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Everything posted by dyrmoon

  1. dyrmoon

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    I also miss the classic Eden, it was the pinnacle and best feature of all Arma games. I've never used Zeus and the gamemaster looks too poor for options. And Workbench, on the other hand, seems too complicated for non-game developers.
  2. Yes, but it is very demanding on fps.
  3. Please add a further parameter to the "Explosion" eventhandler. Detection of an explosion object (I need to find out the position explosion, but now it's not possible with only two parameters.) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Explosion Thanks a lot 😉
  4. You can try Recolor mod. It's basically the same thing. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=649832908 I recommend to set "The East wind" preset.
  5. dyrmoon

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    I agree with everything you wrote. Exactly, why do everyone still want to live in the past? And I say this as a person playing Arma series for about 15 years. For me DLC positive surprise. It's great that developers are not afraid of change. And I also hope to see some real enemies and not just static objects for exploration.
  6. dyrmoon

    Healing Issue

    What do you want the unit to die for? You must place this eventhandler in the Init to all units that can will be injured. So not only player. this addEventHandler ["HandleHeal", { params ["_unit", "_healer", "_isMedic"]; Hint str _this;// for info who is who }];
  7. dyrmoon

    Healing Issue

    You can use eventhandler HandleHeal for detect who healing: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#HandleHeal
  8. dyrmoon

    Credits Not As Intended

    I'm sorry, it's probably because I put the code in the html quote here on the forum, but try it now: ["<t size='1.0' align='center' shadow='2' font='EtelkaMonospaceProBold'> Thanks to:<br/><br/> All audio effects from:<br/>www.freesound.org<br/><br/> All creative commons pictures from:<br/> www.wikipedia.org<br/><br/> Internet Archive Book Images<br/> (www.flickr.com) </t>",safezoneX+0.25*safezoneW,safeZoneY+0.25*safezoneH,5,0.5,0] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; Another possible way to use the code: _Info = "Thanks to:<br/><br/> All audio effects from:<br/>www.freesound.org<br/><br/> All creative commons pictures from:<br/> www.wikipedia.org<br/><br/> Internet Archive Book Images<br/> (www.flickr.com)"; _Duration = 5; //how long it should be displayed _Fade = 0.5; //fade time [format ["<t size='1.0' align='center' shadow='2' font='EtelkaMonospaceProBold'>%1</t>",_Info],safezoneX+0.25*safezoneW,safeZoneY+0.25*safezoneH,_Duration,_Fade,0] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
  9. dyrmoon

    Credits Not As Intended

    Probably the best solution in this case is: [" <t size='1.0' align='center' shadow='2' font='EtelkaMonospaceProBold'> Thanks to:<br/><br/> All audio effects from:<br/>www.freesound.org<br/><br/> All creative commons pictures from:<br/> www.wikipedia.org<br/><br/> Internet Archive Book Images<br/> (www.flickr.com) </t>",safezoneX+0.25*safezoneW,safeZoneY+0.25*safezoneH, 5, 0.5, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
  10. 0 = [] spawn { mapclick = true; onMapSingleClick " marker_Bomb = createMarkerLocal ['Bomb',_pos]; marker_Bomb setMarkerAlphaLocal 1; marker_Bomb setMarkerColorLocal 'ColorRed'; marker_Bomb setMarkerShapeLocal 'ELLIPSE'; marker_Bomb setMarkerBrushLocal 'Solid'; marker_Bomb setMarkerSizeLocal [20, 20]; [ _Pos, 'Bo_GBU12_LGB', 25, [2,10], [1,5], {}, 25, 200, 600, ['shell1','shell2'] ] spawn BIS_fnc_fireSupportCluster; mapclick = false; "; waitUntil{!(mapclick)}; onMapSingleClick ""; UiSleep 5; deleteMarker marker_Bomb; }; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_fireSupportCluster https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_fireSupport https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual
  11. Use this, works perfectly: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual It can be adjusted a lot. mapclick = true; onMapSingleClick " [_pos,'Bo_GBU12_LGB',15 + (random 25),4 + (random 6),[1,2 + (Random 3)],{},nil,500,50,['mortar1','mortar2','shell1','shell2']] spawn BIS_fnc_fireSupportVirtual; mapclick = false; "; waitUntil{!(mapclick)}; onMapSingleClick ""; Not tested. Edit: You must use this bomb class 'Sh_82mm_AMOS', then will be working
  12. For hide action menu (but it still working) is this way, unfortunately you lose aim cursor: showHUD [true,true,true,true,true,true,true,false,true]; Or for disable action menu: inGameUISetEventHandler ["PrevAction", "true"]; inGameUISetEventHandler ["NextAction", "true"]; inGameUISetEventHandler ["Action", "true"];
  13. dyrmoon

