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Everything posted by Flying-Coyotus

  1. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    Hello Do you know how to hide the red square of eos system ? I tried what is explained in one of the messages, by removing markers names (red squre) from: INS_definitions.sqf case (toLower (worldName) isEqualTo "takistan"): { Airfield_opt = true; all_eos_mkrs = []; all_civ_eos_mkrs = []; }; But they are still visible. Any idea ? Thanks
  2. Flying-Coyotus

    HOTAS and rudder pedals implementation

    Hello, thanks for the work & research. In what file are you configuring your script ? Thanks
  3. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    you click Halo (not AI Halo), you close the box where you are asked to choose altitude and key, you move on map with mouse right button, then you left click where you want to jump
  4. I had same problem if I customize the perf server. If I let all by default it works. EDIT: in fact no, sometimes it works sometimes not @To author and people Is there a way to save the state of a mission, to reload it later ? thanks
  5. Flying-Coyotus

    BMR Insurgency

    Hi, same for me, halo doesn't work anymore. thanks
  6. I don’t speak about mission xxxx.pbo from lobby but the tasks that appear on the map from ops intel, once you get some intels
  7. ok thank you it works, i found intels 🙂 In the ops center, intel appears with missions, is there a way to affect a mission to a task or is there something to do to activate it. I visit a place of a mission (refuel for ennemy helo), but there was nothing. By the way, nice work, it seems very fun, more dynamic and more realistic than usual missions 🙂
  8. Hello Is there a way to remove grass ? For the missions, I patroled for 1 hour with a copter > no intel, i dont know what to do in fact. Thanks
  9. Hi, Can someone explain how to remove grass and how to enter deployed vehicle ? thanks
  10. Hello, I make a mission via editor just to make some fire training exercices. I tested different Arma 3 respawn script, but i don't find a way to respawn objects (Land_balloon_01_water_F, soldiers...) Do you have an idea ? Thanks
  11. Flying-Coyotus

    User account cant be verified

    same for me and a friend...
  12. Flying-Coyotus

    Adding Tanoa?

    totally agree we need night versions
  13. Flying-Coyotus

    bipods bug

    bug fixed in the new release :)
  14. Flying-Coyotus

    Night versions

    Hello, It would be cool to have night versions of clash & combat patrol, with new stuffs like flashlite, night vision, flares, and green laser. In arma 3 we had a lot of funs with this kind of missions :)
  15. Flying-Coyotus

    bipods bug

    I just reinitialized my skill to tree to get bipod for the Mk 18 and... discovered this bug... At next update, it would be fine or will we need to reinitialize the skill tree ? (annoying because my credits are at 0 and it cost me now more than 114 000... Thanks
  16. Flying-Coyotus

    Argo Mission template

    Hi, I just discovered you publish the mission templates, which is great and very usefull :) So > thanks :) I have just a question: in a template, how to make the few vehicles (Orca, hunter...) drivables ? Thanks a lot !
  17. Flying-Coyotus

    Argo Mission template

    Hello, Thanks I know that, but in these missions templates, argo vehicles (and not A3 vehicles) can't be driven.
  18. Flying-Coyotus

    Firing range

    Hello, In firing range, would it be possible to make a system to spawn human unarmed: - choice of range (up to 1 km) - choice of no armor / armor 1 / armor 2 I know it exists in arma 3, but as it seems ballistic is not the same, it could be interesting :) Thanks
  19. Flying-Coyotus

    Firing range

    @Lt.Master I already did, but it could be fine to add it to the firing range of the game ;) But i'm not good enough in dev to make my own respawn system and choose range/type of armor In A3 i used this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26414
  20. Flying-Coyotus

    Leaderboard update

    it just have been updated ! thanks
  21. Flying-Coyotus

    Leaderboard update

    Hi, Same problem since update 1 (one week ago). It doesn't came from browser, i have purged its cache, and i tried with Edge (never use it with bistudio), same problem. Thanks
  22. Hi, it seems that in game the EMR is less powerfull, I run some tests in the editor, I noticed the same thing. Some snipers have this feeling too ? Thanks
  23. Flying-Coyotus

    Since last update: Mk-I EMR less powerfull ?

    I don't know at which range you made your test, I just made a test at 350m on DS > same problem, needs 2 hits in chest (wo body armor), whereas before it needed 1 hit. The range of engagement of an assault rifle is about 300 meters (5.56, 7.62-39: M4, HK416, AK47 ...). The standard precision rifles (7.62-54, 308 win) are for shots up to 800/1000 meters. Over 1 km you will need bigger caliber (300, 338, 408, ...). I can confirm that a bullet of 7.62-51/54 neutralizes a man up to 800 meters. Even if he survives, i won't be able to stand up to fight. Another point I'm quite sure about it: some headshots doesn't work... I have the feeling that Clouds players are more affected than Flames players, but I maybe wrong.
  24. Flying-Coyotus

    Since last update: Mk-I EMR less powerfull ?

    Hope last patch really fixes the problem: Fixed : Inconsistencies in receiving leg and arm damage. What about chest ?
  25. Flying-Coyotus

    Since last update: Mk-I EMR less powerfull ?

    ah good news :)