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Everything posted by zagor64bz

  1. Did you mean this? "_target distance player < 75"; 😋
  2. Make a composition with whatever you like and it will spawn at random...(I have it working with) [ [[Y,X,Z], [Y,X,Z], [Y,X,Z], [Y,X,Z], [Y,X,Z]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom, random 360, weaponComposition ] call BIS_fnc_objectsMapper; Have fun!
  3. Could this help? guardGroup= [getPos weaponBox, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_G_F" >> "Infantry" >> "O_G_InfSquad_Assault")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; wp1 = guardGroup addWaypoint [getPos weaponBox, 0]; wp1 setWaypointType "GUARD"; wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; wp1 setWaypointFormation "DIAMOND"; guardGroup= [getPos weaponBox2, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_G_F" >> "Infantry" >> "O_G_InfSquad_Assault")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; wp1 = guardGroup addWaypoint [getPos weaponBox2, 0]; wp1 setWaypointType "GUARD"; wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; wp1 setWaypointFormation "DIAMOND"; guardGroup= [getPos weaponBox3, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_G_F" >> "Infantry" >> "O_G_InfSquad_Assault")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; wp1 = guardGroup addWaypoint [getPos weaponBox3, 0]; wp1 setWaypointType "GUARD"; wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; wp1 setWaypointFormation "DIAMOND"; In one of my mission, a trigger detect the player near "weaponBox" and spawn a group of guards.... I can't help ya more than this bud!
  4. I think is doable..... I think is doable as well...
  5. Exactly!!!! HIDING = "conceal, hide, something from the view of the player" SPAWNING= "creating a new unit whenever needed."
  6. As I mentioned spawning the units will be better....
  7. I'm guessing you're using some sort of markers to start the random position of the tower, right? So by each marker, set up a trigger where if an object is present,(youTowerName) he spawns the guards...or by using the "hide/show module" you un-hide them...
  8. Cant help you, (although I can share a "zoom in-and-out" script for the strategic map) but I'm following this...as I'm curious to know as well if it is possible. Could be cool to have a campaign where from a command center you select different missions in different maps...mmmm..interesting. EDIT: From the discord arma 3 channel: "" I think you'll have to structure a campaign, and working with https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Campaign_Description.ext#Missions this is how you choose which mission runs next, based on ending type. Then you just do whatever in your mission, and via script do https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/endMission and depending on what end type you pass to endMission will, together with the description.ext above, decide what mission to runs next.""
  9. Ok..here we go again. Is it possible to make an old-style progress-bar loading screen to be used as an intro in a mission? The map (Altis) needs some time to load all the spawned units and now if you start moving after the opening shot is quite laggy. Everything seam to settle down once everything is spawned and the caching script puts away what is not need right away. So I thought to "cheat" the player by having a black screen with a "fake" progress-bar to gain that little needed extra-time. Is this possible? Thanks to anyone willing to help.. something like this..LOL..
  10. SOLVED: Thanks to @Merlijn at the Arma 3 discord, I got this working with: 0 fadeSound 0;//mute game sound playMusic "intro";// play dramatic intro music _handle = ["Videos\loadin-bar_text.ogv"] spawn BIS_fnc_playVideo;//start video waitUntil {scriptDone _handle};//wait for video to finish null = [] execVM "Scripts\StoryBoard.sqf";//launch opening shots/mission 0 fadeSound 1;//restore game sound A short video will follow to demonstrate... EDIT 2:
  11. Awesome... it's even better if the player "exist"; so while the video is playing the map will load, right? From what I could understand from this command: startLoadingScreen or this BIS_fnc_startLoadingScreen the loading of the mission will not start until it's done, correct? I remember in the past, playing videos was a bit unreliable, quality-wise...I guess given the right format (ogv) is now not a problem? Thank you anyway for your reply!
  12. zagor64bz

    GF Auto Population Script - Mod

    ..it sure would be nice to hear from him. Back then we exchanged many PMs, and he's more than a "nick-name on a forum"... If you see this George, get well and be back stronger than ever. We all gonna share a prayer for ya, bud!
  13. Yap..that's a good place to start...hopefully (hahahahaha...who I'm kidding..this is ArmA after all) it won't be too complicated.😋 EDIT: One more question...the establishing shot..could that be prevented to be skipped for a certain amount of time?
  14. zagor64bz

    GF Auto Population Script - Mod

    Hey George, what's up man??? Long time no see ya. From your stats, I see that you probably got burned out a bit, but there are any chances you'll gonna update this script? Regardless, I hope everything is ok (excluding all this pandemic shit...). Cheers, mate!
  15. Thank you. I'm working on a way to give the player the option of "confirming" the target in manual mode. So far you get the action "DRONE MODE">"MANUAL FIRE" and then you lase the target and the script will search for the laserTarget and fire at target with :"_drone fireAtTarget [myNearestEnemy,_weapon];". I would like to be able to get an addAction which will ask the player "confirm target?" and if "true" it will fire, if "false" it will keep searching for a new laser. EDIT: BTW....TOTAL DARKNESS ABOUT THAT LOL.
  16. Roger that, I'm taking them out. Thank you, bud!
  17. zagor64bz


    This is with the "old" version, that I've been using for ages..no problem on my end... ..and, no, I couldn't open the inventory mid-flight either...but I could reload.(no biggy)
  18. Hi, as the title suggest, I would like to know if there's a way to get the "square-box" you get when lasing a target from a vehicle/plane, but using the laser-designator on the ground. The desired effect would be: -I lase a target (eg a vehicle), -I get the white square box -the info is passed to an AI plane -a hint says: "target is displayNameOfEnemy" -the square become red to indicate the vehicle has been targeted -BOOM...square goes away when target is destroyed. Is it possible?😋
  19. Here it is in all his glory @pierremgi...thank you again.
  20. I've been playing EXTENSIVELY with the carrier, due to some missions I made, and never even notice those..hahahaha. I'm gonna pay attention next time I'm on the deck!
  21. WOW...that was quick! Works like a charm...now I have to find a way to implement this in a "Frankenstein-script" I'm working on, based on the AWESOME @The Real Bunc [RELEASE] Deadly Drone ( AI/Manual Greyhawk) V1.0. He encourages me to make any change I want for my mission needs, as long as he's credited for the "core". So far I came up with this: In the end, I have to insert your script in there, for this result: In manual fire mode, when I lase the target, I get the square and the UAV reply with "Target is whatever at whatever grid...engaging!" Anyway, really REALLY thank you, Pierre! Complete credits are due, clearly. EDIT: I HAD IT WORKING WITH:
  22. Thank you, Pierre, I try to stay away from mods so scripting would be the thing. But it seems more complicated than I was expecting. But is worth a try.. how do I achieve that..or where I start ? EDIT: obviously I'm aware of : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/titleRsc https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers/addMissionEventHandler
  23. Wow..this is FUN!! Good job, as usual, my friend.