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    After many test with AI drivers, I found best options (in Init vehicle): This Setbehaviour "Stealth"; This forceFollowRoad true; This setConvoySeparation 12.5; And ideal speed is 25-30; This ForceSpeed 25; Best solution for me, though of course, is not perfect.
  14. dyrmoon

    Arma 4 a look to the future

    I have one wish about Arma 4, to make the environment new. Snowy, tundra, heavy forest, eventually big modern city. No desert, no jungle, no middle forest. It has been several times here. And ideal time, where game is play? 1980-2020.
  15. Yes, you bouth example is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very match. This command (apply) helped me a lot, I did not know that this exist. _sortedEntites = _nearEntites apply {[_car distance2D _x,_x]}; And I apologize for the confusing description, but I was already tired.
  16. Hello, I can not find solution for my two question. How can I control one item (unit) in array with different array (foreach in foreach) ? Need example, what I mean: ArrayUi = [Unit1,Unit2,Unit3,Unit4,Unit5]; { if ( (_x distance ({_x} foreach AllPlayers)) < 100 ) then { _x Move GetPos ??? }; } foreach ArrayUi; This will be check every Unit, if it closer <100m with all units in Array. But I need every players to check with each unit in ArrayUi (not whole field). In example, what should I put on place "???" Unit not know which players to go to (only if I use (select 0) but I do not want to). Or I try similar thing, but I get error message (offcourse, because _x is not have parametr): ArrayUi = [Unit1,Unit2,Unit3,Unit4,Unit5]; AllPlayers select { (_x distance ({_x} count ArrayUi > 0)) < 100 }; _x Move GetPos ??? Or use completely a different solution for this situation. And I can't use "Player", because this command is local. 2. And second, how do I find, which unit is closest with another unit? For example, which players from Array is closest to another player (or unit). A little similarly example as on top. Thank you very much for you answer.
  17. I'm doing this: _NearEntite = []; _ArrayVehicle = [Car1,Car2,Car3,Car4,Car5]; { If ( (_x distance ({_x} foreach _ArrayVehicle)) < 1000 ) then {_NearEntite pushBack _x}; } foreach Allplayers; { If ( !(_NearEntite isEqualTo []) ) then { (Driver _x) move position ((_NearEntite) select 0); {_x move position ((_NearEntite) select 0)} foreach crew _x; }; } foreach _ArrayVehicle; Players (Allplayers) is compare to vehicle (_ArrayVehicle). But I want, that players (AllPlayers) is compare to with each Vehicle (_ArrayVehicle). And they moved to the nearest player, and not use (select 0). Is this better example to understand what I mean (I edited this) ? And I do not want to use "Player", because this command is local.
  18. Thank you for the quick reply. Yes, it's a bit confusing. I need that each unit in Array (ArrayUi in example) to move to the closest player.
  19. Hello, how do I find if I have a gun switched to muzzle grenade? Is there any command? currentWeaponMode Player is not working (show only "Single"). I use ((WeaponState Player) select 1 isEqualTo ((getarray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (primaryWeapon Player) >> "muzzles")) select 1)) but this is no perfect. If I switch to other gun, which does not have a grenade launcher, then I get error from this. And second, is there any way to calculate how much a grenade muzzle has player in inventory? Thank you.
  20. Yes, he is professional. Added comments is very great. We can learn a lot from it. Thank's Larrow.
  21. You are a magician. It works perfectly. Thank you very much.
  22. Try this: Unit switchmove "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon"; for hands down, or Unit SwitchMove "";
  23. Hello, I need help with this script. I want created dynamic markers. But the condition is that new mark must not be closer (3000m) than any other markers. POS_ARRAY = [[0,0,0]]; While { (count (POS_ARRAY) <= 10) } Do { _MarkerPos = ([(GetPosWorld Player),0,100000,0,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos); if ({(_MarkerPos Distance (_x)) > 3000} foreach POS_ARRAY) then { POS_ARRAY pushback _MarkerPos; _marker = createMarker [str (_MarkerPos),_MarkerPos]; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; _marker setMarkerAlpha 1; _marker setMarkerSize [500,500]; }; }; After several attempts, unfortunately my script still does not work. (Do not think about logic the used function BIS_fnc_findSafePos and name marker. I have use it later (create spawn point).) The problem is that some markers sometimes intersect each other, regardless of the set distance. Do you know any other solution? Thank you for answer.
  24. Thank you for advice. But, the script still does not work. POS_ARRAY = [[0,0,0]]; { While { (count (POS_ARRAY) < 10) } Do { _PosMarker = ([(GetPosWorld Player),0,100000,0,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos); if ( (_PosMarker) Distance _x > 1000) then { POS_ARRAY pushBack _PosMarker; _marker = createMarker [str (_PosMarker),_PosMarker]; _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerBrush "SolidBorder"; _marker setMarkerAlpha 1; _marker setMarkerSize [500,500]; }; Sleep 0.01; }; } foreach POS_ARRAY; Still some positions sometimes intersect each other, regardless of the set distance.