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Everything posted by FireWalker

  1. Oh no! Not a Double Doggy Spawn! Say it aint so!
  2. FireWalker


    @haleks Is there a way that I can call your fnc to remove the man made lighting from Ravage? I'm brainstorming on a mission where the mission begins when there is still normal civilization, so I would want to have all the lights on to start. Then call the fnc to remove lights at a later time via script. I'm thinking the lights might stay out by the second night, or maybe begin shutting off during the second night. (if I could call it in stages, airports, hospitals, military, and science would be last) Let me know what your thoughts are on this. I haven't looked through your files for it myself, thought you might have a quick answer. (I've had good luck testing, and admittedly a little bit of fun using bangabob's COS script and watching hordes of infected come out and attack civilians in the street. I'm going to hell. :) Thanks, Fire
  3. Yea, I wouldn't have gotten that by myself. I see that _forEachIndex is a magic variable, that I didn't even know about. Thank you, I'll be able to try it out later today. Fire Yes sir. Works without issue. Thank you!!
  4. I was wondering if its possible to create an array of editor placed markers in to an array, so that I only need to use one createTrigger block. Right now I have many spawned triggers. They are identical except for the position. (these are just the first few): Ideally, I would like to clean up the code more like this: I admittedly haven't tried what I posted immediately above, but I tried a few renditions last night without luck. Am I headed in the right direction with this? Thanks, Fire
  5. FireWalker


    @ContheJon I think a couple posts back, Haleks was saying he had a small error with the health system, so maybe thats the culprit? Fire
  6. FireWalker


    We're all here to help as much as we can (and enjoy doing so). Maybe someone will load that map up and see how the mod runs on it. Might be able to give you some help. I'm pretty sure a couple people have had varying degrees of success using that map. Fire (it was funny tho...)
  7. FireWalker

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    I agree, it would be sort of nice to remove the addAction after the settings have been made. But then you couldn't adjust the compass brightness if the lighting in the game changed. (say it became night and you didn't want the compass as bright) Fire
  8. FireWalker


    counterpoint. I am sure you all have wondered around the country side at least once with a magazine that is a "liitle" low on ammo, and come across some bandts in the distance. Now knowing that you have a full 30 rounder in the vest, you start thinking that maybe I want a full mag before I run into a situation with these guys. Now you have a half empty magazine in your pack. This happens once or twice, and now you have a couple half empty mags... The mag repack is not instantaneous like Call of Duty. You actually have to go through and organize your magazines and figure out the cleanest way to repack them. Not something you could do in a combat situation. The mag repack is for later. When your're sitting around the campfire, roasting a "bunny" over the open pit and rummaging through all the gear you got off the bandits from earlier, that lost the battle because they had a bunch of half empty mags on them, and now you get to repack those also. Much the same as you would do in real life... Just don't forget about that zombie staggering around, just outside the door.... Fire
  9. FireWalker


    ahhh, the beauty of a non-workshop mod. Don't update your mod until you're ready. No rush. Run your current game until you die, then update to the new version.
  10. FireWalker


    Lol, "Maybe" is good enough for me!
  11. FireWalker


    @haleks Hey, Did you ever give much further thought to a mag repack system bundled with the mod? I know that they are a TON of work to write yourself, but I was wondering. I've been using Outlawled script version and its kind of nice to have in Ravage. I had forgotten about this until, one bored afternoon, I started re-reading this entire Ravage discussion looking for things I had forgotten about... lol Fire
  12. FireWalker


    @ContheJon Do you need some anti-rads? Almost sounds like you've got radiation poisoning...
  13. Just loaded up your update. Checked a couple of the new commands and BIS_fnc. Looks good. Thank you for the update! Fire
  14. FireWalker


  15. FireWalker

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    Where the client doesnt need to run the mod. Like the rappelling mods from Duda. I dont have any idea if its possible with this though. And not a necessity either. Fire
  16. FireWalker

    [1.1] voyagerCompass HUD and UI

    @Unknown_GTX You must be the UI master. Very good job man, Awesome!! Just used the script version. Would also like to see a server side only version of the mod if its possible. Fire
  17. FireWalker


    @LukasGaming Lukas: that bottom one there in the link will keep editor placed vehicles intact
  18. FireWalker


    @LukasGaming Haleks has been wotking on some tweaks. No ETA. FYI, generally considered a faux pas to ask or inquire about updates on these forums. Fire
  19. @pierremgi This code works correctly for the situation. With the marker within 60 only EAST AI gets deleted, if the marker is outside of the 60 range, then nothing happens to any of the units: {{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _x; deleteGroup _x} forEach (allGroups select {side _x == EAST and {leader _x distance getMarkerPos "_marker" < 60}}); @Tajin This does not correct the issue. It will still delete all AI units in the map even without the marker close enough: {{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach units _x; deleteGroup _x;} forEach allGroups select { side _x == EAST && {((leader _x) distance (getMarkerPos "_marker")) < 60}}; Tested using the debug in a clean environment with a couple AI from each side. Not trying to call anybody out, just wanted to try to make it clear if someone else swings in and reads through this. Thank you all for the help. Fire (for clarity: the situation here is to delete all the AI from side EAST that are within 60 meters of a marker named: _marker when the code is called) And a link to the mission file if anyone wants to test in the editor: DropBox
  20. @tourist FYI, I am currently working on changing how inidbi2 grabs items during a mission. It won't be done quickly, but I am working on some of the framework right now. I'll let you know as it progresses. Fire
  21. I really like the looks of this map. Awesome work!! Fire
  22. Ok, That makes sense now that I see it. Without it wrapped it reads the second half as two different command sections? Seems like it ends up reading this section : {side _x == EAST and {leader _x distance getMarkerPos "_marker" < 60}}; more of a null statement then a command to do anything. It didn't throw any errors, that I could find. Looking at it further: {{deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _x; deleteGroup _x} forEach allGroups I guess this is the part that gets read as a command, and thats whats telling it to delete all ai? Fire
  23. None of those posts should have ever come on any public forum.
  24. FireWalker


    Scratch. Found my problem. Everyone can relax. It was in a script. Thanks, Fire
  25. FireWalker


    @haleks Question. Why don'tyou use the mission export from the eden menu? Have you had problems using it?