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Everything posted by ewaldt

  1. Nice works !!! Feel free to contact me to discuss for making trench at OFrP discord server. One tricks is to add some polygonal trenches and down the map where you want to add some trench.
  2. Hello French compatriote. Congratulation for this work! I'm wondering if you have found a solution for the trench cause we can't do this in map builder. If you want, i will show you some test for Indochine mod. It will be very good to play WW 1 in Arma. Good luck ;)
  3. Many thanks this is so useful.
  4. Hi very nice work. Some of the models are high poly? Can't wait to see in game quality. Very impressive, i follow ;)
  5. ewaldt

    Skin Weight Export From Maya

    Hi i'm modding with Maya and i can say that all my character's uniform rigging are made with maya. Then i import all rigged lods (LOD1...) in OB with FBX and it's work well. Ask i you need some explain. No need to create images from weight.
  6. ewaldt

    Syndiakat Camo

    Hi in my opinion this camo is a 47/56 camo lizard the last model of french camo from the 60's. The 47/56 was use late in the 70's and 80's in Africa sometimes. Your top picture is the old 47/52 camo from indochina war in the 50's This is a link where you can see all versions of lizard camo from Indochina war to end of Algeria war and later. http://camopedia.org/index.php?title=France
  7. Hi i wonder why i have this strange transparency to my house from inside at a certain distance. I have border roof polygones with ca texture apply for Thatched roof parts. How to avoid this? Thanks
  8. ewaldt

    transparency behind ca texture

    Find the solution in ObjectBuilder with Faces > "SORT ALPHA". ;)
  9. ewaldt

    transparency behind ca texture

    Hi another bug comes with more faces on Tatched roof geometry with alpha border. Looking for a way to avoid textures bug See in pictures from top clean http://etiennwaldt.com/arma/indo/20160803195532_1.jpg see bug in alpha http://etiennwaldt.com/arma/indo/20160803195539_1.jpg http://etiennwaldt.com/arma/indo/20160803195553_1.jpg http://etiennwaldt.com/arma/indo/20160803195601_1.jpg
  10. Hi all. i want to say that we plane to build vegetation and we are modelling some structures (French colonial military and village) for our mod (Indochina). We are a little team so our models come slowly. I would like to wait the expansion to see if we could use some plants and trees from Tanoa. The location of our mod is north of Vietnam and it's a little bit different than south and tropical place. We have to research any variety of north Vietnam trees. We could be happy to use other modding team job to concentrate on soldiers, props and vehicles. And we will happy to share our stuff too. Pirat3n
  11. ewaldt

    Odd shadows on model

    Hi scale down a bit your geometry LODshadow by normal
  12. ewaldt


    Thanks too. i begin to understand the multimaterial. I need to us it for a house.
  13. ewaldt

    Skype Modelling Groups

    How to be accepted in the modeler group ? Solved !!!
  14. ewaldt

    Smooth shadows

    Hi perhaps a screen will be helpfull. You talk about ambiant shadow or lod shadow?
  15. ewaldt

    Skype Modelling Groups

    Hi i'm sorry for asking but i download skype and i can't join modeler group. Can't find in skype how to join. Is there an old skype or something else? Sorry SOLVED Re-installed skype
  16. Hi, I'm very impressed about your work and art direction about this mod. Very very nice work. I found your post when searching informations and tutorials about structures texturing (multi) for the mod i work. I will follow you now. i don't read the whole thread but i will. Good luck this passion eat lot of time. Ewaldt alias [iNDO]Pirat3n
  17. ewaldt

    Iveco LMV

    Hi Nice job !!! Take care of your door normal (interior triangle edges) You should "re-oriente" turn these edges to avoid this normals problem. Uv mapping is patience. i suggest put some music in back and go ;) Some links : LithUnwrap UW MAPPER
  18. ewaldt

    STALKERGB's Weighting overview

    Hi and thanks with late. etienne
  19. ewaldt

    STALKERGB's Weighting overview

    Hi all, i'm new to modeling for arma 2 and oxygene. My question is : what workflow use to make lod resolution without rebuild named selection for each lods? I have made the 1.00 lod resolution of my character, do i made the same way for the other load :p. I think duplicate the load 1 and reduce polycount with the same named selection, but oxygen is not easy i use maya and my modeling knowlewdge to do that but in this way i have to reaffect the named selection. Thanks Etienne