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Everything posted by cosmic10r

  1. cosmic10r


    Outstanding Tourist!!! Thank you! Im gonna petition the german govt for another extra 2 weeks of vacation time for you so you get more Ravage dev time... ;)
  2. cosmic10r

    Naval Expansion Mod

    I would love to see this in Arma. Good luck!
  3. Very cool. Thanks to all involved and Happy holidays!
  4. cosmic10r

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Im curious what the titles are of these games with 100 people in a server? I just played with VD recently and the 64 bit exe has improved performance for me a lot..
  5. cosmic10r

    Immersion Cigs

    Still one of my fav mods for my ai squad and me... Thanks @rebelvg Happy holidays!
  6. cosmic10r


    Nice explanation Haleks... I think if we got a few baselines then people could tweak it to their liking... interesting about the difference in the values...
  7. cosmic10r


    We can do some testing and see... its hard to adjust right now without doing some testing.. Im gonna try 90 across the board in a mission and see what it does
  8. cosmic10r


    Did u keep it like a holy grail lol
  9. cosmic10r


    Yeah... those were the values in Donnies mission too.. It was New Haven but same idea. Those values have a better supply but one person commented in the escape thread that it was too much food. It would be great if people could post their values and impressions in sp and or mp and maybe we could get a baseline.
  10. For such a niche game to be rated that highly this long after release is pretty special. Congrats BIS
  11. cosmic10r


    Post the values you are using in the module please. Im using something like. [50,40,30,45,50] And there still isnt a ton although when i watched Donnies stream he found a KIR (rusty) and awhile back i found my first scope, a mrco.
  12. cosmic10r


    Nice. Didnt know that. Cheers! I was trying to remove the open inventory for traders and apparently that cant be removed... so another solution will be needed
  13. cosmic10r


    When you say loot the inventory do you mean open the inventory? If so , then I don't believe that is possible... there is no way to disable the default addactions. I looked for a bit but you have to hack pretty deep to scratch the surface. That command deletes all the items in the inventory but does not disable the action. As for scavenging the vehicle for parts... there is likely a way to disable that such as the rvg_owned command on the wiki. I haven't tested it.
  14. cosmic10r

    Global Mobilization

    As everyone has said... WOW... great job!
  15. cosmic10r


    Happy Holidays Everybody !
  16. if(buildtype == 1) then { _pos = [(getpos player select 0) + 1,(getpos player select 1) + 1, 0]; _grp = group player; if ( manned ) then { _grp = createGroup GRLIB_side_friendly; }; _classname createUnit [_pos, _grp,"this call AIS_System_fnc_loadAIS, this addMPEventHandler [""MPKilled"", {_this spawn kill_manager}]", 0.5, "private"]; build_confirmed = 0; that may work @meyar
  17. cosmic10r


    in the init try this clearWeaponCargoGlobal this; clearMagazineCargoGlobal this; clearItemCargoGlobal this; clearBackpackCargoGlobal this; All of them to completely empty each type
  18. cosmic10r


    [_unit, _x] remoteExec ["addAction", 0, true];} forEach [["Recruit Unit", "\ravage\actions\recruit.sqf",[_unit], 1, false, true, "", "alive _target && {group _target != group _this}"],["Dismiss Unit", "\ravage\actions\dismiss.sqf",[_unit], 1, false, true, "", "alive _target && {group _target == group _this}"]]; all the _unit variables in bold have to be the same as the variable in the script and will only work on in a single unit and not groups
  19. cosmic10r

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    I have been playing at the lighting configs lately trying to fix the skybox and lighting in another map and read this thread today.. I love the new lighting engine and kind of wondered what you guys were mentioning and looked at the screenshots... I just download Lythium to see, and I just loaded it into editor just now and havent even launched it. What it looks like to me is the blue value has been cranked to wash out the other colors to simulate the lack of color effect... Im not saying thats how it was done... I have no idea... just my immediate impression on loading the map in editor and changing the time to night... in any case it would be good to get some documentation because the lighting makes a huge change in how a map looks ... obviously more so now...
  20. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Good news... glad it was fun. Ill test out supply drop and see whats happening... maybe i can figure a solution out. I cranked the spawned items pretty high so good to know . Im not sure the loot spawn system takes into account how many players are present so that might affect MP. Ill look into it. Once we get the next update that may change how this all works... Ill look into pulling from whatever array or mimic halek's system for supply drops at some point in the future so it pulls from the same lists that spawn items.
  21. cosmic10r


    Would be a great RP idea. Once sometime of persistance is implemented it would be great. I know Tourist has a persistance system going with alive I think so there may be some options in the future for base building etc. In terms of the bolded section... that is already present... different stuff is more likely to spawn in civilian, military and industrial areas and the stuff spawning is associated with the area or building Lootable objects are not pulling from the weaponlists i dont think but thats not a bad idea, I think the next update will be surrounding guns and the lists so a lot of this may be moot in the next few updates. I think the most requested thing is being able to adjust the loot tables so Im sure Haleks has taken that into account. UPD2 is known i belleve... i keep meaning to look for a solution to the stealing from traders... at this point you cant but if you saw lordbookas post and Haleks reaction then I think it will be possible to modify the zombies init using the module soon :) Keep in mind, I don't speak for what Haleks has planned at this point... more just what I've pulled together from various discussions... so no promises LOL
  22. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Im game. Next weds or friday is good for me.
  23. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    fixed inventory items and added VD parameter. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j3ctn2nttkmw18q/Ravage-[Coop]The_Escape_Malden.Malden.pbo.zip?dl=0
  24. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    You too... couple things.. delete that quoted image out... otherwise Roadkill will be along to remind us... you just delete the line with "img" in it i fixed the items... i wanted it to give each player one item of orientation. So in a group of 4 a couple might have maps and one with a compass and one with binos... hopefully it adds another dynamic to coop You can add them to your proper slot now I added the VD but you will have to make sure its working.. I cranked it to 5000 vd and I could see smoke so far in the distance i was blown away... with very little fps drop... such a small amount of fps drop im doubting its actually working... is this the 64bit system... im pretty stunned... i was still getting plus 60 fps at 5000 vd set through the parameter
  25. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Ask like a gentlemen and ye shall receive