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Everything posted by Dwayne_

  1. Each variation of the vehicle would be it's own class. So lets say for instance you were making 3 Leopard tanks; one for Germany, one for Sweden and one for France. You would assign them the class name Leo_Germany, Leo_Sweden, Leo_France and then write configs for each of them inside the config.cpp. See here for reference - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_3_Replacement_Config_Tutorial#Preparing_the_addon See how the config has SoldierWB, that's the classname he's given to his new addon. He has set it to inherit parameters from B_Soldier_base_F, the stuff underneath model, UniformClass etc are the things that will be different from B_Soldier_base_F. If you wanted to inherit from the Slammer tank you would use B_MBT_01_cannon_F as the inheritance. Full list of class names here - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_WEST Need more help just post below or PM me.
  2. You can't overcome this if your using a mirrored UV layout. You would have to remap the UV layout to eliminate this problem, don't bother because it's a huge job. You can do it by using decals instead which go on top of the color map. I think this is done using HiddenSelections, see here - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#hiddenSelections If you really want to do this do it via HiddenSelections.
  3. YouTube is your best friend for this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWYblZS0PlE
  4. Try changing your config to config.cpp. Short of that, I'm out of ideas!
  5. Okay what you need is PboProject. It's like Addon Builder but less buggy. A lot of people prefer it. Here is tutorial explaining it - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/pboProject Here are the files to download - https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files
  6. If you go into Addon Builder and go to Options, have you got anything in the box AddonPrefix? If you have - remove it. It should be empty.
  7. Go onto Steam and hover over 'LIBRARY', a drop down list will appear and select 'Tools'. You will find Arma 3 Tools. Download and install this. When you run the program you will find a program called Addon Builder, use this to create .pbo's.
  8. I think I see the problem. If we use this for reference - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Characters_And_Gear_Encoding_Guide#Vest_configuration Before the line uniformModel you're missing class ItemInfo: ItemInfo I've never done a vest config so I can't be certain this is the cause but this is what immediately jumps out at me.
  9. Dwayne_

    VR Suit Armor Texture

    If you wanna do retextures don't do them like this. It's the poor mans way of doing it! Do it by using a config.cpp and placing it into game via an addon pbo. There's some good tutorials on YouTube about how to do this.
  10. To use stuff from your own .pbo it's goes like this (providing your config.cpp / mod.cpp is in the same .pbo) "pbo_name/Data/your_image.paa" You don't have to call the folder data, you can use whatever folder name you want, so long as that folder is in the .pbo. So for your example; "pbo_name/armastuff/ui/logo.paa" Hope this helps.
  11. On the lines where you've referenced the hiddenSelectionsTextures you've put the texture names but not the format. i.e. "JSTN_SinaloaVest" instead of JSTN_SinaloaVest.paa and "SinaloaSweater" instead of SinaloaSweater.paa. Also near the bottom on the UniformModel line you've not referenced a uniform model. If this is the uniform you're doing https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Equipment#U_I_CombatUniform then you need to find the class U_I_CombatUniform in the Arma 3 config viewer (you can find it by going in the eden editor, spawn any unit, play as the character, esc when in game > Config viewer. All the classes are on the left) and find the path of the uniform model. I don't know if this is the solution with absolute certainty but these are the ones that stand out to me.
  12. I've tried retexturing the AAF officer uniform. It uses 2 hidden textures (i.e. 2 separate texture files for the same model) but I can't get the second texture to function correctly. Some pics; As you can see the lower body has some sort of..I don't know what going on. I thought just copying to original texture file (the .paa for the upper body), renaming it with "_trousers" at the end would give the lower portion of the uniform textures but it sort of...didn't! Here's my current texture file - Here's the config I'm using for this uniform. If anyone'e seen this before or knows a possible solution I'll be very grateful. I'll take anything I can get at this moment in time!
  13. I'm trying to retexture the AAF officer but I'm running into difficulties with my config. I've defined the hidden selections and the their locations but still my retexture fails to appear - I end up with an invisible chested guy (although the trousers appear). I've professionally (!) retextured original .paa file to a Grenadier Guard as one can see. I've posted my config below for anyone who can spot the issue. I apologize in advance for any obvious mistakes - this is my first shot at retexturing in A3! My config
  14. Seems to have done the trick. Cheers Jackal.
  15. The result is still the same - invisible chest. Am I missing something else that I need for this rextexture? Inside my .pbo I have a folder called Data and then the textured officer & vanilla indep solider .paa files in there. Do I need something more? UPDATE Okay so it turns out it was Eliteness that was throwing it off. Solution for people reading this in future - use BinPBO Personal Edition to make your .pbo files, not eliteness! But I still have a problem in the sense the game doesn't use my texture - http://i.imgur.com/igSOhYm.jpg
  16. Can you post the config you have so far?
  17. Hi guys, I'm not entirely sure if this is the correct bit to post it in but nonetheless here goes! We've got a new Altis Life server going up, it's called Syndicate Altis Life. It's pretty new, we even have a website! All the links and stuff I will post at the bottom. Anyway, we'd like to think we have a friendly community and moderation team, ban's will only be handed out in the most extreme of circumstances, and even then they're generally only 1 day bans at the longest. So far nobody has been banned or kicked. Away from the doom and gloom side now! If you guys (or girls!) wanna join this server we'd be more than happy to accept you, if you'd like any information or help regarding the server you can always visit our website or join our TeamSpeak. Look forward to seeing you in Altis! Our website = http://thesyndicate.invisionzone.com/ Our TeamSpeak = thesyndicate.enjinvoice.com