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    USP Gear & Uniforms

    It's the replacement for a lot of systems, the PVS-15 (which while cool, actually sucked donkey-dicks because they have/had very little in terms of tube upgrades and offered no revolutionary break over ANVIS systems or was even a peer for that matter). PVS-14s actually have more advanced tubes than most if not all PVS-15s, also why most SOF forces across the world used F5050s (you will probably know them as the PVS-23). Couple other countries played on bridge mounted 14s (Norway) or minis (Australia), some used the old ass PVS-21 (Canada, Poland, UK) which suffer from the same problem as the 15s being that they were behind on tube technology as soon as they were released back in the late 90's. Which is why the 31A (L3 white phosphor tubes) has seen such wide adoption and systems that will remain in service are moving to that tube technology (ANVIS-9s and the F5050s, though the latter is being replaced with ball detent mounting interfaces [soooooo much better than dovetail/BNVS mounting interfaces] 31As for end users who spec for that).

    Joint Forces Command - UKSF

    Small update: So I had some free time after exams to finish the high poly mesh for the PVS-31As (images below). Right now I'm working on the low poly version right now trying to get it to between 6000-7000 verts, and I started on the Ops-Core FAST Maritime. We have also established a discord (when in Rome, do as the Romans do) for our G8 Staff to interact more quickly with end-users and to isolate mod development from JFC's member discord. Discord Link Lastly, since I know a few of you are probably wondering, here is the full planned (open to change) list of content and features.

    US 75th Rangers

    The GSGM comes in two pieces, the shroud (three hole or four hole pattern, and configured for two different helmets ACH/Ops Core and Airframe), and the ball mount itself which can be removed, and other mounts can be put on in its stead such as a DPAM (however, the shroud is optimized for its paired mount). So it's not exactly permanently on the helmet beyond the shroud itself.

    Joint Forces Command - UKSF

    Thanks guys, Here's a small #greeneyesseethiccthighs update on the PVS-31A, still blocking out the geometry for the Wilcox L4 G22E mounting arm (a lot more work figuring out how to piece it together than I bargained for) and then do a high poly pass on it. Once that's done, I'll start on the Ops Core and the Comtac XPI. Hoping to have all the high poly work done for the Ops Core, XPI, and the 31s in 3-4 weeks (school schedule is a bit nuts right now). Stay tuned.

    Joint Forces Command - UKSF

    Looking at doing uniforms in subsequent updates, I'm only really proficient at hard surface modeling at the moment so it's largely dictated by the skillset of the team. But yes, most definitely in the plans.
  6. UNITED KINGDOM SPECIAL FORCES A BRITISH ARMED FORCES MODIFICATION CREATED BY JOINT FORCES COMMAND G8 STAFF WHAT ARE YOU MAKING? We are making a single source British special forces pack bringing equipment, weapons and other kit used by UKSF elements during the 2016-2020 timeframe. The mod will be dependent on 3 Commando Brigade's Weapons mod. The estimated/planned list of items and features for our initial release: Equipment: Ops Core FAST Maritime Ballistic Helmet L3 PVS-31A BNVD 3M Peltor Comtac XPI Small Arms: L119A1 10" L119A1 16" L119A2 10" L119A2 16" Small Arm Accessories: SureFire FA556-212 SureFire FH556-212A SureFire FH556-216A SureFire SOCOM556-RC2 SureFire SF3P-556-1/2-28 SureFire 556 BSD WHEN WILL YOUR MOD BE RELEASED? They will be released when we are satisfied enough with the amount and quality of content prior to release. CAN YOU MAKE-? We currently are not taking any requests as we have already established what we intend to create, anything else happens when it happens. HOW CAN I HELP? If you have skills that can aide in the development of the mod such as: modeling, config writing, and texturing; or if you are a member of the armed forces who wishes to advise submit a private message to myself, or contact N.Home or S.Greer on our teamspeak at: TS.JFCHQ.UK. We are especially looking for a 3D artist comfortable with soft surface modeling, and a second config writer.

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    That method of insertion has definitely seen employment on operations by Canadian Forces members, cool has nothing to do with it, what is operationally viable depends on the context which the Canadian Forces dictates.
  8. REQUIREMENTS Minimum Age: 18 (waiver-able on a case by case basis) Minimum Hours in ArmA3: 500 (waiver-able on a case by case basis) Must be Able to Speak and Understand English Not in Another ARMA3 Unit UNIT INFORMATION Joint Special Operations Task Force - 57 was established in the November of 2016; drawing largely from former members of the same unit in addition and other experienced members from the greater ARMA3 milsim community. JSOTF-57 aims to bring high immersion and realism in addition to a semi-relaxed environment in order to create the appropriate gaming environment for our membership. JSOTF-57 comprises of four sub units in order to create the whole, with three ground combatant units; 5th Special Forces Group, SEAL Team Five, Canadian Special Operations Regiment, and the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment as the sole rotary-wing unit. Each unit has it's own unique skillset and TTPs, this allows JSOTF-57 to form combined elements in order to achieve missions and utilize units where their strengths appropriate them. RECRUITING Currently JSOTF-57 is still undergoing a great deal of construction and will not be expressly recruiting for the majority of its units until late January at the earliest. DISCORD Discord Address: https://discord.gg/ftqs5z5 TEAMSPEAK Teamspeak Address: fr1.ts-3.net:10853 Password: 1776 WEBSITE Currently N/A

    75th Ranger Regiment [WIP]

    The pattern (the colouration is on point) looks close, but from the pictures the green always seems a bit sharper (along with some of the camel brown) than the rest of the pattern. http://i.imgur.com/PmxmJ3m.jpg (342 kB)

    75th Ranger Regiment [WIP]

    This is looking great RB19, especially digging the ANVIS-9. I have a question relating to the more recent (2014+) Rangers, will you be adding the newer PVS-31 BNVD and its accessories anytime in the future?

