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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Restart Steam then retry, if that fails restart your PC, it takes a few attempts but works everntully.
  2. Richie

    if your kicked or banned?

    Kicked or banned you'll still see it, you just won't get as far as the lobby. If you lost connection and can't see the server you were on, my money says the server is offline or having issues.
  3. A replacement BEC is already being planned and wrote.
  4. Nuxil, I do see your point but to punish everyone because of a few seems extreme.
  5. Richie

    Arma 3 Server monetization

    BEC = not gone, just modify the hosts file to stop it calling home or use your Firewall. All Nuxil has done is hurt servers that use BEC for scheduled restarts and messages. All this monetization bollox isn't new, some communitys sell in-game perks, some like mine do things properly, yet i wake up to find BEC broken through no fault of my own. So nothing has changed and Nuxil's protest will fall on deaf ears, BIS don't care about enforcing EULA's, show me 1 example where they've done something and took action ?
  6. Edit your host file and it works fine :) ibattle.org www.ibattle.org Some warning would of been nice, we don't all agree on the monetization plans either but shafting the community was childish.
  7. Would someone please help a n00b out please ? :) I'm trying to pack my terrain, it's really basic and has no objects or roads etc I just want to load it up and make sure i'm happy with the terrain in the editor before i do anything to it, problem is i can't pack it, pboProject throws up several errors. Can anyone help me find why please ? I even tried using Bushlurkers config.cpp from this thread Pastebin limit was exceeded so i've only included the output log bottom half http://pastebin.com/GHw1BKQ1 and the full file on dropbox Here Binlog http://pastebin.com/e0PNx24r Thanks in advance :)
  8. Serifos is from Bushlurkers config.cpp that he posted Here I don't have an F drive, never have, it only appears when i run pboProject, that's what is creating it. I'm going to do a reinstall, I've had a new SSD drive for months sitting collecting dust, hopefully a brand new install will fix the errors, if not then erm i need a plan B
  9. Richie

    Sopwith Camel

    Awesome work, I loved them old Camels :)
  10. The F drive is created briefly when pboProject runs, It disappears when it crashes, is it meant to do this ? In my pboProject setup my source file is the P drive, the destination is my A3 installation on C drive. ---------- Post added at 12:47 ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 ---------- Ok so i verified the A3 Tools, all fine I've ran Arma3P.cmd again, no errors I've verified the A3 Tools again, 2 files failed to validate and will be reaquired :confused: I've tried pboProject again, keeps throwing the same error :( and where does this F drive come from ? pboProject creates it and then it vanishes when it crashes
  11. Thanks for the reply Jakerod :) the config files i took from your exellent guide (thanks btw, it's a great source of information) and changed the paths/filenames Ok so here we go : config file http://pastebin.com/Jbqr8Fht cfgSurfaces file http://pastebin.com/1c2hJS7v cfgClutter file http://pastebin.com/wxSj2WV0 For my P drive i downloaded the A3 tools from Steam, then used Mikero's Arma3P.cmd file to do the rest My file structure is P:\px1\PX1_spittle_island That is my project root, inside that are my source, data and wrp file, plus a few others crated by Terrain Builder, things like the tv4p save file and a texHeader.bin My terrain is really nothing fancy, it has about 6 textures for sea, sand, grass, snow and concrete, it has no objects or roads, i just want to see it in the editor to make sure i like it, then i was going to start the rest using NeoArmageddon's Map Builder, I hoped that was where i was up to, everything so far seems to of went as planned, no errors or issues.
  12. Hey all, Does anyone know where i went wrong with my terrain ? In Buldozer it looks like a lego block map Linky > http://i.imgur.com/Qos32YB.png I used L3DT to create my terrain.xyz if that helps.
  13. Thank you to everyone for the help, my issue is now solved and i learnt some more :) See you all in my next error :banghead: who knows, maybe one day i'll be the one helping others.
  14. I did actully do 'The Atlas' tutorial and with good results, the only snag was it came with pre-made stuff that i wanted to learn myself, Captn Caps guide was a start to finish tut. I know i need to walk before running but i wanted to do multiple guides, learn that there are more than 1 way to skin a cat. All the guides i followed so far have taught me so much, I'm starting to 'get' what does what and why :) I now understand my 'Lego' map is caused through downloading bad data, I've just chosen another random island and it doesn't have the 'Lego' issues, guess i just got unlucky with my island download. The usgs.gov website i did look at, any guides on how to actully get the data downloaded ? I couldn't quite figure out that part.
  15. The only edits i did were to the terrains vertical and horizontal values, as explained in CaptnCaps video tut Here
  16. I used This Site, selected an island and downloaded the Geo TIFF That imported directly into L3DT, after that it seems my problems begin :( Where else can use to import an island/land mass to get started ?
  17. The Arc ASCII Grid looks even worse, it's just a series of spikes :confused: Does anyone have another source i can use ? Open Topography doesn't seem to like me.
  18. Okay, so looking at the 3D view of my terrain in L3DT shows this > http://i.imgur.com/vnS4oVV.png If i smooth it then it looks better, is there a way to smooth an entire map in 1 go ? or does anyone know where i went wrong ? surely it shouldn't be this way, I thought importing a .tiff from Here would copy all the terrain height including mountains and hills etc My terrain is all flat, there are no hills or valleys, there should be
  19. It's exported as a .xyz file, I also exported the sat, normal and mask from it.
  20. I'm new to terrain building, if i could figure it out i wouldn't be asking :) Even if i can find out where i went wrong it would help, it's either L3DT or when i imported to TB.
  21. Your average user is going to interpret no license as the author has no problem with the release being used/modified in any way, If it has terms then those terms should be included to stop guess work. That's how i always thought it was until i did more research :)
  22. Something i'm also intrested in, say i just want to include 1 or 2 models without people needing the entire addon.
  23. Is it not possible to include the buildings with the map ? so players don't need a seperate addon, like custom buildings that some terrain makers use.
  24. +1 from me, I have the JBAD buildings, not worked out how to use them yet, although i've not got that far yet either.
  25. Richie

    US Insurgency ALiVE

    Erm :confused: The video game that allows you to play as an ISIS fighter slaughtering Westerners: Islamists give away combat simulator in a bid to recruit children and young men ISIS supporters have modified ARMA III so users can play as the militants Jihadi characters are able to kill Westerners and Syrian regime soldiers Also carry out attacks on characters based on Kurdish pershmerga forces Mod is not an official release by Czech developers Bohemia Interactive But jihadis are using it to recruit children and radicalise vulnerable, giving it out for free on gaming forums to those declaring support for ISIS ISIS supporters have previously used popular video games Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty in their sickening propaganda films Full info Here