamic text possible?
thesnypr replied to Michael Marsh's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
thanks all for the reply, then if i hunderstand with the trigger (NOT SERVER) the SQF runs on all machine , ok then no need remote exec for showing messages to all players { playMusic _typeMusic; ext = format ["<t size='0.6'>" + "GREAT" + "</t>" + "<br />" + "<t size='1'>" + "ONE MORE" ]; [_text,0.01,0.01,15,-1,0,90]spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; } forEach allPlayers; // no need the forEach allPlayers? correct no need the forEach allPlayers? correct? and for the markers they are placed from editor as 4 zones to reach to win the mission.. by this way i can chose in editor where to place it and normaly the script does the job... but if you have smplest way to do ex .. in the trigger init its super fun to play with Vandeanson & ravage and that make you travel across the map a bit waitUntil { sleep 3; ( (triggeractivated trig_1) && (triggeractivated trig_2)&& (triggeractivated trig_3)&& (triggeractivated trig_4) ) }; _text = format ["<t size='1.4'>" + "OBJECTIF COMPLETED" + "</t>" + "<br />" + "<t size='1'>" + "GOOD JOB SOLDIER!" ]; [_text,0.01,0.01,15,-1,0,90]spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; sleep 10; _text = format ["<t size='0.8'>" + "hope you enjoy" + "</t>" + "<br />" + "<t size='1'>" + "see next operation.." ]; [_text,0.01,0.01,15,-1,0,90]spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; ["end1", true, true] call BIS_fnc_endMission; still wip 😉 -
Remoteexec of dynamic text possible?
thesnypr replied to Michael Marsh's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
hi guys i have same small problem to solve // on trigger init called names: trig_1 trig_2 trig_3 trig_4 // _trgactvted=[thisTrigger] execVM "scripts\SPAWN_TASKactivated.sqf"; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _trigractivated = _this select 0; /// this part working great only on my pc // Find the nearest marker(generaly an objectif marker) to delete him & replace by a new one for everybody _nearestMarker = [allMapMarkers, _trigractivated] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition; deletemarker _nearestMarker; // this marker part working great on all pc _m3 = createMarker [format ["mrk%1",random 100000],getpos _trigractivated]; _m3 setMarkerShape "ICON"; _m3 setMarkerType "mil_triangle"; _m3 setMarkerColor "Colorblack"; _m3 setMarkerText "CLEAR"; _typeMusic = [ "LeadTrack04_F","LeadTrack06_F","LeadTrack03_F_EPB"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; /// this working great but only on my pc { //set music playMusic _typeMusic; ext = format ["<t size='0.6'>" + "GREAT" + "</t>" + "<br />" + "<t size='1'>" + "ONE MORE" ]; [_text,0.01,0.01,15,-1,0,90]spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; } forEach allPlayers; it a small work im doing for lan with my son, the problem are: * i cannot delete nearest marker on all machine. the new marker created is ok for all (to show ex task done) but old one present on map at mission start is not deleted?? * the second is the Bis_fnc_dynamicText can anybody tell me a nice way for exemple to show proper text or play a song to all players when triger is activated? i know a bit how to script but more in sp if someone can help it will be nice.. -
Creating a Deathmatch-Team Deathmatch
thesnypr replied to beerbellygod's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
hey thanks just pick up the infos ;) -
Losing my mind trying to add custom music
thesnypr replied to druout1944's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
thanks for him ;) -
Custom loadouts on Aircraft (I require aid)
thesnypr replied to xxgetbuck123's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
hi, and if i wanted to use only gau 30mm on a spawned rhs a10 can i remove all amunition and then re add only 30mm amos?- 4 replies
- A10
- aircraft loadout
(and 3 more)
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if(isNil "chopGunner_script")then{chopGunner_script = false;}; // debug message if(chopGunner_script)exitwith{cutText [format["chopGunner_script allready running!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];}; //check if runn1ng chopGunner_script = true; // selection of air types _typechopper = ["RHS_A10","RHS_A10"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // position to spawn //_spawnPoschop = markerPos "helo1_spawn_marker"; // old vesrion with markers _spawnPoschop= [getpos player, 1000, 1400, 0, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; //debug marker spawn pos spawnPoschop = createmarker ["spawnPoschop",_spawnPoschop]; //debug if (debugModeMASTER) then { spawnPoschop setMarkerType "o_art"; spawnPoschop setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; spawnPoschop setMarkerText "spawnPoschop"; spawnPoschop setMarkerSizeLocal [0.6, 0.6]; }; // create chopper in air _creation = [_spawnPoschop, -90,_typechopper, independent] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle; heloGroup = _creation select 2; helo = _creation select 0; {_x setskill ["spotDistance",0.88]}forEach crew helo; {_x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.11]}forEach crew helo; // combat mod crew heloGroup setBehaviour "AWARE";// AWARE,combat, safe, etc.. heloGroup setCombatMode "RED";//blue, yellow, green // *combat height //helo flyInHeight 120; // *unlimited ammos for the chopper helo addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]; // *sending to player zone //[heloGroup,getpos player,1300] call CBA_fnc_taskPatrol; //[group _unitu1, getmarkerPos "batlefield", 250] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol; [heloGroup, getmarkerPos "batlefield", 750] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol; // patrol timming sleep 300; _DEspawnPoschop= [getmarkerPos "batlefield", 4000, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; //debug marker despawn pos DEspawnPoschop = createmarker ["DEspawnPoschop",_DEspawnPoschop]; //debug if (debugModeMASTER) then { DEspawnPoschop setMarkerType "o_art"; DEspawnPoschop setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; DEspawnPoschop setMarkerText "dspwnchpr"; DEspawnPoschop setMarkerSizeLocal [0.6, 0.6]; }; // creation destination final _waypoint1 = heloGroup addWaypoint [ (markerPos "DEspawnPoschop"), 500]; _waypoint1 setWayPointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _waypoint1 setWayPointSpeed "full"; _waypoint1 setWayPointType "MOVE"; _waypoint1 setWayPointCombatMode "WHITE"; _waypoint1 setWaypointStatements ["true", ""]; //_wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "(your script here)"]; sleep 50; // first condition if(getmarkerPos "batlefield" distance getpos helo > 2500 or (getDammage helo > 0.7))exitwith {deleteMarker "spawnPoschop";deleteMarker "DEspawnPoschop"; chopGunner_script = false;}; // second condition waitUntil { (getmarkerPos "batlefield" distance getpos helo > 2500)or (getDammage helo > 0.7) }; sleep 5; {deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew helo; //deleteVehicle _unit1airchopper; //deleteVehicle _unit2airchopper; deleteVehicle helo; sleep 10; deleteMarker "spawnPoschop"; deleteMarker "DEspawnPoschop"; sleep 20; chopGunner_script = false;
How to use ModuleCAS_F
thesnypr replied to PlacidPaul's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
hi all any idea to help me i ve been searching but nothing, i ve made a script pack and wanted to add just like a bomb run with RHS A10 my scrip calculate numbers of ia on each side and launch other stuff like mortars and so... the thing i just want to do like i did on my own vehicle spawn script (tank, car...) is at the end of previus time i need to despawn the aircraft.... with cars or other i just gave a random point faraway, give command to move to & destroy it with a distance condition, how can i aply it to plane spawned by the module, i mean just found name of it and send it away of the action zone? -
hi, i had the same problem with a script i ve made some times ago and plane or chopper did the same, turning around like they cannoy reach teyr waypoint, did you succeed to fix it (despawn the vehicle?)
[SP/MP] FUCKINWAR STORM2 a batlefield style mission
thesnypr posted a topic in ARMA 3 - USER MISSIONS
hi all long time since scripting ;) back with this http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1255777321 a SP & MP batlefield style mission: description: * 2 team red vs blue * a warzone * a lot of imerssion tweaks for realism: * ai use flashlight thanks Jboy * ai talk thanks RUGDSAI & thanks Jboy * VcomAi do the rest * random amocahes * mortar script random amo & flare shooting * air flyby * fog script * color correction * side markers on map thanks Quiksilver * injuries script by Persian MO for the gameplay: i ve buit a script who calculate in a loop each unit on the batleground by side, where you can set the max amount of players ,the time to loop spawnscript .... it spawn group (random amount) in 3 random location for each side, with specific gears , each kill give point the first team with 50 kills win the match... a script is also calculate numbers of kills for the hend mission contition.. can someone give me feedback about it?- 2 replies
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- batlefield
- singleplayer
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[SP/MP] FUCKINWAR STORM2 a batlefield style mission
thesnypr replied to thesnypr's topic in ARMA 3 - USER MISSIONS
ha yes, iv just past it in a comment in steam thks, just need RHS (full) & Abriama map im using VcomAi (so nice) but the script version only at the base it was only SP i had a ambiance sound script that created a hempty helipad & play some songs but i don t found solution to make it work in MP??? hum so fun it was already written on the description ;) needed : * RHS (full) * Abriama map * RUGDSAI_A3 (optional but cool ) * JSRS soundmod (optional but cool ) * JSRS soundmod RHS AFR compatibility (optional but cool )- 2 replies
- batlefield
- singleplayer
(and 1 more)
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[Release] Injured Ai script/Mod
thesnypr replied to Persian MO's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
hi , nice job would like to know how to add the fnc to unit spawned by script? { _null = [_x] execVM "VzR_SRIPTS\SPAWNS\SP_gearingEAST.sqf"; _x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.24] ; _x setskill ["courage",0.75] ; _x addEventHandler ["killed", killedEHandler]; _x addEventHandler ["killed",{_this execVM "VzR_SRIPTS\SP_killCountEast.sqf"}]; } forEach units spawnedEastInf ; or the script is already effectiv on each units by loop? -