    SOC WIP Thread

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but USSOCOM is replacing the M24s/M40s and Mk13 Mod 5 systems (the Mk13 will be in circulation for a bit longer though, even though the system is fairly old not as old as the M24 or M40s but still fairly old) with the Remington MSR which can change the caliber being used. Remember they are focusing on 2013-2014 Regiment as of now, and the MSR from photos has started to make frequent circulation within units since 2012. Granted I still do think Sniper Rifle shooting basics will still be taught with the M24 system as it is a great rifle to learn the basics of ballistics with.

    SOC WIP Thread

    First off I am not saying the 75th doesn't deserve credit? I'm just trying to appeal to your logic right now, so lets expand on fluttershy's logic and add in some details about the GPNVG-18 while we are at it. Yes, government bulk contracts would reduce the price quite a bit but it still be in the tens of thousands they would also have to purchase a large enough quantity to ensure there are replacements for defects and damaged items through out the period of use until the next purchase cycle. Now thats just for the NVGs themselves, now you have to look at the mounting systems, battery packs, batteries, training for each individual Ranger to they can properly field the item this is enough to stop it happening before a massive budget cut, with budget cuts I doubt the Rangers would get GPNVG-18s. That said there is a element within 4th Battalion (Special Troops Battalion) that could and probably would have access to the GPNVG-18, but I'll you figure that one out. Now to the downsides of the GPNVG-18 firstly its heavy (which means during longer duration missions there would be concerns as to straining the muscles of the neck), secondly they're not low profile NVDs which does cause some concern when moving around in buildings and tight spaces (but this is a minor issue common with most NVDs this one just has a larger profile) and lastly and probably think this is the most important: PVS-15s and ANVIS-9s can easily be upgraded by using various tubes from various manufacturers, the GPNVG-18 from what I've been able to gather not so much. Now I'm not trying to be hostile nor am I trying to cause trouble, sure for gameplay purposes you can pick up the GPNVG-18s for your personal pleasure I just want to point out your more likely to see the Ranger Battalions with upgraded versions of the PVS-15s and ANVIS system because its something they are very familiar with, easier to train them on any improvements and lastly because they're the best all purpose NVDs available.

    SOC WIP Thread

    Thanks for the reply, I've got a whole stash of references for my own artwork (sadly I'm only a 2D artist), as for the 2011 Rangers; I gone through the thread and saw the MICH 2000 cut helmet with the Crye Helmet cover so all I would have to do is simply retexture the SOFLCS MBAV, pouches and bags into Ranger Green and other colour variations seen with their kit. As for reality infringing upon the productivity of the addon, just focus on that then get back to the community when its over, but you already know that. Lastly, real tangible sources would be best, granted you will hit snags with groups like US Army Special Forces as depending on the battalion you'll have guys with different kit either because they purchased it their selves or because the command has decided to issue some more exotic equipment. You'll also hit similar snags with CAG as well, no one really has up to date photos of them and well they shouldn't be released in my opinion. Thus some units will have you resorting to educated guesses, but more or less in my opinion: work off your photo archives. Not sure what makes you think that, but USACOM nor SOCOM couldn't fund the acquisition of the GPNVGs for the entire regiment (I assume you've seen the price tag for those things?) not to mention its not as effective as you think it may be. The PVS-15s and ANVIS-9s will be in the Regiment for a while until they're upgraded with lighter materials, longer battery life, better durability and more importantly: clearer picture.

    SOC WIP Thread

    I've read the description that the initial add-on would be 2013-2014 75th Ranger Regiment, I am curious if you would eventually bounce back to the 2011 75th Rangers who still had the Ranger Green RLCS and the MICH helmets with the helmet covers(some had burlap pieces and jute stiched to them as well) before adopting the Multicam and MJK SOFLCS with the Ops-Core FAST series of helmets. I have some photo references, some are even of 2013 period rangers just so show the helmet cover: http://i.imgur.com/ipaPvzz.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6Ro67Yb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/kLoKcSK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Gyi9Jn8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/HkxlHPr.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NT2RKnf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zJzrv9f.jpg http://i.imgur.com/e48jIJn.jpg http://i.imgur.com/WoszG82.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QmAv4t9.jpg I'm not sure if you're doing weapons as well but here is some photos of Mk17s/Mk20s rifles with M4A1 and M4A1 CQBR Block II carbines: http://i.imgur.com/hDtv65l.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ChC7Erj.jpg http://i.imgur.com/WXM329K.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Arjk6zw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tF2lXIW.jpg http://i.imgur.com/z876bkC.jpg http://i.imgur.com/BQPMfU3.jpg http://i.imgur.com/X0m4VHv.jpg http://i.imgur.com/91BV5r1.jpg