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Everything posted by DeathF0X

  1. @the1krisrob @CUP I also had this random objects in Takistan and we use no Alive.
  2. DeathF0X

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    Added: Altis and Stratis Visual Upgradeatm all customs maps are fu**** up, let the modder some time to fix it.
  3. DeathF0X

    Fox Refuel | Ace3

    Intel incoming, the bug with the duplicated canister is now fixed and the fuel is now synced between clients. I added 3den attributes support. Canister Vehicles/Cars: Next update will include a optional pbo called "fox_fuel", it will increase the fuel consumption based on the player count in the vehicle and where you drive(road,offroad). Need some time to test/tweak, planned release sometime next week. Phil :ph34r: mhhh
  4. DeathF0X

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    This map is soooo fu***** awesome, the details,the terrain, amazing. We played yesterday out first mission there. Thank you so much for taking your time to create this map. The only request i have, if valid, is there a second runway execpt for the main airport ? it would be nice if theres somewhere a airstrip for the bad guys.
  5. DeathF0X

    Fox Refuel | Ace3

    Looks like the eventhandler executes with every player, its on my todo list. Modules are planned in the future, tbd.
  6. DeathF0X

    Laggy UI

    Tried yesterday the performace binaries, during our 3h coop no ui lag and stable 40fps+ on the server. I will try it again this sunday with a new profile and with the default exe. Thx for your help.
  7. Hey guys, i need to patch the class "Land_CanisterFuel_F", ive got the following problem, i cant access the class directly(Land_Suitcase_F and other classes work perfectly), the only soloution i found is to abstract the "Land_CanisterFuel_F" and create a new one( no solution ). Works: class CfgVehicles{ class ThingX; class Land_Suitcase_F{ class CfgVehicles{ class ThingX; class Sample_Land_CanisterFuel_F : Land_CanisterFuel_F { Why this didnt work ? class CfgVehicles{ class ThingX; class Land_CanisterFuel_F {
  8. DeathF0X

    Laggy UI

    returns 5972, 1.16847e+007
  9. DeathF0X

    Laggy UI

    Yes sir, returns 386, 131831
  10. crashed on startup, deleted TADST folder works fine now. My only suggestion is, is it possible to add support for autodetect mods in subfolder like, Arma 3/my-collection/@myaddon ? Atm the autodetect only supports root folder mods. Thx for that great server launcher :jump_clap:
  11. Binoculars and Optics w/ range measuring functions DO NOT WORK anymore #3160 https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/3160
  12. DeathF0X

    Murshun Easy Way Out

    Great mod idea, cant wait to test it when im home.
  13. Wir suchen DICH ! Ja genau DICH ! Du hast genug von Casual Arma und willst endlich “richtiges†MilSim Arma spielen, dann bist du bei uns genau richtig. FOX ist eine fiktive TIER1 Einheit die Weltweit agiert. Unsere Missionen decken ein weites Aufgabenspektrum ab: Patrouillieren, Eskorts von VIPs, Tauchen, Fallschirmspringen, Fliegen, JTAC, etc. da ist für jeden was dabei. Da lange Texte langweilig sind und du sicher auch noch viele fragen hast kannst du uns auf dem TS besuchen oder adde mich einfach in Steam. Nun auch auf Arma 3 UNITS vertreten ! Allgemeine Informationen: tier1-operations.com oder http://xof.at TS3: oder klick Was bieten wir dir: Eine Personalisierte Ausbildung zum TIER1 Operator. Leistungsstarker Ded. Root mit 2 Gameserver und TS. Freie Waffenauswahl (Situationsbedingt) Große Mod Auswahl, CUP,RHS,ACE3,TFAR,... Was wollen wir von dir: Aktivität, RL geht vor aber 1-2h unter der Woche sollten kein Problem sein. Ein Funktionierendes Headset.
  14. If theres a way to check via script if all units in the chache are killed ?
  15. Hey, is there a way to convert/escape the string into a function name ? So its logs a string error. Example: ["myFunction",["a","b"] ] call example; example = { _fnc = _this select 0; _params = _this select 1; _params call _fnc; };
  16. DeathF0X

    String to function name

    thx i will try it when im back home,
  17. Yes as long as you keep the array in sync with the client|server. init.sqf crates = ["Box_FIA_Support_F","Box_XXX_Suport_F"]; mission.sqf, extra chance to get a special box crates pushBack "Box_FFFF_Suport_F"; _crateClass = crates call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _obj = createVehicle [_crateClass, getMarkerPos "myHiddenCrate", [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; BUT if you modify the array local and start the script on the local player then the array is in desync. Addaction is a local command, if you modify the array from the script: player addAction ["ASD", "oohh.sqf"]; oohh.sqf crates pushBack "FFFFF_FFF"; Other : crates = ["Box_FIA_Support_F","Box_XXX_Suport_F",Box_FFFF_Suport_F]; You : crates = ["Box_FIA_Support_F","Box_XXX_Suport_F",Box_FFFF_Suport_F,"FFFFF_FFF"]; as you posted publicVariable is the solution. crates pushBack "FFFFF_FFF"; publicVariable "crates"; You can reverse engineer my old project.
  18. i read somewhere that scripted triggers only work with globals vars, had the same problem. Workaround: _crate2 = createVehicle [_crate_class, _pos2, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; .... waitUntil { (!alive _crate1) AND (!alive _crate2) AND (!alive _crate3) OR (mission_abort) }; ...
  19. DeathF0X

    SQF Cheat Sheet

    Awesome, great work :)
  20. i dont read all but i would say, _name : string // is the savename in inidbi and _object : object // is the crate ["saveObject", ["myCustomBox", myBoxVar]] call OO_PDW; then you use the load function and call the box with "myCustomBox" as inidbi object #edit ["loadObject", "myCustomBox] call OO_PDW;
  21. Hey, is there any way to get the workshop files downloaded to a linux server. Google cant find any useful information. The only i find is about a "host_workshop_collection" command, nothing arma related. Cya Phil
  22. vengeance1 im working on it #update 1.1 + Readme + Sample Mission + Settings now on top ( _heliArray, _heliPadClasses ) - Removed Eventhandler file only "ambientHeli.sqf" required