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Everything posted by Dedmen

  1. As I said no priority. Every unscheduled script is executed. What you could mean by "priority" here is that if ACE's scripts are slow, they lower your FPS instead of just "scheduling" till the next frame. But to prevent that we make extensive use of my Profiler. And it's also intended like this. No one wants to wait a minute after a button press for something to happen. Which.. Is actually exactly what the top post here was about: Here is a little writeup about what the scheduler does on the technical side and what it's problems are: http://sqf.ovh/ite/2018/01/21/ITE-the-scheduler.html
  2. No. Unscheduled scripts don't run in the scheduler. That's why they are called unscheduled. No flickering means it's executed atleast once per frame. OnEachFrame and Draw3D do that. But I never hear of addAction executing multiple times, and it also wouldn't make any sense for it to do that.
  3. No I don't know of any website talking about it. Basically #include "file.hpp" of a file that's in same directory is internal include. #include "\a3\characters_f\params.hpp" anything that starts with \ or a path that is not in the same directory as the description.ext is a external include. And these external ones are broken since 3DEN. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Dedmen

    FadeSound not working

    Are you maybe running any mods that might be resetting fadeSound?
  5. Dedmen

    Scenario saved files...

    My Documents/Arma 3 Directory.
  6. Dedmen

    Failure Un-Binning A File

    What is "ArmaUnbin" even? Use the official tools in the Arma 3 Tools package on Steam. Edit: Just looked it up. ArmaUnbin is a unbinarizing tool for Arma 1 from 2006. This is Arma 3. And we have 2018.
  7. scheduled vs unscheduled. There is no "priority" here. Draw3D and OnEachFrame execute every frame. scheduled scripts execute for 3ms every frame, if your script doesn't get executed it get's pushed to the next frame, where it also might not be executed. There is no guarantee about when a scheduled script executes next time. Might be as low as a single frame. Might also be as high as a couple hours (theoretically). More about that -> http://sqf.ovh/ite/2018/01/21/ITE-the-scheduler.html Where does it check that condition then? There is only a single simulation cycle per frame.
  8. forEach just returns the value of the last iteration. So this only checks if the last magazine is not a rocket. Also isEqualTo is case sensitive which is a bad idea with classnames soldierMagazines findIf {_x == "rhs_ammo_m72a7_rocket"} == -1 Find the magazine called "rhs_ammo_m72a7_rocket" and check if nothing was found.
  9. The module is called F.R.I.E.S. "Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System"
  10. Dedmen

    Merging Loot Piles

    You could by making your own custom weapon holder 3D Model. But that's probably out of scope for you.
  11. That is what packing them into a single folder would do though. Every folder has it's meta.cpp with the Steam itemID inside. If you remove the folder, the server cannot transmit the itemID anymore and the Launcher can't detect what mods the server is using. As I said. Shorten the folder names. You need to fit everything into a fixed size packet. So just reduce the size of your elements. Of course at a certain number of mods even that won't help. But I don't consider just not showing any mods in Launcher a "fix"
  12. I got exactly the same thought. @R0adki11 What do you say to that? I think "My to-be-released soon mod" in the modlist should be fine. Is of course still moderators discretion to decide if the mod might include illegitimate content that's not allowed to even be released.
  13. You don't need to reimplement Single/Burst
  14. Afaik it doesn't matter what container. You can do that yes. I'd recommend initPlayerLocal
  15. That is not needed. If you give setMarkerPos a 3D position it will just ignore the height Actually..... setMarkerPos takes Position2D or Position3D. Markers have a 3D position. I updated the wiki page to fix that.
  16. Some file with the name "config.hpp" From the Extension I would assume it to be a textfile, but it doesn't have to be. From the name I would assume it to contain some config of some sorts, but it might aswell be a cat picture.
  17. You didn't read correctly then. "Server cant transmit all data". Removing all the mods from the Arma Launcher is a really bad fix for the issue that not all mods are showing up in Arma Launcher. That would remove all mods from the Launcher. And considering that the error in OP's post isn't actually any problem with the server itself but the mods not showing up in Arma Launcher. How is removing the mods from Arma Launcher a "fix" ? Also as I already said.. Only way to get around that and still put all your mods into one folder is to... Sorry that I assumed you knew what I was talking about.
  18. If you are trying to say that people should just repack and reupload mods to the workshop.. VERY bad idea. That would violate the Steam Subscriber agreement and could get your Steam account banned if you're unlucky. And if you are a repeat offender it could even lead to a ban on the BI Forums.
  19. No it isn't. Another workaround is also to just shorten folder names on your server. Combining them is a very bad idea because then the automatic workshop integration won't work anymore as you can only have one workshop item per folder.
  20. He also asked 4 times in Arma Discord if people have that joystick. But he just ignored everyone who answered him. Guessing he doesn't even actually want any help with it.
  21. Yes. Good. And you problem is? That it doesn't work I guess? Let's split it up player addEventHandler ["Take", { _this call { //What use does this call have? this, //What is this comma supposed to do? " if({_x /* Where does _x come from all of the sudden?? */ == "rhs_weap_m72a7"} /* Why is this wrapped in {}???*/ && count magazines player == 0) then {player addMagazine rhs_ammo_m72a7_rocket};" //You are just dumping this string and doing nothing with it. } //Missing } for line 2. ]; Just removing all the nonsense and actually executing that code inside your string. player addEventHandler ["Take", { if({_x == "rhs_weap_m72a7"} && count magazines player == 0) then { player addMagazine rhs_ammo_m72a7_rocket }; } ]; Still doesn't work at all because _x is undefined. And that && operator that you are trying to call doesn't exist. And also you are giving addMagazine a undefined variable while it expects a string. Fixing all that to how I think you intend it to work. player addEventHandler ["Take", { params ["_unit", "_container", "_item"]; if(_item == "rhs_weap_m72a7" && count magazines player == 0) then { player addMagazine "rhs_ammo_m72a7_rocket"; }; } ]; Now optimizing the code a little player addEventHandler ["Take", { params ["_unit", "_container", "_item"]; if (_item == "rhs_weap_m72a7" && {magazines player isEqualTo []}) then { player addMagazine "rhs_ammo_m72a7_rocket"; }; }]; Though i still don't understand why you only add it when the player has absolutely no magazines in his inventory. But I'm sure you have a good reason for that.
  22. "Missing semicolon" yeah.. How about you add the semicolon then? HIV addEventHandler ["Hit", {execVM "hivHit.sqf"}]; That won't work. Second parameter is a boolean, not a number. https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/44912253af6350fefb8755c5e34fd89fcc48c541/addons/medical/functions/fnc_setUnconscious.sqf