- SINGLE PLAYER MISSION *** Survival 01 *** on TANOA download: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=789334554 - SINGLE PLAYER MISSION *** Survival 01 *** ported on ALTIS (new) download: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=792014749 external download: https://catup.pw/2fmHOxu Winter versions - SINGLE PLAYER MISSION *** Survival 01 *** ported on Chenarus-winter (new) Night version download: (Night version) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=796387816 - SINGLE PLAYER MISSION *** Survival 01 *** ported on Chenarus-winter (new) DAY version download: (DAY version) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801383710 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29752 Chernarus-WINTER map TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms added addon only for Chernarus-WINTER mission ps: now updated with renegades choper script & recruit script for TANOA mission & STRATIS mission & Chernarus-WINTER mission :D WIP VZR-ScriptPack the objectiv of Vzr Scriptpack was to mimic ( a little) the famous Dayz but not all, because a lot of scripts are new made and it's a hard work... don't want to copy for now this mision have: (finished scripts & tested) * random start over the all map (now is on Tanoa) but easy adapt on all maps :D (done on Altis too now) * useable vehicules * looting scripts (new) * populate scripts (new) without FPS down. * thirst & hunger system (thanks Rick for his usefull items) usable directly in inventory * new sombies spawning script * sounds & musics * intro * kill counter script * new random patrol script for all IA (IA are searching loot inside & outside buildings) * 4 factions * wreks FX on roads (with or without loot) * renegades camps (wip) * gearing script ( random with regular & specialised ) * ambiance color correction changing during the game, weather, dynamic fog ... * scenario CORE script calculate all the spawning (numbers of bandits, vehicles ...) and more... Basicly yellow zone are holded by villagers & red zone are hots zombies spots where you can found more renegade to kill. when you kill one of them you have a killcounter showing the count. you can found cadavers, zombies or villagers in garisson mod inside houses. you can found weapon spot (small green points on the map) also different boxes with some food & drink, very usefull if you want to survive! the goal is to manage to equip yourself with correct stuff to survive some zombies and found renegades... Addons needed: great thanks to those guys who helping us to do something different... * CUP units, weapons,vehicles * Ryan zombies * PLP containers * Rick items * APEX dlc (future plan on altis esseker ...) during 2 weeks was tested new wip ingame pics will follow soon...
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African Factions for CUP
thesnypr replied to autigergrad's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
it s a great work thanks, hum sorry, i was looking to classname list for my units spawner script but i didn t found it, can you help me? -
Animations with Keybinds
thesnypr replied to mistaparadox's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
lokking for something similar, i need to show a help screen and close it by pressing any key goout = false; (findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown", "goout=true"]; waituntil {goout ==true}; i don't hundertand how to pass goout = false by goout = true before the waituntil?? -
[CODE SNIPPET] Using actionKeys && prevent players from reloading if magazine is full
thesnypr replied to dreadedentity's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
just a smal question, i ve been searching a lot and did not found what i want, i have a small script displaying help screen on a SP mission, i would like to use something like : waituntil... (esc key pressed) then countinue the script. have any idea? -
new bombs script added to Vzr-Script pack. Vzr-Script pack. change logs: * caculate all things around player (tested to 1500 meter) * counting armored & ground units by faction * calulate the maximum amount of spawned stuff by side * spawning trigers on all location (village , town ...) and added random scenario script to all of them * counting houses around player (for loot script & untis placing) and spawns scripts * spawn random armored with crew sending to 1500m patroling player zone * spawn random infantery with new gears and abilitys to 1500m patroling player zone * artilery firing script - detect night/day time - shooting flares or random mortar types with sounds effect & radio fx * loot script - adapted some categorie of gameplay (easy, normal, hard) - added separate hungers/thirst & wepons/amos - removed all spawned weapons on ground due to "some flying in the air bugs" * new script adapting gears to maps (easyest way to not have to modiffy Script pack to each mission) * added some para-military small camps that can despawn if player is too far and much more one more function in the pack for the BLOOD STAR mission so easy, it s counting all vehicles around player by type & distance * if there is some, it runs a cas mimic and create bomb near those target, and shooting flare in sky... :) * if no vehicle it create simple bombing around... for this exemple im using a marker "batlefield" attaching to the player with a loop ,in my mission it's used randomly in a scenario script with some more conditions... //null= [] execVM "VZ_SRCIPT_PackSP\SPAWNS\SP_Spawn_bomb.sqf"; titleText ["cas running...", "PLAIN DOWN"]; // debug help sleep 3; titleFadeOut 3; _counttank = 0;// declare counting to 0 first { // counting by types and minimum & maximum distance to player if ( alive _x && (_x isKindOf "Tank"|| _x isKindOf "LandVehicle" )&& (getpos player distance _x < 700)&& (getpos player distance _x > 100)) then //if (side _x == east && alive _x && (_x isKindOf "Tank"|| _x isKindOf "LandVehicle" )&& (getpos player distance _x < 600)) then { _counttank = _counttank + 1; //each vehicle +1 }; } forEach vehicles; sleep 3; hint format ["tank target %1", _counttank];// debug help numbers of vehicles if (alive player) then { if (_counttank > 0) then // if numbers of vehicle > 0 { titleText ["cas armored target selected...", "PLAIN DOWN"]; // debug help sleep 3; titleFadeOut 3; _null = [] execVM "VZ_SRCIPT_PackSP\SPAWNS\SP_tankCOUNTER_v4.sqf"; // execute bombing tank script "SP_tankCOUNTER_v4" } else { titleText ["cas bombing area...", "PLAIN DOWN"]; // if no armored around execute bombing ground script sleep 3; titleFadeOut 3; _speakerjet= "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; // playing sounds _speakerjet attachTo [player,[0,0,39]]; _jetsoundlist = ["jet1","jet2"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _speakerjet say3D _jetsoundlist; sleep 10 ; _spawnPosbomb= [getMarkerPos "battlefield", 0, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;// create bomb around battlefield marker _bombs = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle _spawnPosbomb; _bombs setDamage 1; sleep(3 + random 5); _spawnPosbomb2= [_spawnPosbomb, 50, 250, 0, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _bombs2 = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle _spawnPosbomb2; _bombs2 setDamage 1; sleep(3 + random 5); _spawnPosbomb3= [_spawnPosbomb, 50, 350, 0, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _bombs3 = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle _spawnPosbomb3; _bombs3 setDamage 1; sleep(8 + random 5);// playing sounds after bombing _speakerjet2= "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _speakerjet2 attachTo [player,[0,0,19]]; _jetsoundlist2 = ["jet3","jet4","jet5"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _speakerjet2 say3D _jetsoundlist2; sleep 30; deleteVehicle _speakerjet; // deleting speakers deleteVehicle _speakerjet2;// deleting speakers }; } else { titleText ["cas else...", "PLAIN DOWN"]; // debug sleep 3; titleFadeOut 3; }; // // // COUNTING SCENARIO SCRIPT BY VINZ73 thanks to credit ;) // // // //=======================================================================// // _null = [] execVM "VZ_SRCIPT_PackSP\SPAWNS\SP_tankCOUNTER_v4.sqf"; // radio messages _AMBiantradio= "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _AMBiantradio attachTo [player,[0,0,14]]; _AMBiantradiolist = ["radio01","radio02","radio03","radio04","radio05","radio06","radio07","radio08"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _AMBiantradio say3D _AMBiantradiolist; // jets sounds 1 _speakerjetv= "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _speakerjetv attachTo [player,[0,0,19]]; _jetsoundlistv = ["jet1","jet2"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _speakerjetv say3D _jetsoundlistv; sleep(3 + random 5); _counttank = 0; { if ( alive _x && (_x isKindOf "Tank"|| _x isKindOf "LandVehicle" )&& (getpos player distance _x < 700)&& (getpos player distance _x > 100)) then //if (side _x == east || side _x == independent && alive _x && (_x isKindOf "Tank"|| _x isKindOf "LandVehicle" )&& (getpos player distance _x < 800)) then { sleep(1 + random 3); //_bombrpos = [getpos _x, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _bombrpos = getpos _x; flrObjt = "F_40mm_white" createvehicle ((_x) ModelToWorld [10,100,200]); flrObjt setVelocity [0,0,-10]; //_bombs = "Bo_Mk82" createVehicle _bombrpos; _bombs = createVehicle ["Bo_Mk82", _bombrpos, [], 20, "FLY"]; _bombs setDamage 1; _counttank = _counttank + 1; }; } forEach vehicles; sleep 13; // jets sounds 2 _speakerjetv2= "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _speakerjetv2 attachTo [player,[0,0,22]]; _jetsoundlistv2 = ["jet3","jet4","jet5"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _speakerjetv2 say3D _jetsoundlistv2; sleep 30; deleteVehicle _speakerjetv; deleteVehicle _speakerjetv2; deleteVehicle _AMBiantradio; //hint format ["tank %1", _counttank];// debug help
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* soundpack done (on cas jets, radio, hitsound & killing sound) stereo work with sony vegas & soundforge. * respawn (much better) (new camera scenes) * zombies (absolutely not!) * new bombrun script (cas bombing mk82 on armored around, if no armored then carpet bombing) * reworked mortar script & flare script * work on intro (shorter) * work on minefield zone
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