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Everything posted by EO

  1.  EO


    For anyone enjoying the custom soundtrack feature for Ravage, I'm finding this neat little utility by Killzone Kid makes the job of writing a CfgMusic config a thing of the past, just drag and drop your .ogg files onto the utility and it will instantly generate .cpp file.
  2.  EO


    Working on some Ravaged Flags... It could be a neat idea to have the Ambient AI spawn in sporting their various colours.
  3. Working on some Ravaged and Frithified Flags... Coming soon.
  4.  EO


    Not necessarily, with a little imagination you can still create some special Zeds using the zombie units in the Editor, dress them like a Boss, give them individual attributes via their init field, anything like increasing their setAnimSpeedCoef to make them super quick or make then explode when they come within a set radius of the player, attach a radiated zone around them...So you can in fact have regular zed fodder spawned by the Ambient Zombie module with all the settings it has to offer, then on top of that your special zeds would run independently from the module.
  5. RHS, Sullen Skies. RHS, Sullen Skies, ReColor.
  6.  EO


    @Stalk1st aka NaUdachu Okay here is a template mission that will spawn haleks awesome Ghosts. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v6fl4blsc9f04yc/AAD7VfzqZBnOIbIdzqEwlDaKa?dl=0 If you want to port it to another map you will need to do the following: Open the template mission in the Editor, copy/paste the Ambient Zombie module and the z-source object (in the template mission it's an invisible helipad named z_source) and drop them into a map of your choice, then save your new mission. You then need to move the scripts from the template mission over to your newly saved mission, (init.sqf, myst_z.sqf, spalsh_hit.sqf) These scripts basically turn the Ambient Zombie module into a Ghost spawner. Now you can edit the Ambient Zombie Ghost module to suit your own play style then your free to build a mission around the framework you've just created.
  7. ....and with that, I wish you the best of luck and bid you a fond farewell.
  8. Oh well, maybe it's back to Evil Organ then...thanks for the clarification.
  9. Oh wow, I didn't know that. ^^ I wonder why it requires more than 2 characters to tag someone?
  10. @R0adki11, @Dedmen, @FallujahMedic -FM- Apparently my forum name is not allowing fellow forum members from either tagging me in general chat or more importantly sending PM's. Could someone from the forum team look into this for me or alternatively point me in the direction of where to enquire further regarding this matter.
  11.  EO


    I think haleks is working on adding a separate addon for spawning Ghosts, but in the meantime It's fairly simple to deconstruct the Ghost Hunter mission and create a template that will spawn Ghosts on any other map. I could provide a template but i'm not at my desktop till later this evening.
  12. To be honest that's not a great opening gambit, maybe a descriptive list of new/improved features or a video showcase would help to garner some solid support, but straight up asking for money is not cool. Edit: And just to be clear, I loved the original MOCAP so i'm super excited to see any kind of update.
  13.  EO


    Does Ravage need Boss Zeds?...the framework is already available to make our own enhanced zeds, Zombie Module already has a Damage Multiplier, Voice Pitch and those eventhandlers are super handy for making zeds ultra fast for example. I thought the boss zeds I made for Sirens were pretty formidable compared to the "regular" ones. Not sure how difficult it would be to implement, but a cool addition to the Zombie Module would be a custom sound effect array so we could add our own zombie sounds, that combined with the Voice Pitch feature could add a whole new aspect to our scenarios.
  14.  EO


    There is also the option of the Renegade faces, those guys are pretty evil looking too. ^^ Here are the full set of classnames for Ravage Zeds and Renegades...
  15.  EO


    The attachTo command is still a little messy because of their animations, it can look great in a still pic... ....not so good in motion. @Stalk1st aka NaUdachu, you could always use the setFace command and add a zed face to an armed unit... Add this to the init of a unit... comment "Set identity"; this spawn {sleep 1; _this setFace "rvg_zed_face_2"}; this setSpeaker ""; this setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false]
  16. No official threads on the forum yet, so let's speculate! MOD EDIT Steam page : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1021790/Arma_3_Contact/
  17. What's the difference between this thread and the one over in the Scripting section? Information updates, videos and pics seem to be spread between the two threads, so in order to get the full lowdown on all things VA, we have to navigate between two threads?
  18.  EO


    @Stalk1st aka NaUdachu, Equipping zombies with weapons will probably break their animations, which is why they won't move.
  19. @ramon_dexter, Here is an example config for a little more reference, it's from one of my packs and adds a retexture to a CTRG unit from the Apex expansion. class CfgPatches { class eo_uniforms { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]= { "A3_Data_F_Exp" }; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class UniformItem; class U_B_CTRG_Soldier_F; class eo_bandit: U_B_CTRG_Soldier_F { scope=2; author="EO"; displayName="EO Bandit Uniform"; model="\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_original_F.p3d"; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformmodel="-"; uniformClass="eo_bandit"; containerclass="Supply80"; armor=50; mass=30; }; }; }; class cfgVehicles { class B_CTRG_Soldier_base_F; class eo_bandit: B_CTRG_Soldier_base_F { scope=1; displayName="EO Bandit Uniform"; model="\A3\Characters_F_Exp\BLUFOR\B_CTRG_Soldier_01_F.p3d"; uniformClass="eo_bandit"; hiddenSelections[]= { "camo", "insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\eo_uniforms\data\eo_bandit.paa" }; class Wounds { tex[]={}; mat[]= { "a3\characters_f_exp\blufor\data\U_B_CTRG_Soldier_F.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Exp\BLUFOR\Data\U_B_CTRG_Soldier_F_injury.rvmat", "A3\Characters_F_Exp\BLUFOR\Data\U_B_CTRG_Soldier_F_injury.rvmat" }; }; }; };
  20. If you want help it's better to show your whole config including the CfgPatches section, otherwise it's just guesswork. This has all you need for uniform configuration....https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Characters_And_Gear_Encoding_Guide
  21.  EO


    I was curious how the Dead Rising feature would work with the Ghosts.... It works really well for the most part, the AI resurrect with most of the Ghost ppeffects, the only issue is the reanimated Ghost will still be wearing his original outfit, partially obscured by the ppeffects but not a full on Ghost...Can this be tweaked to have them reanimate as a full on Ghost?
  22. What object are you trying ti disable?