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Everything posted by rebelvg

  1. Author field in CfgPatches can't be an array from some patches ago and every time you save a mission in the editor this error will pop-up. http://imgur.com/a/ZJ9BF Example. https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/25a3405d1f7288ef81f562b7a0b50ed7f848b306/addons/main/config.cpp#L873
  2. rebelvg

    Immersion Cigs

    Oh, yeah, if you're using unit's init box you need to use. 0 = [this] spawn murshun_cigs_fnc_start_cig;
  3. rebelvg

    Immersion Cigs

    You can add this line into the unit's init line. [this] spawn murshun_cigs_fnc_start_cig;
  4. rebelvg

    Immersion Cigs

    New update. Version 1.21 Changes to the dependency. Now can work without ACE so you can run it on vanilla only. So if you run it with ACE, it's all the same as before, but if you run it on vanilla it'll work via mouse wheel action menu. Some limitations, to get cig from cig pack you have to put it in your uniform only, otherwise the mouse-wheel action will always be there which is kind of what I always wanted to avoid. And you can't light other unit's cigs for now. https://github.com/rebelvg/murshun_cigs/releases/download/1.21/murshun_cigs.zip http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=753946944
  5. This was fixed in some version recently. Thanks!
  6. Yep, can confirm that steam client downloads stable exe on profiling branch for the server. I actually asked about this some months ago on discord and dwarden assured me that it should work fine. I blamed steam_appid thing cause you have to change the id to 107410 on the server for it to allow connections or something like that, but it appears there's something else going on.
  7. Vanilla 1.66 https://www.dropbox.com/s/u40f6aeaktzl77m/AiO.1.66.139494.cpp?dl=0
  8. Vanilla 1.64 https://www.dropbox.com/s/tm2067guoi0nzg4/AiO.1.64.138732.cpp?dl=0 1.64, CBA 3.1.2, CUP TP 1.2.0, CUP WUV 1.8.0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/vujo3o2w9194hip/AiO.1.64.CBA.CUP.cpp?dl=0
  9. Yes! YES! Amazing job, guys! Arma config dump. 1.64, CBA 3.1.2, CUP TP 1.2.0, CUP WUV 1.8.0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/vujo3o2w9194hip/AiO.1.64.CBA.CUP.cpp?dl=0
  10. rebelvg

    MGSR Mod

    Making of sneaking suit by Facel.
  11. rebelvg

    MGSR Mod

    New update. 0.45 Sneaking suit (SV). Venom snake demon face. Github. https://github.com/rebelvg/mgsr_mod/releases/download/0.45/mgsr_mod.zip Steam. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=588179142
  12. Is this bug somehow related to this thing? https://www.dropbox.com/s/dirrj8czjuln204/zdwfqu.webm?dl=0 This was recorded in February 2016 by a member of our community, happened after a few hours of gameplay. We encountered this every now and then later. Stopped happening a few month back, maybe it was kinda fixed or we didn't play long enough to encounter it again.
  13. rebelvg

    Config Errors Displaying

    Yep, this is the most annoying thing which I mentioned before in one of my posts, which was dismissed by a joke. These pop-ups can be an immersion breaker same as a mission breaker (in a sense that people that play with no-respawn will have to restart the whole mission). It doesn't stop the simulation for you in MP and if you're a pilot that is trying to land, well, RIP crew. Can't say it happened to me a lot, but happened a few times in a middle of a firefight against armored vehicles. I'm all for detailed logging of anything that is wrong with the game, but not in an obtrusive way. Be it systemChat or that black-bar thing or quake like console as long as it doesn't block the UI. I have to stress that my first suggestions was made based on how much time BI can actually spend on this. So I tried to suggest the easiest solution, make the option to disable it. I'm all for completely revamping the whole system. But will they go for it with the limited resources they have? I doubt.
  14. rebelvg

    MGSR Mod

    New update! 0.44 Changes. Two new custom faces and custom heads of naked snake and venom snake. Small changes to the eyepatch. Kept you waiting, huh? Github. https://github.com/rebelvg/mgsr_mod/releases/download/0.44/mgsr_mod.zip Workshop. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=588179142
  15. rebelvg

    Immersion Cigs

    Thanks! This will be possible when I restructure my cig script a bit. It wasn't designed for that. No ETA atm.
  16. rebelvg

    Blastcore remake?

    Been wondering this same thing myself. I made some in-home fixes for the blastcore phoenix to fix all errors and some visual glitches and been wondering if I can release this somehow. I guess the way to go is to make a patch.
  17. Is it possible to have helis respawn on camps? Really great addon, wish this was updated with new features and optimizations from new script commands.
  18. \DS_m_Explosions\sounds\Rocket_Big\0m_3.wss \DS_m_Explosions\sounds\Rocket_Big\0m_4.wss have something extra at the end of the file that sounds like a double explosion that's suddenly cut-off.
  19. rebelvg

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    This still happens. Great update, really liked the Ikarus lights, flashlights and bikes.
  20. rebelvg

    MGSR Mod

    New update! 0.43 This time with a surprise. Changes. New solid snake sneaking suit (PS1 era), as part of the dejavu mgsv episode, unit is configured as civilian for now. Fixes for robes sometimes loosing their normal maps (bug with hiddenSelectionMaterials config). Fixes for wounds materials for robes (same caused by hiddenSelectionMaterials). Poncho was added to the vest slot. WARNING. Solid snake model and face are made from scratch by Facel, it is NOT a PS1 rip. Github download. https://github.com/rebelvg/mgsr_mod/releases/download/0.43/mgsr_mod.zip Workshop release. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=588179142
  21. Looks interesting. Greetings from Ukraine, good luck guys.
  22. rebelvg

    Immersion Cigs

    Iron Front Lite Omaha Beach.
  23. rebelvg

    MGSR Mod

    You asked, Facel did it. New Update! 0.42 New robe uniforms (blue and olive). Which are african and soviet for the MGSV. More optimized LODs and shadow LODs for poncho. ACE3 optional pbo is now integrated in the mod. Some small fixes here and there. Github download. https://github.com/rebelvg/mgsr_mod/releases/download/0.42/mgsr_mod.zip Workshop release. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=588179142
  24. rebelvg

    Immersion Cigs

    Update is here! Version 1.2 New cig models by Facel. New cig pack model by Facel. Changed dependencies. ACE3 only. New items are reconfigured as magazines, but still have same classnames. Use player addItem "murshun_cigs_matches"; player addItem "murshun_cigs_lighter"; player addItem "murshun_cigs_cigpack"; to add new items to your inventory. Github download. https://github.com/rebelvg/murshun_cigs/releases/download/1.2/murshun_cigs.zip Workshop release. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=753946944
  25. Congrats on the release. Great job!