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Everything posted by Khreed

  1. This is amazing work Windwalking! I have wanted to see better teammate control in Arma for a very long time. In fact, after having a little time to play around with it, I now consider this a 'vanilla' addon of mine, it's never leaving my mods directory, I wont play Arma without it. ----------------------------------------- My own 'little' request; Would a command that dismounts passengers (non-essential personal) from a vehicle be possible? I would love to be able to dismount an apc or similar vehicle to allow infantry to engage while still maintaining the firepower of the vehicles weapon systems. This of course can be done manually now, but it's extremely cumbersome. Keep up the incredible job!
  2. Khreed

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    After a little exploring, I just had a few notes about some of the new building assets: These are some of the more notable buildings I found while flying about. I am sure there is plenty that I've overlooked, but after visiting a few of the cities and POI's this is what I experienced. BI has done a great job of making most of the smaller buildings accessible, but it seemed kind of strange that a number of the landmark assets remain closed off/not modeled. 'Factory' - Not accessible past first ground floor doors, only the entryway is available. Inner main building area and 2nd floor are not accessible. 'Solar Tower' - Mostly accessible, there are ladders to the top, no entry on 2nd or 3rd floor doorways. -- Great lighting on 3rd floor to roof access, really this was awesome! -- Player character clips through safety bars on ladder. Able to clip through safety rails on roof. It's a long way down... 'Office Building' - Main ground floor accessible though only 1of3 rooms have working doors. 2nd & 3rd floors, have no working doors. 4th floor has balcony glass door and roof access ladder. -- Skylight open by default, can not close, will look kinda funny in the rain. 'Church' - Not accessible at any point. 'Hospital' - Overall Ground floor is accessible, Loading dock doors are non functioning. -- Hospital Side Wing - Helipad, AI can interact with vehicles from ground floor, they do not path to the roof. Roof top doors are not accessible. -- Hospital Center - Roof top doors are not accessible, no access on floors 2,3, and 4 either. The airport terminal on the other hand is a rather large building for the Arma series and fully explorable, absolutely love it!
  3. How about using those new nifty uav waypoint controls for things like squad command or even high command. Could be a nice new little feature for the team leader class. It would seem to fit in with Arma 3's design direction of trying to make each soldiers skill set stand out from each other. Perhaps a special tactical map/tablet item for the leadership classes. Maybe it could patch into the tactical glasses, or Opfor helmets to provide pip (helmet cam) type footage to the map holder. Further functionality could be implemented with an icon interface to allow the leader to easily place map markers/instructions for others to see in MP. This addition would utilize a newly implemented feature even further and could enhance the single player or hybrid coop experience allowing more control over ai units and groups.
  4. Regarding the current script error box (relating primarily to community created content): While the theory of 'just fix the errors to make the box go away' is a good one. In practice (from a general users perspective) it just increasingly destroys my desire to play the game at all. This may seem a bit dramatic, but after a while, that box just gets increasingly annoying on an otherwise satisfactorily functioning game. There are many instances where it's just not practical or even possible to get these error messages corrected. We must all keep in mind that mod/mission makers are generally not full time professional game developers and most do this type of thing in their spare time. Time which can be frequented by various things; vacations, disappearances, or simply demotivation to continue on a project, etc. Also, consider that Arma 3 has the ability to bridge content from previous iterations of the series using the AiA mod. Many of those older mods/missions have elements in them that trigger off numerous error messages, generating a considerable amount of code spam on the screen. Some of those errors are indeed what I would consider 'game breaking'; others are very tolerable 'quirks'; and still others are not even noticeable to the player (except for the giant black box and white text in the middle of their screen). This can leave a lot of community content that is still 'functional within a realm of acceptability'. However, this content quickly becomes unacceptable/unusable due to the current implementation of the error reporting system. It's rather amusing that when you look at the other angle of it, my play experience isn't being ruined by the content or its shortcomings, but by the system that is supposed to help create a better play experience. I for one would be perfectly fine with some form of error reporting on screen. As I said at the start, the theory behind this is great, everyone benefits from a higher production value and accurate bug reports in community & official content. However, I feel there really should be a less intrusive & more effective way to display that information, or like others have said, at the very least, allow us to move the current display box.
  5. Context sensitive AI unit inventory management. Similar to the "get in/disembark" and "engage" commands already present. Using the new command while pointing at an ammo crate or corpse would cause the AI unit to move within action range and bring up their inventory panel showing the contents of that object.