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About polarfuchs

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  1. polarfuchs

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    Thank you very much! The mission update did the trick. :) :) :) Regards
  2. polarfuchs

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    Hi everyone, at last I found this thread. Thank you VERY MUCH for your work SENSEII! Just to be clear on that matter - you just added -mod=@dcg on your server startup parameters? Sadly that does not work out for me (unless I load the mod clientside). My startup line is: -port=2302 -cfg=configs\basic.cfg -nosound -servermod=@dcg -mod=@cba_a3;@ace;@task_force_radio -profiles=D:\TCAFiles\Users\gameroot\2947\ -config=configs\server.cfg I downloaded the archive provided bei SENSEII in post #16 and uploaded @dcg as well as userconfig to the servers base directory. Without starting the mod clientside loading the mission will result in d\dcg\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found What could be wrong? Regards polarfuchs
  3. Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I noted the button and agree that a click is very bearable burden. My thought was to autodisable serverside so that no admin would need to join the server after a restart to disable the AI. Or can players do so as well? Regards, Polarfuchs
  4. Hello everyone, I'm sorry if these are stupid questions but I'm new to adminstration of an ArmA server and didn't find anything on the web or this forum. 1. Trying to find a way to reduce lag on our server I stumbled across these settings: serverLongitude=-115; serverLatitude=36; serverLongitudeAuto=-115; serverLatitudeAuto=36; Does this have any meaning? If so, what coordinates go into this setting? The location of the server? 2. Is there any chance of disabling squad AI on coop missions on startup serverside (so nobody has to click the button on mission start)? Regards, Polarfuchs