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Everything posted by cc_kronus

  1. Hi, I have spent hours looking for what I need but could not find it. We use Alive and there is a medevac chopper with Ai pilot. We also have an auto-heal script What we want to do is to be able to put injured players (often unconscious ) inside the medevac chopper, and when the medevac lands at the medic helipad back at base , there is a trigger that detect if anybody inside the helicopter is injured and run the auto-heal script on the injured player/s. How should be the condition and init of the trigger?
  2. https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/205513-heal-or-eject-cargo-players-from-alive-helicopter-for-ace3-healing-solved/#comment-3208151
  3. The way is as follows: step 1. Trigger at helipad (for ACE3 healing) 10x10 square. type: none activation: anyplayer activation type: present repeatable condition: Player in thislist; On Activation: {hint "You are now healed"; [_x, _x] remoteExecCall ["ACE_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHealLocal", _x, false];} forEach thislist; step 2. The Helicopter (For ALiVE system). a) For whatever reason, I could not make it work with a chopper created with the transport module, consequently I had to put a medevac helicopter with Eden the normal way you put things in the scenario. b) syncronize the helicopter with Alive's PLAYER COMBAT SUPPORT MODULE. c) Enter this in the init of the helicopter: this addEventHandler [ "Engine", { params ["_vehicle", "_engineOn"]; if( !_engineOn ) then { private _pilotGroup = group driver _vehicle; { if( group _x != _pilotGroup ) then { moveOut _x }; } forEach crew _vehicle; }; } ]; this setvariable ["CS_TYPE","transport"]; this setvariable ["CS_CALLSIGN","yourcallsign here"]; this setVariable ["CS_SLINGLOADING", false]; this setVariable ["CS_CONTAINERS",0]; The helicopter only switches engine off when it arrives back to base, so that is when the eventhandler will be activated, will do the check on the crew and kick players out of the chopper. The lines with "this setvariable" are to enable ALiVE to recognize the helicopter and enable it in the Player Combat Support Module How does it work? Whenever you have in your team an injured that is stable but inconscious and in comatose state and the team medic is out of personal aid kits or enough fluids to bring the man back, it is evident that the player needs to be evacuated. Call the medevac chopper through ALiVE , load the unconscious man on the helicopter and send the chopper back to base. As soon as the helicopter touches ground on its helipad (can be a medic helipad next to a medic facility for inmersion) the eventhandler in the chopper will eject the player and when he touches the helipad the trigger will instantly heal the player. How you reinsert (or not!) the player back to the combat zone is up to the custom procedures of how each group of players/units operate. Thanks to The Magnetar for the trigger and to MrCurry for the Eventhandler.
  4. Hi we play in a group using ACE3 and ALiVE, Sometimes someone is badly hit, he is in stable conditions but still do not recover the conscience and the medic has run out of Personal Aid Kits or Saline bags to fully recover the player. We want to call a medevac (generated by ALiVE, so the chopper does not have a "name" we could use), evacuate the casualty to base, and as soon as the medevac chopper helicopter lands in the medic helipad, cure the injured running a function. in the code that is ran on the Alive Helicopter is : this setVariable ["ACE_isMedicalVehicle", 1, true]; so the injured stops bleeding. the trigger at the helipad has the following condition _x isKindOf "air" && isTouchingGround _x && player in thislist and on activation : {[_caller, _target] remoteExecCall ["ACE_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHealLocal", _x, false];} forEach thisList; Well, we have been unable to make it work and heal people inside the chopper. For example, changing condition to "this" allows anyone who gets out of the chopper and step on the helipad (where the trigger is) to get instantly healed. The problem is that most of the guys in the helo are usually unconscious, therefore, are unable to make any action to get out. or use an "addaction" which would solve the problem. We thought: wait a minute, if we kick them out of the chopper and fall on the helipad they will be instantly cured! so we have tried adding another trigger on top of the healing one to eject players out fo the chopper, but it does not work. We have tried with Getout: unit action ["getOut", targetVehicle] we have tried with eject: unit action ["eject", vehicle] none worked, we assume that the problem was that the players in the back of the chooper count as cargo, Please, Note that we are playing with an helicopter generated by ALiVE, so it has no name to refer to, and ACE3, so solutions such as "set damage 0" will not work. Any idea how to solve this? Either healing them when the chopper lands on the helipad or alternatively, with another trigger to kick players out of the chopper after landing so they fall on the helipad. The trigger must work in multiplayer, either on dedicated servers or on hosted server. Our programming skills are very limited, so if you post a solution that we can just copy and paste it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
  5. @mrcurry Works like a dream, I do not know how to thank you for your help. I have been after this for weeks. The medal is for you, mate!.
  6. Hi I need some help with the precise syntax of an Eventhandler but I don't know programming and need help with the precise syntax. I want to insert in the init of a helicopter than when it switches its engine off, it kicks out of the vehicle all players in cargo. According to Arma wiki https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Engine the init shoul be something like this. This addeventhandler "engine" [this, false] { moveOut this } forEach crew this; But I can't make it work. Any idea of what I am doing wrong?
  7. @X Pro Octane @mrcurry OK, it now works with your codes, (I may have been doing sombething wrong before) but it also ejects the crew (pilot, copilot and chief), and the pilot does not reenter the helicopter, rendering the helicopter as "combat innefective" when I try to recall it with ALiVE's player combat support. Could the code eject/kick only players? (or just the units assigned as cargo?)
  8. Sorry mates, but no joy this time. @Arkensor I got lost with your first part. _vehicle = _this; // for use within the mission.sqfm _vehicle = cursorObject; //When you look at something and want it to be added there _vehicle = (vehicle player); //When you sit in the vehicle and you want to add it to it _vehicle addEventHandler ["Engine", {hint format["This vehicle: %1, not as the engine state %2",str(_this select 0),str(_this select 1)];}]; I should include this in the mission.sqm?? Where?? going back to the init : it gives an error: '|#| _vehicle addeventhandler ["engine.... Error undefined variable in expression: _vehicle the code is to be used on the init of the helicopter. Please, excuse my ignorance, as my programming ability is close to a negative number, rather than zero, but would'nt it be this instead of _vehicle? @mrcurry Thanks, for your reply, but unfortunately your proposed solution also produces an error. it gives an error on ... if(!|#|_engineOn) ... Error Undefined variable in expression _engineOn BI say: vehicle: Object - Vehicle the event handler is assigned to engineState: Boolean - True when the engine is turned on, false when turned off Shouldn't the engine state just be true or false? sorry if I am proposing a nonsense, as said before, I am lost with the code for this game.
  9. it does not work, it gives an error.
  10. cc_kronus

