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About Flying-Coyotus

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    France - North

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  1. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    Hello Do you know how to hide the red square of eos system ? I tried what is explained in one of the messages, by removing markers names (red squre) from: INS_definitions.sqf case (toLower (worldName) isEqualTo "takistan"): { Airfield_opt = true; all_eos_mkrs = []; all_civ_eos_mkrs = []; }; But they are still visible. Any idea ? Thanks
  2. Flying-Coyotus

    HOTAS and rudder pedals implementation

    Hello, thanks for the work & research. In what file are you configuring your script ? Thanks
  3. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    you click Halo (not AI Halo), you close the box where you are asked to choose altitude and key, you move on map with mouse right button, then you left click where you want to jump
  4. I had same problem if I customize the perf server. If I let all by default it works. EDIT: in fact no, sometimes it works sometimes not @To author and people Is there a way to save the state of a mission, to reload it later ? thanks
  5. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    Hi, same for me, halo doesn't work anymore. thanks
  6. I don’t speak about mission xxxx.pbo from lobby but the tasks that appear on the map from ops intel, once you get some intels
  7. ok thank you it works, i found intels 🙂 In the ops center, intel appears with missions, is there a way to affect a mission to a task or is there something to do to activate it. I visit a place of a mission (refuel for ennemy helo), but there was nothing. By the way, nice work, it seems very fun, more dynamic and more realistic than usual missions 🙂
  8. Hello Is there a way to remove grass ? For the missions, I patroled for 1 hour with a copter > no intel, i dont know what to do in fact. Thanks
  9. Hi, Can someone explain how to remove grass and how to enter deployed vehicle ? thanks
  10. Flying-Coyotus

    User account cant be verified

    same for me and a friend...
  11. Flying-Coyotus

    Adding Tanoa?

    totally agree we need night versions
  12. Flying-Coyotus

    bipods bug

    bug fixed in the new release :)
  13. Flying-Coyotus

    bipods bug

    I just reinitialized my skill to tree to get bipod for the Mk 18 and... discovered this bug... At next update, it would be fine or will we need to reinitialize the skill tree ? (annoying because my credits are at 0 and it cost me now more than 114 000... Thanks
  14. Flying-Coyotus

    Night versions

    Hello, It would be cool to have night versions of clash & combat patrol, with new stuffs like flashlite, night vision, flares, and green laser. In arma 3 we had a lot of funs with this kind of missions :)
  15. Flying-Coyotus

    Argo Mission template

    Hello, Thanks I know that, but in these missions templates, argo vehicles (and not A3 vehicles) can't be driven.