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Everything posted by LykosMactire

  1. LykosMactire

    Mega City 3 --- An urban combat focused terrain

    Have you considered something like old, run down embassies? Would add a interesting point of interest in the city for people to attack/defend
  2. I feel you on this. Map makers are the worst affected by the careless, childish behaviors of the lifemod communities. A mere shadow of how Life servers were before the rips. But your work has always given me some of the greatest visuals i have seen in Arma and your work has always been top notch. Keep up the good work in whatever lane you go down!
  3. Really like how it is turning out! i feel like i can make some great screenshots here with the MARAR faction from the Atlas addon for the Aegis mod.
  4. LykosMactire

    Project injury reaction

    Is there any plans to make it so people can toggle the turning animations and the dynamic idle animations so players don't do them. I have been using this mod for a long time but ever since those features were added in I felt it has been messing with the flow to me. With AI i am fine with the idles but it gets kind of clunky in first person and any slight movement tends to mess with it more. And the turning animations, while nice, just don't work for my tastes of the flow of the game. I know others might like it hence why I am asking if there are plans for a toggle.
  5. LykosMactire

    Mega City 3 --- An urban combat focused terrain

    How is the framerate looking so far?
  6. LykosMactire

    Mega City 3 --- An urban combat focused terrain

    Man I cant wait to charge through this in a warhound class titan purging heretics- i mean what?
  7. LykosMactire

    Mega City 3 --- An urban combat focused terrain

    Just a suggestion, as it is something i see in some Scifi megacities or megacities in general is a park area. If not that is fine, just think it would be cool for a "Capital park" or something like that
  8. LykosMactire

    Mega City 3 --- An urban combat focused terrain

    I have a strange feeling i will be seeing a lot of 40k themed missions with this also. It is a really interesting idea and cant wait to see it!
  9. LykosMactire


    next thing you know you are going to be making wildlife mods like the sharks. Or that one arma 2 mod with the aligators. Though everything looks great so far keep up the work!
  10. LykosMactire

    Naval Legends (WIP)

    Ive had them drop torpedoes rarely. But i will tell you here the most horrifying sight is when you are anything ground based on a shoreline and these ships open up on you
  11. LykosMactire


    Had an interesting idea for makeshift weapon attachments. A civilian FLIR system (using thermal mode 7 for the full spectrum thermal) that is essentially taped to a mount to be a makeshift thermal sight to spot the phantoms
  12. LykosMactire


    Will there be factions like Ravage had? it would be interesting seeing some ai desperately fighting the phantoms
  13. Is the A2 Animation pack needed to play this mod or is it optional? As personally i would prefer to stick with the A3 animations when i play
  14. So me and a few friends have been wanting to run the Contact DLC on our server so we can play the Invaders mod. Command line and mods all appear to be correct but when we try joining we get an error that says something along the lines of "Vehicle class inv_spawner no longer exists". If anyone would be able to help that would be appreciated
  15. LykosMactire

    Dark Zone Terrain WIP

    Map is great so far. Though some bugs and stuff to point out for you to check up on in future updates: -in the NW section of the map, theres a large grey building covering the road -in the mid southern part of the map in the park area theres trees on the walkways and roads -And this one heres a bit more of a personal suggestion, Any chance you can remove the CH-47's just littering the helipads on the map? they kind of contrast quite a bit with the setting if you arnt using the fog
  16. LykosMactire

    Project injury reaction

    Yes, though really hope you arnt in a place AI cant get to or make it a turkey shoot where they die too
  17. Wrong thread. But to give an idea maybe download BLUFORCE tracker (i think thats what its called)
  18. LykosMactire

    [Terrain] Uzbin Valley

    Judging by the sunset it appears more like the Livonian Lighting from contact
  19. LykosMactire

    [1RA] Ramadi City Terrain (Iraq)

    Except it wont fit the setting at all or the scale of a middle eastern city. I think RSO is the best bet in this case
  20. LykosMactire

    Project injury reaction

    Have you considered adding an alternative way for the AI to move wounded, like carrying them on their backs? Adding some variety would be nice
  21. Any chance we can get the Patrol waypoint moved to the free content section? I dont see any point to a waypoint being only usable when the DLC is loaded, when the animations the Patrol waypoint uses are part of the free platform update.
  22. Not sure if anyone said this but please if possible find a fix for the wheat view distance, it really ruins stealth if the enemy can see you crawling from 30 m away when in all reality you should be covered from everything view wise but overhead
  23. LykosMactire

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    Can we please get the ability to use the Promet carryhandle attachment on the other weapons, even trying to code it to appear on another weapon doenst work
  24. LykosMactire

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    will the promet's carryhandle work like any other optic (ie. being able to be placed on other weapons)
  25. LykosMactire

    KOTH spawnpoints to close

    KOTH isnt a mod. its a mission file on a server, thus needs to be taken up with the people running the server, not on the BIForums mod section