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Everything posted by Kydoimos

  1. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Oh, and guys, before I forget - I'll be including hiddenSelections and a heap of PSD files for you! Plus, there'll be a fair few animations too.
  2. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Half and half really, mate :) The Eau de Combat was the perfect excuse to practice tinted glass RVMATs! From here on, I'll be adding objects that I'll be creating for a modelling portfolio (I still have a lot to learn though!). Also, I'll be including some content that will feature in a future project I am planning on working on.
  3. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    And here it is, in-game:
  4. Kydoimos

    Limping - Feedback

    Love the unarmed limping variation too! Well done, devs! :D
  5. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    And by popular demand, Eau de Combat will be arriving with the initial release - never let it be said I don't take a joke too far :P
  6. Kydoimos

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Hi guys - can anyone confirm that the azimuths of Game Logics are getting reset to 0 when exporting from the 2D editor to the 3D editor? Also, has anyone had issues with vehicles randomly exploding when their simulation is enabled via script? I'm not running any mods or anything like that :)
  7. Hi there, Finding that vehicles are randomly exploding when they're simulation is enabled via script since the latest update; trouble is, it's really random and I'm having a hard time replicating the issue consistently. Getting lots of reports on my Steam Workshop page of vehicles not arriving. But I can confirm that it is occurring (normally the first time the mission is played). Cheers!
  8. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Thanks guys! You're stars as always! :P
  9. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Hi there chaps, I'm currently writing a stringtable for object name translations; looking to put out a release this month with all the objects so far. Of course, I'll amend it, as and when there's enough to merit an update! If anyone wants to throw in a few translations for the objects you've seen in the screenshots so far, shoot us a line in this thread. Google translate will suffice for much of it, as they're pretty simple nouns; however, I need to exercise a little more caution with things such as the 'Portable Ground Control Station' or 'Portable Ground Control Station Hub'. Russian, Polish, and Czech in particular, are outside my comfort zone! Romance languages aren't too bad - got my dodgy Latin for that! Thanks guys! :D
  10. You could also try adding the AlwaysInShadow flag on the rvmat too, to stop it from shining?
  11. Kydoimos

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    Currently on Dev and vehicles in my campaign are exploding when simulation is enabled - anyone else suffering similar issues? Seems to be only happening on the first time I preview the mission.
  12. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Well done, mate! It's weird, that tank AI bug though! I'll have to see if I can work out what's doing it :P Thanks for subscribing!
  13. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Yeah, it is indeed! The simulation is remaining disabled, despite a script enabling it!
  14. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Hi mate! Thanks for your post :D Indeed - if you don't sync the shot... lol, well - you should try it - you'll see flares go off, hear an alarm, and well - you'll fail the mission, because the Goblin will dodge the shot, every time! Mastori's spec-ops move to your current position, which gets updated every minute or so. Yeah, the AO restrictions in Options None are a little tight, but that's because if you move over the hill, the player will have a clear LOS to the CSAT spec-ops, which are spawned via script. It's there to prevent immersion breaking encounters really; where you'll suddenly see the enemy appearing out of thin air :P It's a bit annoying, and neither solution is a perfect one. Hope that sheds some light on things!
  15. Kydoimos

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    Hi mate! I'll be an adding an autosave for the next update :) Originally, I made it from objects - but I've created the whole sewer scene from scratch now and it ought to appear in the new update! Hi mate! Drat - I thought I'd fixed that bug! No idea why it's happening - I'll take a look before the next update. Might be worth re-loading as it is not a consistent issue. Unfortunately, recent updates can cause new issues which I have to fix - and I don't always realise they're there. Rest assured, I'm on it! :D
  16. I'm finding that the azimuth of game logic's gets reset to 0 whenever I export a mission from the 2D editor to Eden. Currently on dev but suspect the problem may also be on stable.
  17. Kydoimos

    EDEN Editor BUGS

    I'm having major issues with game logics. Height and azimuths are getting reset when exporting from 2D editor to 3D editor!
  18. Hi all, Got a bit of a problem with Eden; when converting the mission to an Eden file, the azimuth of every single game logic is being reset to 0! Currently on Dev Branch, so not sure if it's occurring on Stable.
  19. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    Lol, genuinely honoured, mate! :D I'll be working on a first, small release soon!
  20. Kydoimos

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    That's the spirit! If you're interested, I did a little screenshot tutorial here, though I think you're well beyond it! :P - https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186065-arma-3-screenshot-tutorial/
  21. Kydoimos

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    @Direone - good to see some more animations from the community! Keep up the splendid work, mate! :P
  22. Kydoimos


    You got me there, mate! :D
  23. Kydoimos


    Oh please be sharks! Please be sharks! :P
  24. Kydoimos

    Eden Objects

    And here's a re-modelled version of the Tactical Screen; the screen now has the correct dimensions, so videos will display correctly.