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Everything posted by igi_pl

  1. Latest version of IgiLoad is now 0.9.10_RC_e (2014.10.16) Fixes related with Arma 3 v1.32 Link to a page where you can download IgiLoad is at the bottom of this post Description: The main task for IgiLoad script is to allow delivery of supplies to units away from base. In short, transport boxes with ammunition, weapons, or anything else (what you put in the box) using vehicles. Main features: The script is "installed" only on the server side. Ability to set many parameters of script. Transporting crates with: ammunition, grenades, ammunition for vehicles and much more. ATVs, rubber boats and SDVs can be transported by truck. In addition to trucks you can use CH-49 Mohawk. ATVs can be transported by CH-49 Mohawk. Cargo transported by CH-49 Mohawk can be parachuted. CH-49 Mohawk has a usable ramp. Overview of functions and using: Really good introduction has been published on TheSwissMAVERICK channel. Installation After downloading extract the content of archive and move the folder IgiLoad to the mission root directory. Make sure that the path does not contain IgiLoad directory in the directory with the same name. The path should look like this <mission directory>\IgiLoad\IgiLoad.sqf In mission init.sqf file add the line of code: 0 = execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf"; If you do not have init.sqf file you can use the file from the archive. Before starting the mission, make sure you do not run IgiLoad script in the fields INITIALIZATION of vehicles or from another script. Thanks DaSkunk - It was he who planted the seed in my head with the idea to creat IgiLoad script. 1PARA community - The whole community really supported me and cheered while creating of IgiLoad script. Devote their time to test and diagnose problems. Sample mission In download section is available mission that demonstrates the use of IgiLoad with triggers and how to load cargo at the beginning of the mission using a script. Detailed description and download: PL: http://www.igipl.net/pl/arma3/skrypt-igiload EN: http://www.igipl.net/en/arma3/igiload-script Make Arma Not War: IgiLoad‬ ‪is in ‎Make Arma Not War‬ contest http://makearmanotwar.com/entry/dFtUgvcplK Changelog v0.9.10_RC_e: Entire changelog is in the archive containing IgiLoad. Fix: "assignedVehicleRole" do not work with "Cargo" - change to "cargo". Fix: "animate" do not work with CH-49 Mohawk - change to "animatedoor".
  2. sam851 - I check this and looks like Mohawk can take small crates, but MH9 will crash, so there is a problem all time. kaysio - Yes, if you make some change in IL_fnc_Do_Load and give names to this objects. In this part of IgiLoad: if !(_force) then { _obj_lst = nearestObjects[_spoint, _supported_cargo, _sdist]; } add something like this: if (Object_To_Disable in _obj_lst) then { _obj_lst = _obj_lst - Object_To_Disable; }; all should look like this: if !(_force) then { _obj_lst = nearestObjects[_spoint, _supported_cargo, _sdist]; if (Object_To_Disable in _obj_lst) then { _obj_lst = _obj_lst - Object_To_Disable; }; } Object_To_Disable - replace this with name of your object. This is to show you where make modifications = this code will not work. It is fast create, so one object = one if.
  3. Are you talking about "Arma 3 Vehicle in Vehicle Transport"? If so: "For proper function it needs suitable transport vehicle with cargo space defined in model and in config."
  4. Ok, Finally, logistics in Arma 3 will be better supported. I have to take a closer look this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Vehicle_in_Vehicle_Transport And I think... At the same time it looks like it is the "The End" for IgiLoad. I am happy :) and sad :( at the same time.
  5. This is Arma problem https://feedback.bistudio.com/T75669 - you can voteup https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/163358-igiload-script-logistical-support/page-5#entry2567914
  6. Try to use this in line 1172: if (((_box_num > _slot_num) && !_done) && !(_x getVariable "R3F_LOG_disabled")) then It is not nice way, but this should work. You can try this version of IgiLoad - changed for Epoch: http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/30207-igiload-script-updated-0350/
  7. I just dowload this from market and I'll test it. First feeling - I like it ;)
  8. IgiLoad 0.9.11 TODO list: New AddAction script. Actions will be add to vehicles in distance IL_AddAction_Dist. I'll try to add actions needed to player not all - Done 50% Change functions names from IL_Name to IL_fnc_Name - Done 100% Separate vehicles and cargos configs from core - Done 20% Vehicles and cargos config in separate files. Maybe to "configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >>" and loaded if needed - Done 0% New force load/unload functions. - Done 100% Add stringtable.xml - Done 0% Improving the use of backpacks during a parachute jump. - Done 5% Debug to diaglog and/or hint. - Done 100% I still do not have a way to calculate the size of the objects - BoundingBoxReal do not return real values for lots of objects. I'm think about few things, but it is too early to talk about them.
  9. Adding new heli... Not now - now I want to focus on core and configuration. C130 is in IgiLoad, I can make fast check is this the same or not and make some small changes. "ammoboxes"... Nope, only SupplyBox and nothing smaller: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/163358-igiload-script-logistical-support/page-5#entry2568705 (https://youtu.be/FaAX5uljeDU)
  10. Link to this C130 pls. Have you add correct params for this C130 or only new type in array? I think IgiLoad will back to live, slow, but... :) 0.9.11 is WIP with changes in core (and new bugs) ;)
  11. EEEMB - Adding vehicle to array is not all. Script have to know where to look for objects to load, where is cargo space, where eject players and more. "Also, it would be cool if vehicles could be added to the script at will as long as the class name is known" - if you want separation core from configs, I'm working on it in separate brench (this need time)... Snakeyes - Are you using IgiLoad modified by EliteWarfare from http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/30207-igiload-script-152015/ If not thene try it.
