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Everything posted by DJankovic

  1. DJankovic

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Already said it on FB but you guys amazed me with quality and content,you guys went on QUALITY AND QUANITY :D THank you milion times for this awesome mod pack. Love it
  2. DJankovic

    SOC WIP Thread

    Sorry didnt want to be rude or anything with my post,i am following this thread since begining and evry wip picture was like dream and this one on front page of MANW it looks like it is not from you guys XD Sorry if my post was rude, either way i cant wait for your mod :)
  3. DJankovic

    SOC WIP Thread

    http://makearmanotwar.com/entry/My2Gim47oz#.VE53JPl5MpU I saw your post on MANW contest and this pictures are they low settings or what? where that awesome texture go? or your guys dont want to show it still
  4. Tnx CosmiC10R,now i got it 2 diferent things XD now all those supporters on Epoch are irellevant to win? judges can choose RHS if they like it and dont like epoch? is that wright?
  5. But what is the point of us vote than? Will judges just play promoted entries or?
  6. DJankovic

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    BI will not do anything about this,because 70% of F servers on list are Altis Life servers,and why?? A lot of guys noticed that they can open their own server ask "donation" for server, "donation" to play on it "donation" to get some advantage over other players, oh and yea "donation" for them to earn money also. I am not mod maker,just playing Arma 3 in mil sim but blind guy can see what is happening on servers,hoped once on some random server wanted to be police guy,gues what "DONATE" you can be one for just 19.99$(Joke for price thingy but not for DONATE)
  7. DJankovic

    What Pieces to Change to Increase FPS?

    disable clouds and shadows and PIP and you will have huge fps improvement
  8. DJankovic


    How does AGM Selfinteraction work with this mod?
  9. Testing out NEW FC-37 Thunder,Beautifould Aircraft,HUD AMAZING http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/547512003714121749/8B894F907DC9EB0229EBABA527083CDDEB3F184D/ (708 kB) http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/547512003714124125/0DCA4432B555D370C35D36AE57B10A9857A49F8B/ (105 kB) http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/547512003714123015/79C4ECA88EB11E915BBA081E50781254EBD770CB/ (396 kB)
  10. DJankovic

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    If i was BIS i would hire JL like PSC (Private Sound Contractor) :D Sound devs need you to be complete,and i saw that feedback tracker just got acknowleged hope something will be done with it.
  11. DJankovic

    Arma 2 VS Arma 3! You chose!

    Mybe update poll and add Arma 3 Futuristic settings,Arma 3 Realistic settings like in (OFP,Arma,Arma2)
  12. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/547511114572539266/4DEA20FC86E714F565B6F03A331C39186E2D52D3/ (510 kB) Just want to check is this on purpose or mistake dubble wheels on front and one on back?
  13. I remember in Alpha there was feature on helicopters that blowed my mind when u tilt helicopter or your rotor blades hit the ground they would be destroyed and gone,remember flying low by the ATC and clipped with blades on atc and just droped on ground did not exploded that was cool :) Definetly would love to see some sort of survivable helicopter landings
  14. DJankovic

    PvP solves all AI issues

    PvP solves all AI issues No
  15. DJankovic

    SOC WIP Thread

    Sealife Experts?? That would be SEALS? And it that sing that we will see more diving suits and equipment?
  16. Hello I checked the forum and no similar thread so i would like to start one,for my sake and other guys who need same help. So since last update all members of the clan that i am in have some problems where we got kicked out (game crash) and battleye message shows up in text for rest. Now i would love if someone with good expirience can check my rtp and mybe tell me what the heck is going on. https://www.dropbox.com/s/i4fiysd527v3mtl/arma3_2014-10-05_20-39-48.rpt?dl=0 Here is the link to rtp file,and thank you to anyone who reply. MODLIST: If you need any more info just say
  17. DJankovic


    Small bug,on deployment vehicle V2 http://i.imgur.com/XJqHV7o.jpg This thing is visible only from driver side,and front part of vehicle,if you enter in driver or any seat that thing is gone, and it is not visiable from front passanger side.
  18. @Dwarden You said on first reply when u have time you will reply on main question now 3rd reply still not wright answer only some argie about BIS sim,no sim studio no studio. Can you please reply and tell us why VBS 3 have rivers and arma 3 dont?
  19. I have an idea because BIS is offering money for Make Arma Not War(500.000€) to moders lets make an entry where comunity is requesting AI fix and Low CPU,GPU utilization and if that entry gets a lot of votes and win :) all that money goes to BIS to do exact that thing? I know this is little bit silly idea but it might work if we all just vote on it :) So lets say that would go under TOTAL MODIFICATION price 200.000€ i think that is enough money for few good devs to get on it and do what needs to be done :)
  20. DJankovic

    Glitch Exploit = Cheating and new DLC

    make Feedback tracker this needs to be fixed it happend to me bunch of damn times in King of the hill i cant even count it
  21. DJankovic

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    I had my wishes on Sea stalion and some russian hevi transport helicopters with 6-7 blades (not on 2 story rather on one axys if u know what i mean) and we get this futuristic helicopters,but hey atleast we have a lot free stuff added cant wait to see what two sniper riffles are we gonna get and bipods(not confirmed) but hope to be free feature dont want to piss off comunity from OFP.
  22. DJankovic

    Adding content from TKOH for Helicopter DLC

    +1 for the 25€ price but Dev port not comunity and +1 for the Mohawk from take on helicopters but mybe it is and there is somewhere in config to do it just need to script it like bunch of stuf that have been added and removed
  23. DJankovic

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    ohhh man, Konyo I love you man,NO HOMO :) cant wait for firing from vehicles and slings to come out in vanila :) damn that is gonna be good times :)