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Rick E

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About Rick E

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  1. I've been using C2. Recently, somebody mentioned this mod in a C2 thread, so I decided to investigate. I installed the mod and disabled C2 to compare the two. Question: The vanilla Medic AI is horrible. I'll tell a Medic to heal an injured soldier and he doesn't. He just stands there looking stupid. Does All-In-One fix that?
  2. Ryuu Turner's suggestion to walk into the wall did it for me.
  3. Rick E

    Broadcast HEard When Playing

    @Polpox...YOU NAILED IT!!!! That was the problem. Domo arigato, Polpox-san sidebar: I lived in Japan (Yokohama, Yokosuka) from 1968 to 1970. I graduated from a Japanese high school...wore a uniform to school as well.
  4. Rick E

    Broadcast HEard When Playing

    Polpox, where would I see that in Steam? I don't listen to Steam podcasts. And, why would it play only when I'm opening the game, but not the launcher?
  5. When I press the Play button on the Launcher, the sounds of a radio or Youtube broadcast are heard. I'm not talking about the AAN broadcast when you play "East Wind". Last time I played was about a year or so ago. Today, I started with "Prologue" and the "broadcast" wasn't there. Now it is. The broadcast is discussing current events, such as the Hunter Biden story. I thought there might be a browser open. There wasn't. I rebooted the computer. Disabled all mods. I even unsubscribed from all mods. I removed and reinstalled the game. This broadcast is still there. When I close the game, not including the Launcher, the broadcast is gone. Closing the Launcher doesn't stop this. There's something in the base game that's going on. I have nearly 1400 hours and have never experienced this before. This happens on the 32-bit and 64-bit game.
  6. Rick E

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I don't know if this has been addressed in the development forum; this happened in released version. I searched this thread for this specific problem. Today, I had two events that should never occur: 1. I'm injured and need a medic. I stand in front of the Medic, select him, hit the 6 key, and tell him to heal the Squad Leader (me). He replies affirmatively. He never moves. To heal, I opened his backpack, grabbed a health kit, and treated myself. 2. My squad needs to destroy an ZSU Tigris AAA. I'm standing next to the AT guy. I select him and point to ZSU and tell him to attack. He responds affirmatively. He never moves. I tell him again...no response. In order to complete the mission, I had to kill him. Then take his AT weapon, and destroy the ZSU myself. I've been a developer for over 40 years. I would be embarrassed to allow code this bad to leave my system.
  7. Rick E

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I stood up and applauded.This is especially true of AI squad mates. For instance, you can't tell them to take cover. Sure, you can point them to a wall, but inevitably, one or two will go to the other side, exposing themselves to the enemy. When I'm running towards an objective, they saunter along like it's a g.d. Sunday stroll in the park. I'm used to squad-based game like Rainbow Six and Company of Heroes. Tell your squad to take cover, they will. Tell them to hold back until you tell them to assault, they will. For instance, in RS6, I can position different members at different doors. Then, on cue, we all breach at once, getting the bad guys in a crossfire. I can split CoH squad members to approach and attack from different directions Another example. I was wounded. I stood right in front of the squad Medic; I selected him with F7 (that was his key); selected "Injured" from the context menu. He made no move to fix me. I tried about a dozen times. My icon was clearly marked that I was injured. In frustration, I shot him in the head to steal his First Aid kits. Disagree. BF3 and Rainbow Six are better. AI in Company of Heroes, Total War series, and World In Conflict (all RTS, I know) is better.