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Everything posted by dragonsyr

  1. i join a server with 3.1 mission. i test it on my server and i saw that the problem with the main weapon desappear after respawn is still there.... note that i use mcc . i need to know if anyone have the same issue on respaun
  2. @kabs read from there http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150909-MCC-Sandbox-3-Dynamic-mission-creating-tool-for-ArmA-3&p=2586942&viewfull=1#post2586942 because i m not exactly figure what you want to do, sorry if misunderstood........
  3. rappel (up/down) , climb/hang on fences/walls. Jump.
  4. i dont know why arma has not melee attack , bare hands use (fists) bayonet and knife use.. how can you play a stealth mission without those options? or you r out of ammo, what then........ is this so difficult??
  5. after the last update i notice that the mission time and weather set on dedicated server is working only local. the other players cant see the changes realtime as allways did. is this problem from the update ?? thanks
  6. this is sad. not only for this work , but for many other superb works that is stopped for the same reason. I hope that bis can make something ( like author script for steam workshop upload privilleges?????? ) :(
  7. dont stop your work shay .. is perfect.... wait for the release of zeus first..... we know for sure that in videos all seems perfect..... wait to use first hand and then we talk...... also what is DLC ??? (pay or free????????)
  8. from my tadst for armaoa , reporting ip [ArmaA2:AO]arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com , server file "C:\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oaserver.exe" (my shortcut..... use yours insteed...)
  9. i dont remember for sure , but for arma2 oa co you need to copy some files from arma2 to armaoa folder . Look here for more info http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=7099
  10. random patrols will work in 3.1..... as i know...
  11. i have the defaults from TADST . my only advise if you have too many mods on your server (and if this is the problem for the lag you have....), is that you must run only the mods needed for the mission running each time..(client side)
  12. maybe you missed on page 22 this there is no trigger .... just open the fn_protector.sqf and make enablesimulation true or delete this line ... (i make it true) I have mcc on my server and the mission is fine .. im running it without problems and without server restart for 2-3 days . only the vas sometimes have a <1 min delay , but its working fine..... (my solution for this delay is logout and join again the server.) ps ... my server runs @cba, @tmr , @alive , @js_fa18, @mcc, @acre, @hafm, @sthud, @nimitz
  13. You cant select other settings when a mission have params ,except defaults . you can select any parameter but when you start the mission , settings is default .
  14. as Iceman says , When you're in a vehicle and play a sound, it will be muffled unless using array overload and pass true as the second parameter. if (player == assignedDriver (vehicle player)) then { playSound ["SoundName", true]; }; Should work fine to broadcast sound to a specific unit only (driver in this case). Then it couldn't possibly be broadcasted all over the map
  15. @ Mk-L there is no trigger .... just open the fn_protector.sqf and make enablesimulation true or delete this line ... (i make it true)
  16. and you get kick only in Recon Big Breakfast , or on every mission? ...player without identity....... check here maybe helps http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154963-Server-error-Player-without-identity-****
  17. @clamrising can you post the reason of the kick? you can see the reason in server log..... try with batlleeye off and see what happend....
  18. i found this yesterday so im ok with enablesim thing.... ok i ll try to post on dev heaven...... thanks for the replys
  19. It s seems that i have no trigger at base for enablesimulation ... also there is an issue with the medic system .. sometimes working and sometimes not . sometimes the player fall to ground with the blood screen enabled for no reason... another issue is that the mauhawk heli have wrong attach points for lifting the containers (the container is attached in the middle of the heli and the heli gets damage ) ---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:39 ---------- is it possible for all players to use all rally points ? now the rally point is only for the player that spawn it....
  20. thanks !! ---------- Post added at 13:59 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ---------- i ll try again , but i do it this way first time.... and i post the errors if any....... ---------- Post added at 14:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:59 ---------- is it possible to make role also for mechanics on next version? (farp deploy and field fix) ---------- Post added at 14:30 ---------- Previous post was at 14:27 ---------- and medic tent deploy for medics?
  21. another issue that need fix is that you cant assign a target to ai's if they are in "Hold fire" state
  22. the mission with helicopter retrive has a problem. When you go to the return point , while on hover, the chopper deleted and players falling and killed. Is there an instances for the helicopter to remain as bonus in base after mission accomplish and not delete?? ---------- Post added at 16:54 ---------- Previous post was at 15:04 ---------- Another issue is that when the player respaun in base , then only handgun is in inventory (main weapon is missing)
  23. the flag anim problem is only in base and the campfires emit only light , no flames animation .
  24. i m trying to edit the mission and i have a problem with the flags at base (not tested in locations out of the base)... all flags at base is not animated (freeze or not skin at all) when i put the flags on other mission then the flags is animeted as expected.... is there something i can do for this? thanks.. another question is can i copy paste the scripts and all units/items from editor and paste it to a new mission for stratis? from a quick try i found that many script errors came up on stratis mission... the scripts is only for altis? (from quick search , i found nothing on scripts that is related to altis .. ) ....maybe fixed spawn locations ???? nice work roy86 !!! Thanks in advance ---------- Post added at 14:44 ---------- Previous post was at 14:22 ---------- another question is how disarm sea mines and minefields? you need tools or player role?