  12. dzrealkiller - What is truck type name, is it supported by IgiLoad? What is cargo type name, is it supported by IgiLoad? Do you have showScriptErrors on? If not try to turn this on https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters . Do you have action menu "Disable loading outside" whene you are driver?
  13. SpanishSurfer - No, IgiLoad is on hold because of the important things. I will inform when I start working on Heli DLC.
  14. CapBlackShot - I'll take look at this. This can be problem with colisions on Covered version. UPDATE: I can not reproduce this problem. There remains only the question of desynchronization.
  15. CapBlackShot - Can you describe exactly? What types of vehicles? If something is loaded on a vehicle that is loaded or someone is in this vehicle? If loaded vehicle is empty this can be desynchronization or something in game and I can not fix this.
  16. Baconide - The default settings are not ideal for every mission. Object falling from the 1000m gains high speed, so the parachute does not have enough time to open. Change line 80: [color="#FF0000"]IL_Para_Drop_Open_ATL = 150;[/color] [color="#00FF00"]IL_Para_Drop_Open_ATL = 300;[/color] 300 is example, you need to find the appropriate value for your mission. If this do not help - try to set "IL_Para_Drop_Velocity = false;".
  17. Baconide - From what height you make the drop?
  18. IgiLeaks - Hellcat, UGV and Karts in IgiLoad. IgiLoad 0.9.11 WIP IgiLoad 0.9.11 is WIP, but you can look at some screens :) New vehicles? This is not all. For IgiLoad it is start of moving setup data of vehicles and cargoes from main part of script to outside location(s). Actions have been heavily modified - conditions are generated based on the configuration* of the vehicles. Version 0.9.11 requires the addition of a few actions and make a few adjustments. * - It is IgiLoad configuration, not in Arma3 configuration. You can comment screens on Steam ;) Steam Steam Steam Steam Steam
  19. Senshi - Thank you for information. Can you write line from init.sqf? Do you have some errors in log file? All vehicles are from ZEUS? Do you wait ~1 minute for IgiLoad loop (line 33 in IgiLoadInit.sqf)? Try with seting lines 45 and 46 in IgiLoad.sqf to: [color="#FF0000"]IL_Check_Veh_Min = 30;[/color] [color="#008000"]IL_Check_Veh_Min = 3;[/color] [color="#FF0000"]IL_Check_Veh_Max = 60;[/color] [color="#008000"]IL_Check_Veh_Max = 6;[/color] AJCStriker - C-17's are supported, but I do not test this for long time. Ospray is not supported by IgiLoad. Please post the links to mods next time.
  20. Kevie - So all is ok now. Have Fun :) CapBlackShot - If you want to remove this type of VAN from this type of KAMA3 - it is not possible. If you want to remove all types of VAN from all types of KAMA3 to this: line 177 [color="#FF0000"]IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Kamaz = IL_Supported_Quadbike + IL_Supported_Rubberboat + IL_Supported_SDV + IL_Supported_Hatchback + IL_Supported_UGV + IL_Supported_VAN;[/color] [color="#008000"]IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Kamaz = IL_Supported_Quadbike + IL_Supported_Rubberboat + IL_Supported_SDV + IL_Supported_Hatchback + IL_Supported_UGV;[/color] but remember about HEMTT's (and TEMPEST) line 181 [color="#FF0000"]IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_HEMTT = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Kamaz + IL_Supported_OFFROAD + IL_Supported_SUV;[/color] [color="#008000"]IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_HEMTT = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Kamaz + IL_Supported_OFFROAD + IL_Supported_SUV + IL_Supported_VAN;[/color]
  21. Kevie - The order - it does not matter. Check this Offroad type - is it in IL_Supported_OFFROAD array - this can be a problem.
  22. Kevie - I just change one line: IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Mohawk = IL_Supported_Quadbike + IL_Supported_Rubberboat + IL_Supported_SDV + IL_Supported_Hatchback + IL_Supported_UGV [b][color="#0000FF"]+ IL_Supported_OFFROAD[/color][/b]; and it is ok for me: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/39730888969488550/B46AB1FE71ADF6FCD29A6CFCF9241F2FD1282432/ (438 kB)
  23. Kevie - Can you open Mohawk ramp? If no then download new IgiLoad_v0.9.10_RC_e.
  24. CapBlackShot - It seems to me that this is not IgiLoad: IgiLoad do not use dialogs. IgiLoad do not use ParachuteC IgiLoad lines: 1702 - 1714 if !(unitBackpack _player isKindOf "B_Parachute") then { _chute = createVehicle ["[b][color="#0000FF"]Steerable_Parachute_F[/color][/b]", position _player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; // _chute setPos getPos _player; _chute AttachTo [_player, [0,0,0]]; detach _chute; _velocity = velocity _player; _player moveInDriver _chute; if (IL_Para_Jump_Velocity) then { _chute setVelocity _velocity; }; }; If you can: Give a more detailed description and try IgiLoad without other mods. Make sure the option that you are using to jump with a parachute looks like on this video (4:51)
  25. Igiload v0.9.10_RC_e (fast fix related with Arma 3 v1.32 problems) is available for download. Changelog in first post. New (20141016) "IgiLoad Triggers Demo" mission contains IgiLoad v0.9.10_RC_e