    Ambient Radio Chatter

    I would like to use this as ambient on fixed radios, like the big ones found on tables on CUP Is there any way to modify the script to make the desktop radio to play the chatter in 3D mode for multiplayer?
  11. Sorry to say it did not work. What I know is that the trigger on the helipad with the condition: "this" and the on act : { [_x, _x] remoteExecCall ["ACE_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHealLocal", _x, false];} forEach thisList; works like a dream: as soon as a player steps out of the chopper. The problem is that an unconscious player can't do any action and can't get out of the chopper. An alternative method would be to overlap another trigger so that as soon as the chopper touches ground the trigger force eject/kick all the players out of the chopper. As soon as they fall on the helipad, they would be healed by the above described trigger. The problem is that I could not make work any action function as "eject" or "getout" with ALiVe chopper.
  12. did you find a solution? I am also interested in this. When a player in unconscious in ACE3 is unable to make any action, consecuently he cannot eject or get out. In other words, we need to find a way that the helicopter crew kicks him out when the chopper has landed.
  13. we have already tried it cond: (_x isKindOf "air") && (isTouchingGround _x) && {player in thisList} count (playableUnits + switchableUnits) > 0 playableunits + switchable units is due to ensure multiplayer functionality. Please note that your action {_x setUnconscious false; _x setDamage 0} do not work with ACE3 advanced medicals. you need to run a function {[_caller, _target] remoteExecCall ["ACE_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHealLocal", _x, false];} forEach thisList; to heal players in ACE3 advanced medicals. unfortunately the problem is that for whatever reason, we are unable to make the condition to detect players in cargo of the helicopter and apply the function to them.
  14. sorry, guys, none of your proposed solutions work I think that i will give up doing it via trigger and instead make the trigger just fire a script that will select the players in cargo and run the funcion on them. I will still need help as my programming skills are close to cero. I am a copy-paster.
  15. How would be the sintax? I mean, how do I detect a chopper without name, generated by ALiVE and make the trigger diferentiate between the chopper and the crew inside the vehicle that needs to be healed?
  16. would that work if player is being transported in a vehicle, say a medevac helicopter?
  17. Not that easy, it is a chopper generated by ALiVE, so it has no name I found a function: [_caller, _target] call ACE_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHeal; The issue is to set the syntax of the trigger so that when the chopper has landed at the trigger, apply the function to players in the chopper (injured or not, it does not matter), The function needs to work in multiplayer, either hosted or in a dedicated server. I have been banging my head with a wall for weeks with this, trial after trial and I need expert help to sort this one out.
  18. i'm in total agreement with Pierremgi. If a player puts an aircraft CAS support marker on the map, let the player select the ordenance (as happens with the artillery support, where you can even choose the number of rounds) and let the plane flatten the marker zone in the first run, independently of what is under the tree canopy. Would be a great addition on the next release. Please, look into it. Thanks in advance.
  19. Hi folks thanks for your help. The problem is that helicopter is generated by ALiVE and therefore does not have a name. _x would need to be the helicopter and the trigger should detect people in _x in fact, after thinking, it does not need to detect injured, the script may be run on anyone inside the chopper, healed or not, they all will be healed as soon as the chopper lands on the trigger. Would that make it easier. ?
  20. Same here!. Any chance of a hotfix soon?
  21. and another one... a search for "mobile aircraft hangar" in google will deliver results as this one http://www.rubbmilitary.com/solutions/aircraft-hangars
  22. A google image search with the key words "expandable mobile shelter" will answer your question.
  23. I have been several days fumbling with this but still unable to find a solution (need to say that I am not into scripting and I am just a copy/paster) I got this script to work like a charm on the virtual support supply drop. Now what I want to do is to have the squad (human players) and the supply box to travel in the same plane (AI controlled via waypoints) and be dropped together. The idea is that the backpacks and other pieces of kit are in the box and players retrieve them when they have landed and get rid of their parachutes. Unfortunately we are having a real hard time finding the box after the jump, so any realistic visual cue (IR grenades, lightsticks and smoke attached to the box) is a very welcome help, and this is what the script does to the box. The ammo box is carried as cargo in RHS's C130-J and dropped with the special RHS "paradrop air cargo" allright and the players jump by themselves just right. But I am unable to get the correct syntax and can't make the box run that script from the paradrop waypoint's init Any idea?