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Posts posted by JohnKalo

  1. As far as I am aware and as far as I have read all Contact DLC assets are free to use. What you cannot do without the DLC is:


    • Play on Livonia,
    • use the weapons of the DLC,
    • wear the gear from the DLC
    • and use the vehicles from the DLC as a driver.

    If given such gear while on a server or are as a passenger on of the vehicles there will be an add stating buy the DLC.


    Now other players should have the expansion saying something like Contact DLC (Platfrom) enabled through the expansion menu. Otherwise no they will not be able to play. Like what happens with the Malden DLC.

    • Like 1

  2. @wogz187




    No swimming pool for today so I tried it and it worked! As stburr91 said. First tried it out and then saw your post.

    Oh officially no swimming for today in the program. Unofficially I got wrecked yesterday so it was not an option. 


    @GUYS !!!  

    If you connect this thread to the previous one of mine you can pretty much understand the concept of one of the Campaign missions. Hence I mentioned minor spoilers at the start but it is also really cool to write like this so ... :thumbsup: Or maybe the Campaign creation is taking too much effort and I am becoming overprotective. Spooky ... lol



    Not an answer to your question, but as a side note you can animate the multiscreen computer to open/ close with:

    Thank you very much for that. It can indeed help with the mission creation. It greatly aligns with how the story continues at that point.


    And thanks for the mission too. Had found another way too but your way is more simple and better explained so I will use yours instead. Thanks guys! Back to editing!



    • Like 2

  3. @wogz187 



    Thanks for the reply. No need for the contact DLC to test it. All those assets have and cause no dependency. Hmm... yes it does have 3 layers. Nice thought I will try it but when I use the above what exactly happens is that the whole texture of the object changes. It becomes like a pixel texture for the whole object and then the video footage is shown at the back of the three screens. There must be some sort of command so as to show different videos on the different screens but I have no idea which one it is 😕


    • Like 1

  4. If following the Greek Voiced Campaign Defying the Odds and are worried about even minor spoilers please read no further. Thanks!




    Can somebody please tell me how to show three different camera footages in the three screens from the Multi Screen Computer object?


    If it is one screen via the forums @Grumpy Old Man I have got this:


    tv setObjectTexture [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(piprendertg,1)"];
    _pipcam = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
    _pipcam setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.66,-0.33],[0,0.33,0.66]];
    _pipcam cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "piprendertg"];
    _pipcam camSetFov 0.4;
    _campos = getposatl car;
    _campos set [2,3];
    _pipcam setpos _campos;

    it works nicely with the TV and PC screen but when it comes to the Multi Screen Computer object from the Contact DLC it does not work.



    • Like 2

  5. As for code to the camera feed here you go via an older post from @Grumpy Old Man:


    tv setObjectTexture [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(piprendertg,1)"];
    _pipcam = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
    _pipcam setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0.66,-0.33],[0,0.33,0.66]];
    _pipcam cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "piprendertg"];
    _pipcam camSetFov 0.4;
    _campos = getposatl car;
    _campos set [2,30]; 
    _pipcam setpos _campos;


    tv is the name of the screen whereas car is where the camera is attached to. 30 is the height of the camera in meters. To call the above place it in a nameOfScript.sqf file and then call it like:

    execVM "nameOfScript.sqf";


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1

  6. The image can also be in a .jpg format actually. As to how to place the custom image on a screen, double click on the screen and open it's panel. Towards the end there is a tab about which texture it has showing as a wallpaper. That tab has a path. Change that path so as to show your image and all done. Apart from that, for the "security camera surveillance feed" it does need code. This post can help:


    And in general such questions should go:






    • Like 3

  7. Well as compensation you can see which of the addons and missions you want are uploaded on www.armaholic.com . You can download them from there and place them to your Arma 3 game. Steam has got such issues and hence armaholic is advised. Have always used that one. Only use steam when the files are not on armaholic.


    Now as it seems multiple problems have risen after the last update. Apart from yours end others complain about steam uninstalling Arma 3 for no reason for example. Or addons not loading and such. Strange things but with Arma we have sadly gotten used to them. Hope you solve the problem soon though  :thumbsup:

  8. Campaign spoilers included. If following the Greek Voiced Campaign Defying the Odds and worried about possible spoilers please read no further. Thanks!




    So what I am trying to do is make the B_AAA_System_01_F shoot at infantry units. That is the turret gun mounted on ships. The one looking like a minigun. Sadly as it seems it only shoots vehicles. Apart from them all I have managed to do is make the turret aim at the infantry units but not fire at them like at all. I have tried with a variety of conditions such as:


    if (side _x == east ) then {turret doFire _x};
    while {_x distance turret <100} do {turret dofire _x};
    _weaponClass = currentWeapon turret; while {_x distance fit <100} do {turret forceWeaponFire ["_weaponClass", "FullAuto"]};

    None of the above worked. Even if I was next to the turret and had multiple hostiles shoot at me the turret would just not care. So is there any way to make the turret shoot at infantry units?



