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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. I have been trying to play NATOFOR and work up various edited versions of it for my unit, as well as a total from the ground up Takistan Alive Insurgency with ACE added. All versions of the map that have both Alive and ACE are causing server freezing. It can happen in 2 minutes, or it can take 2 hours. But somewhere along the way the server will Freeze up, but not crash. Without ACE, I am running the basic RHS US Insurgency mission with ALIVE by Maquez without any apparent freezing. I ran the mission on my server overnight, stopped it, and restarted it today with no crashing so far. So, it definitely appears to be some conflict with ACE and ALIVE. I've seen numerous mentions of similar freezing in various mods of Arma since the 1.54 patch. So, it might not be either ACE or Alive, but a root ARMA 3 issue that manifests when those 2 mods are running together.
  2. I've had host update to v16 EXE, but with Freezes it's not generating any MDMP or BIDMP files. It will just hang forever if I let it. The RPT's are best I can do :( I'll try to throw up a mission that crashes tomorrow after I see if the current mission without ACE running crashes or hangs.
  3. ski2060

    Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

    Wow Accuracy, I didn't realize you jumped into Mod Making. It's been too long since I ran with the Arf crew. I'm in another realism unit now, and if I can convince them to get some dependent mods I would love to use these guys at some point. We have a huge mod list already, and for some reason they really dislike the CUP weapons.
  4. Crashed v16. No mdmp or bimdmp. just RPT. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bj96hm51zcc2zjf/arma3server_2016-03-05_16-35-31.rpt?dl=0
  5. v15 Crash. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xw8w4rvyegjua4h/arma3server_2016-03-05_10-57-10.rpt?dl=0
  6. So, I'm an idiot and just found out about the Optional PBO/Files in ACE. My unit uses several of the Mods listed and I think I'm going to see if we can test out the optionals to see what effects they may have. Does anyone have a list of affects the ACE optional PBO's interact with? Also, what is the ACE_server Optional PBO for?
  7. ski2060


    Thanks for the mission link Heroes. I looked at that , but it's not something my guys would get behind. It's a LOT of mods we don't use and I dunno if I can get them to download that many with my server being the experimental one. Our mod list is mainly US stuff, with TFA uniforms, RHS Escalation, HLC weapons, MELB, FA-18, and some RH weapon stuff thrown in. I am trying to build or find a Takistan Insurgency style mission using ALiVE because I'd like a long term campaign style map, as opposed to the Zeus run missions we normally do on our main server. I really appreciate your help and ideas though.
  8. ski2060


    Ok I found the 2.6 version of this mission finally. I would love to run it, but without the advance-advanced ACE medical. My unit doesn't really like the wound's re-opening aspect. Also, TFAR doesn't work right, the module needs to be modified to work properly. My main issue is that even after I get the mission loaded with fixing TFAR and turning off the wound re-opening, my server is locking up and crashing. I don't know if it is an ACE error, RHS, Leights, or ALiVE. I'll sometimes play fine for an hour or two, but if others are playing, then at some point while taking a transport chopper it will freeze up and we will be unable to do anything. Only once was it able to recover after a player disconnected. When he left, the server unfroze and play continued. I'd really like to run this mission for my unit, but the constant crashing is really making ALiVE look bad to them. I have the required mods running plus only a few extra (TF47 launchers). Here's a rather large RPT if someone can pore over it and check it out for me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ayzs4i6tlcnpt89/arma3server_2016-01-22_04-24-45.rpt?dl=0
  9. Thanks for the help Heroes. My server is a rented server, so I'm not sure if I can just drop in new performance binaries at will. I'll check though. I have seen you are doing some work getting Alive missions working for you and your friends. I am by far the least experienced mission guy ever, with a small modicum of map/mission making. I am mainly looking for an insurgency mission for long campaign style play. Martial's NATOFOR Takistan map seems to fit the bill, so I was trying to swap the enemy faction from Afghan Militia to ISTS, and NATO to RHS US_Army_desert. A couple of other tweaks to fit our playstyle with ACE and it would be perfect.
  10. Well, it was at least spawning things correctly. Now I'm getting random crashes and server lockups. Grrr..
  11. Maquez, thanks for trying to point me in the right direction. I am just starting out in mission building, so it's a learning process. I figured that ISTS were IND / GUER. I was just having issues getting them in the right places an in the right Mission generation slots to populate on the map. I have it working finally. Now on to seeing if I can get Lifter A3 to work with my stuff so my guys can fast rope into missions :D
  12. Well, I know the units will spawn. I have a working Kunduz MCC map with Leights OpFor using the ISTS faction. They are spawning there fine. I have seen the ISTS models spawn as paired CQB module units, while I was checking in Zeus. For some reason they won't spawn as the OpFor to my BLUFOR though. So, after making sure all the Faction spots were showing correctly I have the mission up and running. Thanks for your help, all! Really enjoying ALiVE so far.
  13. So, funky error. I replaced all the instances where I want LOP_ISTS instead of LOP_AM, and I cannot see anything spawning in. I went to a mission, and had something shooting at me with what I presume were GL's, but I couldn't see any models anywhere. Grrrr
  14. Thanks for the info. I'm narrowing it down. I have our faction as rhs_faction_usarmy_d and they are spawning just fine.
  15. Ok, I am attempting to modify a mission to replace Leights Afghan Militia with ISTS terrorists for a Takistani Insurgency. I am not getting any ISTS to spawn at the moment. I assume that is because all my OpCom and Military placement stuff show OpFor against my BLUFOR. Does OPFOR need to be changed to GUER or IND for ISTS to spawn as the opposing faction?
  16. ski2060


