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Everything posted by heavygunner

  1. heavygunner

    Benchmarking Arma with new i5-6600K and 3000mhz DDR4

    Would something like these 19-25-25-45 4000mhz modules be in the right direction?: http://www.gskill.com/en/press/view/g-skill-conquers-4000mhz-speed-barrier-and-releases-new-trident-z-and-ripjaws-v-series-ddr4-memory
  2. heavygunner

    Oculus support

  3. heavygunner

    Benchmarking Arma with new i5-6600K and 3000mhz DDR4

    Ofcourse it's not true, since Bratwurste is known for spreading misinformation.
  4. heavygunner

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Please burn the new system and throw the remaining parts in a deep hole. It sucks.
  5. heavygunner

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    As already pointed out, your card supports DX12. You should inform yourself before claiming that certain actions would be unfair.
  6. heavygunner

    Skylake vs Zen for A3 Thread

    https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/3jmoop/whos_running_arma_on_the_new_intel_i76700_or/ This engine is so weird.......
  7. I hate non enterable buildings and wouldn't care if there is no furniture at all. It would be a step back.:(
  8. heavygunner


    They already said in that post that it probably won't make it in the next update. Also Capslock?
  9. heavygunner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Do you have something in mind for mobile air defense for the US forces? Something like the M1097 Avenger or the M163 Vulcan? Don't know if they fit in the timeframe.:)
  10. heavygunner


    The Bwmod team is in need of people, especially for scripters: http://bwmod.de/index.php/forum/info/570-personal-gesucht-und-news-fuer-1-2#5867
  11. heavygunner

    Development Blog & Reveals

    You can be happy that the model still had clothes on. ;)
  12. heavygunner

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Arma 3 already struggles with getting a better performance and just because some people are to stubborn to upgrade their OS doesn't mean that BIS should care about them. If they can play now without DX12 they probably can live without it in the future.
  13. The Ace team likes to maintain it themselves, so you shouldn't upload it.
  14. heavygunner

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Where did you see kids?
  15. heavygunner


    Nope. It will come with 1.2.
  16. There is a big sign that say you shouldn't upload it to the workshop so it shouldn't be there.
  17. Remove the ace_gforces.pbo file in your addon folder.
  18. heavygunner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Y'all dirty childhood ruiners! Nice T90 btw. looking damn good.
  19. Mod author confirmed that it will be used, one post above yours.
  20. It will probably come today or tomorrow, since the Milsetone is set for today and there are only a small amounts of tickets left.
  21. heavygunner

    Russia General

    I just came here to say that this Project Network is a Hitlerjugend clone. One could make a parodie about it with changing the Putin theme to a Hitler one and it would still fit perfectly. Other god, same system and yet the Ukraine guys are the evil nazis in the eyes of russia...:j:
  22. You should wait for an official release then.
  23. Next time they should lock everything behind a big paywall, including bipods and weapon resting. Atleast people will stop saying that 12€ is too much for some guns.
  24. heavygunner

    VERY IMPORTANT for devs

    That's not a bad thing, since the Devs made it on purpose. If you get the gun via scritpting you can use it and only get some notification for it, so that you are able to play a mission where you are forced to use a DLC weapon even if you didn't buy it.
  25. heavygunner

    Arma 3 - Marksmen DLC Developer Diaries
