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pvt. partz

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Everything posted by pvt. partz

  1. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hey Rydee What are the differences between 194 and 194 beta 4 ?
  2. I was just in the process of searching for any new information that I might be able to use while I try for the third time to install IFA3. I'll be following this thread closely. Thanks for listening to our concerns and moving forward with this project. One question while I have the mic,... Will we be able to Edit the terrain (s) In Armas 3D Editor for any mission making endeavors.? again Thanks !
  3. pvt. partz

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Of you asked me, this thread has run its course. There is nothing new that can be reported that BI surely isn't aware of by now. When everyone is told to calm down, there are a few posts where people are more civil, only to escalate into a shouting match for another three or four pages, and on and on it goes. :wacko: I haven't read anything that could be useful for quite sometime.
  4. pvt. partz

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    ...Would it be useful for BI to conduct a survey? Let our opinions (votes) steer the direction of the game.
  5. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    A bit of talk about mines so here is something you might like to add... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27927
  6. pvt. partz

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    The only other post I saw that might be relavant was here. PS: I don't know what version of Arma he's using.
  7. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I watched a review on YT and he said that many of the new buildings are not (at least for now) enterable.
  8. You might go down the street and knock on Bad Benson's door.
  9. pvt. partz

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Hello LJ I would like to make an observation that I haven't seen mentioned. When night falls, I can hear the changes (deffinitely different from day) in sounds take place, but I also hear the sounds of small birds continuing to chirp throughout the night. Secondly I never hear the sounds of crickets. Thanks PS: I can post a short clip if you need me to.
  10. I was just reading your explanation about reflections changing, depending on the view angle, and an idea came to mind Would it be possible to create a decal, or a variety of them, much like was used in Crysis? https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gamereactor.dk%2Fmedia%2F48%2Fcrytekgorunik_744881.jpg&f=1
  11. pvt. partz

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    +1 Reverted to 158.......looks awesome!
  12. pvt. partz

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    What? We're paying for it !!!
  13. pvt. partz

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    See topic # 31 https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190220-anomalies-list/#entry3013836
  14. pvt. partz

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    ...on the contrary, isn't that the point of this thread? Granted, not every detail may have been addressed as far as visuals go, but it's a great start. Machanics failures accompanied with this update mighy be better addressed in another similar thread.
  15. pvt. partz

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    @ Phantom3013 Yeah, I did notice that the nights are really wonky. When I get time I'll fiddle with that.
  16. pvt. partz

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    I'm seeing a lot of dissapointment but with bit of tweaking,....... Morning Noon Evening My advice is to keep in mind there are about as many displays, color adjustments as there are users. a few more adjusting the morning and evening just a bit more for drama... Morning Noon Evening
  17. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Well this one is easy enough in the Editor. Thanks!
  18. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hey Rydster Question I am playing on difficulty setting "Insane" but the common sense factor seems a bit far fetched. For example, I am on a pilgrimage but on "insane" I would still arrive with more than just my skivies. I like the idea that maybe I was robbed clean on my way over to the island but at least they let me keep my clothes,.....but absolutely nothing else. 1) can you tell me how or where to go to change the clothing loadout for that setting? 2) if you manage to work a v195 would you consider changing that? 3) In order to aquire better clothes as you move along can you lightly (very lightly) randomize better clothes but say, only at military outposts? 4) and for v195 would it be possible to add "intel" (seasons) options to the UI. The change can remove some of the monotany, plus I like the TPW fog breath. Thanks!
  19. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I love this game !!! Best Pilgrimage start ever.
  20. Arma V1.58 Vanilla Is anyone else seeing an animation glitch when moving your pistol to and from your backpack? 1) when I pack it away, my character then goes to the fiddling mode, as if he's looking through his invertory until I move. 2) when I take out my pistol from the backpack, the character repeats the holster/unholster animation over and over. In this case I cannot undo this. If I move he just slides along the ground.
  21. pvt. partz

    Anomalies List

    @meiestrix I think I see the same as you do in item #20 thanks
  22. pvt. partz

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I still hate this game FF's !!!
  23. pvt. partz

    Anomalies List

    Added a few since OP.