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Everything posted by magnetar

  1. This also happens when the zone is too small or there are too many objects, causing the waypoints not to be able generated in the zone. What I think happens to you is related to variable DAC_SaveDistance in DAC_Config_Creator.sqf. This variable avoids units to be generated at a certain radius from de player and this is by default set at 500. This would in turn reduce the amount of area available for your units to spawn and/or generate sufficient waypoints. I hope this helps.
  2. I think you would be better off with switch statements, which are specifically designed to cope with large amount of if else statements: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/switch_do switch (_sidepos) do { case city1: { [z1] call DAC_Activate;}; case city2: { [z2] call DAC_Activate;}; case base1: { [z3] call DAC_Activate;}; case default: { hint "Out of bounds";}; }; Glad to be of help!
  3. I am not sure if I understand correctly (most probably not...). Wouldn't this do the trick? Have I totally missed your point? if (_sidepos == city1) then { [z1] call DAC_Activate; } else { [z2] call DAC_Activate; };
  4. magnetar

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I have been also testing the new Stamina system and... NO, definitely no. I do not like this idea of jogging forever. For me having something like stamina is more like anaerobic resistance, in which one could sprint for a short period of time, while the old fatigue system would simulate the aerobic resistance. Having said that, I concur with the previous posts in saying that the slow motion looked and felt unnatural but the concept of having to rest once your "aerobic resistance" was depleted was the right one.
  5. magnetar

    Game Updater. Error 0x406

    No, I have tried to pull this without any firewall since this is what I initially thought. Same error and I made sure the windows firewall is off as well since it activates as soon as I deactivate the Kaspersky one (how much I dislike this OS... rant over) Edit:
  6. magnetar

    Game Updater. Error 0x406

    Done. I have uploaded the files in the feedback tracker. Issue ID: 0026375.
  7. I will write nevertheless this here. ALiVE and BWMod work "fine" using the CQB module (the one I usually use in my missions). I say "fine" because Fernspäher infantry is spawned alongside regular units and you also may even get infantry units with both Fleck- and Tropentarn in the same squad. Since that report from autigergrad in the BWMod forum I investigated further and the two are incompatible when using Mil. Placement modules since there are no groups defined. Apologies @Autigergrad and to the rest of the community if my previous caused a misunderstanding. Until now I had no idea these two modules worked differently...
  8. magnetar


    I have tested this mod with ALiVE and it works flawlessly (I only used the CQB module though). Infantry is being spawned according to the faction, with the only "problem" being that Fernspäher infantry is spawned alongside regular units and you get infantry in both Fleck- and Tropentarn. Edit: With Mil. Placement modules the mod lacks indeed the necessary configuration to work alongside ALiVE (no groups defined for BWA3_faction). Sorry for the confusion @Autigergrad and derailing slightly the forum topic.
  9. I have tested the BWMod in combination with ALiVE and it seems to work fine. However it is not listed as compatible in http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Factions. Am I missing something that makes these two mods not work together?
  10. magnetar

    Game Updater. Error 0x406

    I would be glad if you could point me out which logs do you need. I will happily provide them :) I am trying to install the Dev-branch on the same partition where steam is installed. This is my set-up with the relevant programs (I do not know what you mean by "normal partition" xD): - C drive (SSD, Boot) with Arma 3. 32GB free - D drive (RAID 0) with Steam, Arma 3 Tools and "redirected" User folders during Windows 10 Installation. 210 GB free with dev-branch installed prior to 1.52 release. I can update the dev-branch in question but I always get the 0x406 error after a few mb are downloaded. Restarting game updater allows downloading a bit more before getting the error and so on.
  11. Apologies if this has been answered but I could not find it in the wiki either. Is there a place where all the functions within ALiVE are listed? I see every now and then code snippets using such functions (ALiVE_fnc_XXXX) but I have been unable to locate them. Thanks in advance :)
  12. magnetar

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I totally agree! And if you are out of both aerobic and anaerobic resistance you should start falling to the ground with a black screen effect.
  13. WOOW!!! This is shaping up nicely! Looking forward to play with in it... with DAC. I wonder if because of the density problems may arise to generate zones using DAC...
  14. DAC_Marker = 0 should do the trick and it is located in DAC_Config_Creator.sqf. DAC_Marker and DAC_Com_Values are used to control how much "Debug" output DAC produces.
  15. hahahahaha. That did the trick. Stupid of me but it took almost 2 hours of fooling around with my custom respawn...
  16. Hi all, I am getting a strange behaviour in the spectator mode on dedicated servers. I have added the following lines, that execute once a player is dead. [allUnits, true] call ace_spectator_fnc_updateUnits; [[west], [east,civilian]] call ace_spectator_fnc_updateSpectatableSides; [true] call ace_spectator_fnc_setSpectator; However I cannot see any remaining units on the spectator list despite having some on the camera. Am I doing something wrong? Edit: Respawn type "BIRD"
  17. magnetar

    Public Beta

    What is this update of 11.8 Mb doing (at least in Linux)? Steam downloaded it for me but I have not been able to find any changelogs...
  18. Holy moly!!! This is next door for me :D :D . So far this looks amazing! I mean, wow, even with elevated roads!
  19. Not sure if I understand you, but just copy the entire DAC folder in script version to your mission folder. On the editor you do not need to put any DAC "Game Logic" to set it up. Simply create a zone through a trigger as normally. You need the following lines in your init.sqf DAC_Basic_Value = 0; execVM "DAC\DAC_Config_Creator.sqf"; In addition, and this is something I am currently testing, I add the following code between the two lines in order to avoid having to copy player variables into "DAC_STRPlayers" manually: if (isServer) then { DAC_STRPlayers = []; { DAC_STRPlayers pushBack format ["%1",_x]; } forEach playableUnits; publicVariable "DAC_STRPlayers"; player sideChat format ["DEBUG (init.sqf): %1", DAC_STRPlayers]; }; Cheers
  20. Groups will also we spawned in this way right? Meaning it would generate 1 group with x units in 1 zone if I have understood DAC correctly or am I totally confused :huh: ? Edit: Later today I will start messing with DAC_Config_Creator.sqf and adding another entry in the DAC_AI_Count_Level array with the minimum and maximum set to 1 or setting the maximum to 0. I will post the results later. Edit 2: Adding another entry in the DAC_AI_Count_Level array with the same value assigned to the minimum and maximum values does the trick and generates "groups" (a single unit it maximum and minimum are set to 1) with always the same amount of units in it.
  21. Hi, I have been trying for the last couple of days to generate single units for the civilian side using the script version of DAC. What I am trying to do is to populate a city with civilians in order to give some ambient life. However the civilians spawn in groups and tend to go in formation, which sets the ambience off. Would there be a way of spawning single (civilian) units or avoid formations? Any help would be appreciated
  22. magnetar

    Public Beta

    Great experience so far under Debian distribution. I have not experienced a single crash when playing the campaign and the performance was also on-par to Windows using the proprietary NVIDIA drivers. I am looking forward to playing Multiplayer under Linux. Great job VP and BI!