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Everything posted by k0rd

  1. Ah - since my first (default) spawn is a marker, I have never tried to use ONLY positions with the function. I will try to add everything as only namespace, position array and report my findings. [EDIT]: still fails after a few deaths using only positions with the function, no markers involved. I was kind of hoping Zeus Moricky would see this thread and patch 'er up. :16_6_8:
  2. is there an fsm editor in arma 3 tools? I can't seem to find it...
  3. is there an introduction to fsm that anyone recommends?
  4. Hi - so I couldn't get the following example to work as expected: _trigger=createtrigger["emptydetector", _position]; //assume that _position is already set for the purposes of this example _trigger setTriggerArea[500,500,0,true]; //1km^2 _trigger setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", false]; _trigger setTriggerStatements[this,"",""]; numRed = { side _x == east; } count list _trigger; numGreen= {side _x == resistance;} count list _trigger; numBlue = {side _x == west;} count list _trigger; does not work at all. _trigger=createtrigger["emptydetector", _position]; //assume that _position is already set for the purposes of this example _trigger setTriggerArea[500,500,0,true]; //1km^2 _trigger setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "PRESENT", false]; _trigger setTriggerStatements[this,"",""]; numRed = { side _x == east; } count list _trigger; works fine, but I have to make 3 triggers. Covering the whole of altis in 1km blocks, that is the difference between x and x*3 where x is close to 700. I'm hoping there is a way to leverage activation ANY - or perhaps of an easier way to get an array of units within a certain area without using a trigger? edit: also yes, I know the {side _x == east; } argument to count in the second example is redundant - I included it to illustrate that side _x == east is a valid filter
  5. thanks for your help - everything is working right now.
  6. must be something i'm doing - strange that just changing "EAST" to "ANY" breaks mine :/ edit: thanks for your patience, i was using call compile format[" etc and had the wrong amount of quotes around this :)
  7. thanks, yes this is true - i typed this example up on my phone. the true script does not get the counts instantly (every 5 seconds in a loop - it uses the results to update markers) and has the correct "this" in the statement.. still doesn't work in the first example but does in the second.
  8. k0rd

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    KingoftheSandbox, Beerkan : It would probably be helpful to include the parameters you are using for your group when you see the unit circling around like that. I haven't yet seen this behavior (although I am still using a test version from a few days before the current release.)
  9. try this bud, yeah you can use any array - _interval=5; while { true } do { _sum=0; { if (isPlayer _x) then { _cur=score _x; _last= _x getVariable["score_last",0]; //if (_cur <> _last) then { // add whatever you want to do to unit _x - his score has changed. // the below is an example if you want to flag the unit for later processing //_x setVariable["score_changed",1]; //}; _x setVariable["score_last",_cur]; _sum= _sum + _cur; }; } forEach playableUnits; //or any array if (_sum < -1) then { // do whatever you want }; sleep _interval; }; edit: also added a check to make sure _x is currently a player
  10. here you go mang -change this to fit your situation _interval=5; while { true } do { { _cur=score _x; _last= _x getVariable["score_last",0]; if (_cur <> _last) then { // add whatever you want to do to unit _x - his score has changed. // the below is an example if you want to flag the unit for later processing _x setVariable["score_changed",1]; }; _x setVariable["score_last",_cur]; } forEach allUnits; sleep _interval; };
  11. I'm sorry I didn't understand what you mean: Are you saying that these lights also turn on automatically at the same range?
  12. k0rd

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I don't think anyone is saying AI mods are bad - I think the implication here is that you shouldn't be making comments about arma 3 AI behavior when you are not using the standard arma 3 AI. The weird accuracy could be a function (or error) of the mod.
  13. Apologies if this is the wrong thread (i guess it may be more of a vehicle issue). The headlights on HEMTT ammo truck (only one i noticed, possibly others) seem to magically come on when you are looking at the vehicle from 25m-30m. Please see the following image album. It depicts me starting from 22m and driving in reverse, you can see that the three snapshots between 25-35m are clearly showing lit headlights, despite the fact the headlights are not on. http://imgur.com/a/68sBz (edit) - I can make a ticket if this is an unknown issue, let me know.
  14. k0rd

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    it is a known issue that will be fixed in the next version, for now you can find the fix a few pages back in this thread.
  15. k0rd

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    you could always create the triggers (or the units themselves with the 'nowp' UPSMON directive so that they wait until you are detected to move) by script at runtime if it really bothers you. you'd just need to go around and get all the coords first..
  16. k0rd

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    cool - sorry i didnt notice your post the first time! :bb:
  17. k0rd

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    this should maybe be _array=[(leader _grp1)] + _arr;
  18. k0rd

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    dont put call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; in Init_UPSMON.sqf.. it goes in init.sqf in your mission directory. If you don't have that file, create it.
  19. k0rd

    How to use turrets/mortars in ArmA 3.

    according to this thread, you keep one on your back and point at the other on the ground. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?163445-Static-Weapon-assembly-issue
  20. darkdruid: please disregard, it appears that it was my error. Thanks for checking it out for me :)
  21. has the syntax for nearEntities changed in the last month or so? specifically, I can't get it to accept a string or array of strings as the type filter - it is expecting an object instead? (not sure if it still works on stable)
  22. k0rd

    Arma 3 Inventory Overhaul

    Opening weapons directly is a really awesome suggestion!
  23. k0rd

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Hi. Read this post: the UPSMON_MAINLOOP line change is the fix for the red dots also, you should use setMarkerAlpha to make your zone markers invisible like _upsmon_mrk setMarkerAlpha 0;
  24. There was a point early in the alpha where the flares were perfect and the tracers were brighter. (sorry for going off topic - I just forgot all about it until I read those two items)