  9. When in a plane: no fuel = no hope


    When it comes to Arma that is. Unless you are really lucky and have somewhere to land. With a chopper you can autorotate safely to the ground but with a plane not much can be done. That is because you hit the top of a tree? Boom! You hit a rock? Boom! You hit a fence? Oh man that can even result in a nuclear explosion!!! Once I was piloting a chopper and the rear wheel touched a very short stone wall when landing. Well we all blew up naturally.. In the water you can autorotate safely though. If you pay attention to your speed and all. Not possible with a plane however since you cannot bring it to a complete halt. Have not tried it with a plane to be honest but that is most likely the case due to Arma physics.


    • Haha 2
    • Sad 1

  10. In the simple version a winch script should allow the pilot to throw a rope with an AI attached to it. Once that AI gets close to the victim the victim is attached to him. Last but not least the rope is pulled up and both units get in the chopper. That is a feature that exists in BI game Take on Helicopters. I have used it myself in one mission and it was really cool. Sadly they have not implemented the feature in Arma 3. Not BI nor any other scripter. And it is not like people have not requested it... Once we were really close but a bug was reported unable to be fixed and hence the project was abandoned. Sadly the scripts used remained classified.




    A really strange thing is that although this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31254 exists a winch script does not. With the later you can fastrope or climb up the same rope. A simple get in chopper action could be more than enough but nothing there either. So in short yeah it would be cool but nobody has created such a feature.



    • Like 1

  11. No worries! Hope it was for vacations!!

    Did not try with say3D to be honest. Is it true however that playSound3D only works with game audio and not with added custom audio files? That might be why it does not work!

    Also will not try the other method soon. Taking a short break from Arma because the last Campaign mission took too long to be created and kinda wrecked me apart. Even if it hadn't I am waiting to see what the Contact DLC will offer as assets so...

    • Like 1

  12. Quote

    There is a much easier solution, guys.

    Placing anything in the INIT field is nice but if the mission is an MP one calling such animation commands via a trigger (or even better via the iniPlayerLocal.sqf) is advised. That is because triggers work on all clients (players). Otherwise it can happen that only the host watches the animations. Yep have been there.. As for using triggers so as to show conversations I used to do that too since recently! The problem is that when many conversations are involved too many triggers exist. Hence you can again call a script via a trigger.

    Nothing changes:

    NameOfPlayer sideChat "";
    sleep NumberOfSeconds;
    NameOfPlayer sideChat "";
    sleep NumberOfSeconds;

    Best of Wishes for your campaign!

    • Like 1

  13. You will have to place:


    execVM "nameOfScript.sqf";


    In the script you will have to find whatever animations you want via the animation viewer located in the Eden editor and then have something like:


    NameOfUnit switchMove "NameOfAnimation";
    sleep HowManySecondsTheAnimationLasts;
    switchMove "";
    NameOfUnit switchMove "NameOfAnimation";
    sleep HowManySecondsTheAnimationLasts;
    switchMove "";


    and so on. In the end a:


    NameOfUnit setDamage 1;

    when playing an animation sometimes switchMove does not work and you need a playMove.

    • Like 3

  14. Quote

    Bummer. I was hoping that would be a plug-in. I might need your help with that.

    Not the one appropriate to help sadly. The creators of this should be able to help.



    I did a little bit of research about making this mission MP. As far as I can tell the greatest challenge in MP is making things sync. In this mission we don't want ANYTHING to sync. It would be cool to have other people flying around but we don't want any of the actual triggers/markers/ect to be sync'd, just the players positions. Does this make it easier or more difficult to make MP?

    Well in MP how will conditions, radio calls and hints be showed? An MP mission would be nice and more likable but everything should be working for each player separately. 



    Check out the readMe file I added to the original post.

    Nicely played! 

  15. Quote

    I am considering adding a playable chopper in addition to the plane, or a way to select your vehicle at start up. Or, at least I was until I saw this,

    That was tragic indeed.



    6) Vehicle Selector and winch script (maybe)

    The winch script will be another first! 



    * Contingencies prevent the player from breaking the scenario. What happens if the player hops out of the plane? What if they jump out of the plane in flight? What if the plane crashes? What happens if the player aborts a challenge half-way through, ect.

    Yeah one of the main troubling in editing. What will the players do while playing. What if they do this or that. Or even worse ... what will the AI do when an MP mission is played as SP?!?!?

    • Like 1

  16. Quote

    Okay. So if you guys advised a mission designer who does NOT have those things, what considerations are necessary to make it playable? What should I know about the advanced flight model and controls as a designer?

    Not much. Only that flying around becomes more flexible. You can fly in more complicating (and awesome) ways.



    I developed the rescue scenario this afternoon and this is how it works:

    Nicely done! Sadly there is no wintch script to use but even so it is still cool.
