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Grumpy Old Man

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Everything posted by Grumpy Old Man

  1. Grumpy Old Man

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    Judging from his video he's using the devbranch build. Didn't run into this on the rc build 1.94, shot my fair share of units (at the very least 200) with both shotguns and slugs/pellets. Cheers
  2. Grumpy Old Man

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    Are you sure there aren't any mods interfering? Cheers
  3. Grumpy Old Man

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    Missing proper music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qURei6svd90&list=PLC0616B60014748B6 Cheers
  4. Grumpy Old Man

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    The spread from the sawed off 12g kozlice is pretty nice and authentic from testing up to 200m, something most games get wrong. Definitely gonna be fun using any of the new shotguns, very reliable in taking out tires. Cheers
  5. Grumpy Old Man

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    From what I can tell concerning AI tank path following (always tested with editor placed "AWARE" units) it seems that tanks tend to cut corners even more extreme than before, often leaving the road/path for 1.2x the vehicles width. Also had some weird path decisions (only happens with tanks in aware mode, car class vehicles stay on the road in aware, tanks will also stay on the road but only in safe mode) on livonia, like seen in the picture: Slammer(up): Prowler(HMG): All in all tank driving and collision avoidance seems more stable than prior to the tweaks. Curious about what others have observed since. Cheers
  6. Well indeed, added in 1.92, good to know. Cheers
  7. Any updates on this? Cheers
  8. What bunker did you mean in your first post? Depending on position some vegetation might also interfere, hard to tell without further details. Cheers
  9. I meant the distance for the getPos command. Cheers
  10. He's looking for a spot behind a bunker, no idea if he intends to spawn stuff there or simply wants to setPos the units. Try increasing the distance. 5m might not be enough since it's calculating from model center [0,0,0] as far as I know. Seeing how macroscopically inaccurate the boundingboxes are I wouldn't be too surprised. Outer frame: boundingBox Inner frame: boundingBoxReal Might need a boundingBoxForReal command... Cheers
  11. Grumpy Old Man

    CRV-6e Bobcat use in mine/ied clearing

    Quite a lot of stuff has hidden animations, you can open the doors on almost all vehicles, hide the backpacks on the offroad/tanks etc. Cheers
  12. In this case nul will hold the return value. It's just odd practice since more than 90% of all Arma scripting guides use nul/null/0 in their examples. .sqf equivalent to foo bar I guess. Indeed, my grumpy old eyes are failing me, gonna have to revisit some scripts of mine, heh. Edit: Implemented the more efficient and pretty funky solution provided by @Dedmen: //init.sqf or wherever it may fit, for MP use initServer.sqf TAG_fnc_loadouts = ["scripts\Gear1.sqf", "scripts\Gear2.sqf", "scripts\Gear3.sqf", "scripts\Gear4.sqf", "scripts\Gear5.sqf"]; //initPlayerLocal.sqf SelectGear = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", "if ((_this select 1) == 57) then { nul = [] execVM TAG_fnc_loadouts#(TAG_fnc_loadouts pushBack (TAG_fnc_loadouts deleteAt 0)); };" ]; Just a quick explanation: deleteAt returns the deleted element, as stated in his post above, pushBack returns the index of the pushed element. Cheers
  13. That's exactly what my snippet does, of course you can adapt the array contents to hold the .sqf filename which should be executed, instead of placeholders like "Gear1", "Gear2" etc.: //init.sqf or wherever it may fit TAG_fnc_loadouts = ["scripts\Gear1.sqf", "scripts\Gear2.sqf", "scripts\Gear3.sqf", "scripts\Gear4.sqf", "scripts\Gear5.sqf"]; GOM_fnc_cycleArr = { _current = TAG_fnc_loadouts#0; TAG_fnc_loadouts pushBack _current; TAG_fnc_loadouts deleteAt 0; _current }; //cycle through loadouts SelectGear = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", "if ((_this select 1) == 57) then { _script = [] call GOM_fnc_cycleArr; nul = [] execVM _script; };" ]; Cheers
  14. Here you go. It's similar, the hash doesn't support the alternate syntax of select, only selects an index from an array, easier to read if you ask me. Cheers
  15. Alternatively you can use this: //init.sqf or wherever it may fit TAG_fnc_loadouts = ["Gear1","Gear2","Gear3","Gear4","Gear5"]; GOM_fnc_cycleArr = { _current = TAG_fnc_loadouts#0; TAG_fnc_loadouts pushBack _current; TAG_fnc_loadouts deleteAt 0; _current }; //cycle through loadouts _gear = [] call GOM_fnc_cycleArr; This will cycle gear1-gear5 infinitely, every time you call the cycleArr function, _gear holds the currently selected loadout. Cheers
  16. Grumpy Old Man

    [Release] GOM - Aircraft Loadout V1.35

    Try testing in vanilla A3 without mods or other scripts running, never tried to implement it into another framework/mod. No idea if wasteland or exile affect vehicle weapons/pylons in any way. Alternatively try asking in the respective threads. Cheers
  17. Not within 10+ years of using it, no problems so far. Cheers
  18. Grumpy Old Man

    Is there a way to limit framerate in Arma 3?

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Cheats#FPS Was also mentioned in a post on page 1. Cheers
  19. This will cover most stuff about scripted eventhandlers. Cheers
  20. Grumpy Old Man

    Make time run faster at night.

    Alternatively one could use BIS_fnc_sunriseSunsetTime. Cheers
  21. Grumpy Old Man

    Make time run faster at night.

    To make it work no matter the time of day upon mission start: //initServer.sqf GOM_fnc_variableDaytimeSpeed = { while {true} do { setTimeMultiplier ([2,4] select (daytime > 20 OR daytime < 6)); waitUntil {sleep 10;round daytime isEqualTo 20 OR round daytime isEqualTo 6}; }; }; _handleTimeMulti = [] spawn GOM_fnc_variableDaytimeSpeed; You also need to put it inside initServer.sqf in mission root or it won't work. Cheers
  22. Grumpy Old Man

    BIS, enforce your own license

    So it's a steam issue as long as they (steam) don't care about the keys? A simple check if the uploaders private key is the same as the keyfile inside the mod he's trying to upload might put a quick end to all this. Cheers
  23. Grumpy Old Man

    Arma3 Ragdolls...your thoughts?

    Arma2 never had ragdolls, just animations that would be played when killed/hit by a vehicle etc., just google arma 2 death animation, I'm sure there's plenty of videos around. There was SLX ragdolls but those weren't ragdolls either, rather than a smart workaround. Porting the death animations would be possible, maybe there's already a mod for it. Cheers
  24. Grumpy Old Man

    Arma3 Ragdolls...your thoughts?

    I actually prefer the death animations as they were in arma 2, in vanilla arma 3 I regularly end up with horrifyingly bent shapes that might very well find their place in some lovecraftian short story: Mind the knees... What arma lacks is a dedicated ragdoll script command (has been requested ad nauseam) or related eventhandler, would make some things possible and would explain the lack of ragdoll mods. Cheers
  25. Well not much you can do other than replacing the BIS function with your own and trying to fix errors that might pop up. Judging from the syntax used in this function it's either ancient or was made by someone who isn't too fond of the recently introduced qol script commands, heh. Cheers