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Everything posted by PenguinInATuxedo

  1. PenguinInATuxedo

    Jurassic Arma

    how many elephants do you think there are in the greek isle?
  2. Sorry but what is GAIA? as always look forward to any improvements to MCC.
  3. PenguinInATuxedo

    Reign Of Jurassic Mod

    You should deffo team up get more done and the dino lovers won't have to be torn between mods
  4. I recommend http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21558 but it doesn't have the slots available to test perf to its limits. [36 slots]
  5. PenguinInATuxedo

    A.C.R.E. Auto join Channel

    I remember something similar on the MilGO Servers from A2 was a good idea, Task force radio does it and I think on their installer guide site there is a server setup guide on how to do it with TFR might be help full. http://radio.task-force.ru/en
  6. PenguinInATuxedo

    Jurassic Arma

    I think you two should get in contact :) I smell magic.
  7. PenguinInATuxedo

    Jurassic Arma

    I think you should really look into getting some more help on board, The idea of being an INgen Corp employee sounds really great.
  8. PenguinInATuxedo

    IgiLoad script - logistical support

    Oh this script is glory, I just dropped my ATV Assault squad from the back of a C-130.
  9. PenguinInATuxedo

    Invasion 1944 V3.0

    That looks very nice, I recently tried the iron front mod for A3 and it has a great selection of content I really like the trenches it has. I hope i44 will try to implement something similar, if anyone is unsure what I'm talking about the iron front mod has a lite version that doesn't require you to buy iron front, open the editor and find the trenches category to see what I mean.
  10. PenguinInATuxedo

    IgiLoad script - logistical support

    I was playing around with igiLoad today in anticipation for the C130 update and I think it would be great to have the ability to drag stuff. It would help when you need to menuevor stuff to load position. Can't wait until I can para drop mraps or humvees from C-130, how does the script handle new items and vehicles from mods? Can it determine the size of vehicles automatically or will you make it so people can define the size of addon vehicles and items them selves.
  11. PenguinInATuxedo

    Jurassic Arma

    Oh my please keep up the work on this, I can just imagine the fun. PS that T Rex running toward you gave me a chill hope you expand and grow the mod.
  12. PenguinInATuxedo

    C-130J Port Release

    Mmm very tasty, i will have a play tommorow.
  13. It's in Final stages of construction now due to be commissioned in 2016. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Gerald_R._Ford_(CVN-78)
  14. I don't know what BIS used but I use http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168960-Early-Preview-3D-Editor You might find it usefull
  15. PenguinInATuxedo

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    This is just the map assets, no weapons or vehicles. Edit, Alduric does have a mod for weapons and vehicles http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169068-ASM-Arma-Samples-Mod
  16. PenguinInATuxedo

    Did Bohemia just screw the community?

    Zeus is being made by 2 people inside the ArmA team, so they are hardly dropping fixes for the dlc. Have you tried Zeus it is actually quite Splendid.
  17. Have you ever thought about adding a Gerald R Ford class aircraft carrier into the mod? Since it's going to be the US Aircraft carrier going into the future would fit nicely into 2035 setting, I'm sure you could use most of the systems from Nimitz on it as well.
  18. PenguinInATuxedo

    Why this game sucks...

    Clearly you are doing it wrong, you need to join an ArmA Community. most communities have people that make custom mission like what you're looking for. As for DayZ SA being worse then the mod you're wrong even in its current Alpha stage it is much better then the mod.
  19. PenguinInATuxedo

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    Because VAS is a script and you don't need a Addon to change your loadout in game.
  20. PenguinInATuxedo

    Tactical Battlefield - A PvP Modification

    Great mod, looking forward to the next BigD TacBF event.
  21. PenguinInATuxedo

    Dynamic Movement - Descend in Style

    Is this mod client side only?
  22. PenguinInATuxedo

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Those NVGs are damn expensive I think I read they are like $30k each.
  23. I notice in one of Dslyecxi's newest ArmA 3 videos that he had some rather long names on his STHUD but none were going over to next line, has this be fixed on an unreleased version? Are you going to release more updates for this rather crucial mod?
  24. Thank you so much the tutorial was excellent, I managed to create a GUI for my role selection script. Hopefully I can learn more about GUI editing going into the future.
  25. PenguinInATuxedo

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    I think I did it like that but was saying "Resource not found" or something similar when I used the AddAction, I will try again and see how I go.