    Is this mission still being supported? Or is it even still available? I was going to work up a Takistan Insurgency style mission using the ASW commander, but this looks to be almost exactly what I want for my server. I cannot seem to download it from Armaholic (get a 404) and the STEAM workshop link tells me the mission has been removed from the workshop. Any place I could possibly pick it up?
  17. Hi, I am just getting into putting missions together and using different mods for the purpose. ALiVE looks perfect for building a COIN style campaign and I plan to start tinkering with it this week. I read on the Wiki about approximating an Asymmetric Insurgency style campaign with module placements and sync, but saw in the OP of this thread that ASW isn't enabled yet. Is ASW going to be it's own module in an upcoming build? Or is that referencing the ability to place and link certain modules to replicate an ASW type campaign? Looking forward to putting something together for my unit and trying this out.
  18. Looking forward to having the Captured/Saved HVT's mission complete on Vanilla respawn markers will be awesome. Just getting into MCC and a unit mate likes to spawn an FOB from MCC to complete those missions, but it kills my pre-set respawn area.
  19. Pull the PBO apart, load up the mission in the editor, drop down a respawn where you want it, and save the mission. Then export it as a PBO again? I'm new to mission making and editing, but it seems like that would be easy and do-able.
  20. Awesome work! Can't wait for the full release. I'll probably just turn off logging right now while I wait for the next iteration. I may try to load that Dev release and see how it's going. Thanks. Edit: Just because I'm ignorant, can you point me to the current Dev version? I only see r17 up right now.
  21. Shay, do you mind looking through this partial RPT and telling me what is causing a massive recurring error on my server? It doesn't appear to be crashing the server, but it is creating a HUGE RPT. I checked my server log this morning and had a 5 GB error log filled with repeating errors. I downloaded the first 400-500 MB and it shows just a continuing set of error reports. All mods are the most current builds that have been released. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pzhle9rxdbpg687/arma3server_2016-01-14_02-00-06.rpt?dl=0 Thanks!
  22. I'm aware that only one person may be logged in to MCC at a time. I would like to have 2 slots capable of either Zeus or MCC so they can alternate duties of if someone swaps out. The main issue is that I can't get either of those slots to have access to MCC, even though both have Zeus, and are synced to MCC access modules. Do I need to put down a single MCC module and sync both of the slots to it, or should I drop an MCC access module for each slot to sync to? I already have most of your MCC template maps. Just trying to learn mission building and make something a little different for my unit.
  23. So I am somewhat new to mission building and MCC. I am making a mission template for my unit, and would like to have 2 Zeus/MCC slots available for game-masters. I can get them both to have Zeus access, but neither has access to MCC even though I have the MCC access module placed and synchronized with the playable slots. When trying to run the mission I can only access MCC from the admin login or Zeus MCC functions. Any help getting these slots to have access to MCC from the start would be appreciated.
  24. ski2060

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Barbolani, I have Antistasi running on a rented dedicated server from a hosting service. I don't have the ability to make new profiles for the installation on the server, as far as I know. So, if I wanted to start the whole mission over, what would I need to do? I assume just begin again without using the persistent save?
  25. ski2060

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    So, say I wanted to completely start the mission over for my group on a dedicated server. Do we just need to start the mission, say NO for persistent save, and then do a persistent save to overwrite the previous mission save? I think we might want to do so to apply lessons learned in the map so far.