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Everything posted by loopdk

  1. Dont seeing this mod doing what i want...
  2. loopdk

    3CB BAF Units

    Lets say.. sombody are doing a mission where a plane is going down and you need to replace backpack with parachute..... BANG no medic gear . there is a good looking ifak on the vest so put somthing in it... just wery basic... 2xpackingBandage 1xfieldDressing 1xquikclot 1xMorphine 1xtourniquet ore even less, just so you can mange a small wound
  3. loopdk

    3CB BAF Units

    Hallo guys. Is it poseble to change the config of the units so all of the medic gear isent in the backpack?? just so there will be a ifak on the vest??
  4. Hallo guys. I am trying to use this mod but with a trigger to get all in a parachute.... The line for massdrop is: this addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Static Line Cargo</t>", "_this spawn DEGA_fnc_massParachuteDrop",[],0,true,true,"","_target call DEGA_fnc_canDeployStaticLine"]; But cant figure out hot to get it in a trigger...... plz help
  5. Is this script still suppoortet? got the same isssue as #43
  6. loopdk

    Sangin WIP

    eny news sir
  7. loopdk

    3CB BAF Units

    Tnx for respons. I gonna try to talk to the guy frome @mtp_packet He has a jacket, maybe you can use that one
  8. loopdk

    3CB BAF Units

    SJ is it possible to make a uniform with jacket For ceremony and parades
  9. loopdk

    3CB BAF Equipment

    It works if you call the insignia by custom loadout script but no ells
  10. loopdk

    3CB BAF Equipment

    Cant make this work. In my dec.ext i got In my init on unit i got Dont shows eny thing, but if i change to vanila unit it works. help plz :D
  11. Hey guys.... I am trying to give som units a custom insignia but with out eny luck. I tryede : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Unit_Insignia https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia In my dec file i got I got the paa. picture 3PARA_Insignia\UK_3rdBattalionParachuteRegiment.paa If i use a config.cpp file i can use the as a @mod and then see them but not this way... am i doing it wrong ore is it broke???
  12. I got The pictures in my mission folder, not local! Yes it is 128*128 If i can't do it why put it in Dec file then ? A mod don't need the Dec.ex
  13. Show player's map. If forced, cannot be closed this is not what i am looking for!
  14. what am i doing wrong then https://youtu.be/e1yAjaWaVEc
  15. That wont allow me to set markers ore use map gesture:(
  16. So just put forceMap true; in description.ext????
  17. The thing i wanna do is have a billbord for brifing on missions. I want to be able to use the map gesture mod .. and want to be able to put in markes... in that way when i am doing a brifing i can open my map and the same map will show on the billbord
  18. If i try to port DCG 309 it wont run sadly.
  19. loopdk

    How can you do this?

    Ace3 Can do that.... Almost
  20. dos that offer count for me to :D