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Everything posted by james2464

  1. With over one year of work and many failed attempts I'd like to thank Bohemia Interactive, contributors and the Arma 3 terrain modding community for their part in the successful completion of this terrain. The goal was to create a detailed Afghani green-zone to help represent real world campaigns and missions undertaken in similar areas against a resurgent Taliban. I've always felt the Afghani green-zone could be done differently since the release of Arma 3. Despite the specific location of the terrain it should be appropriate for the following countries: Germany, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States & some ISAF Forces. The community we have here is truly special, as long as we continue to collaborate and pool our knowledge anything is possible! A big thank you to Bohemia Interactive too, never give up! Building a terrain for Arma little lone anything else is very difficult so be sure to support any modders you see! History of Kunduz The War in Afghanistan and specifically within the Kunduz Province saw German Forces fighting the Taliban for over 10 years, for more information see the links below. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz_Province http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunduz Technical Details Grid size : 2048 Cell size : 2.5 Terrain size : 5120 Texture layer : 20m Satellite image : 10240px 5 Surfaces + Normal Map Total objects : 158,431 Development time : 1 year Real world location : https://www.google.com.au/maps/@36.6170455,68.8562593,7763m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en 3 Phase Wall Destruction Infantry or Armored breach: http://i.imgur.com/vxC40la.png Result: http://i.imgur.com/a8l1yir.png This can be done on all types of walls. FOB Clearings for Construction: FOB Area 1: http://i.imgur.com/NDZSfSP.jpg FOB Area 2: http://i.imgur.com/FHG7FXJ.jpg You will have to construct the FOB's as i've provided the foundation, this is the best way because there are mods for it and allows custom-ability. Secret Bunkers: http://i.imgur.com/ot8OEQJ.png http://i.imgur.com/lm69wkR.png 4 Tunnel Systems http://i.imgur.com/BtOYZBW.png http://i.imgur.com/yhBaR08.png http://i.imgur.com/S3Kexl2.png http://i.imgur.com/6lm9Xi6.png http://i.imgur.com/xYRzRKX.png A Kunduz deployment story from a fellow Arma player from the US, Brandon: Download Kunduz, Afghanistan now on Steam with Automatic Updates! Credits Author - James2464 Contributors - Project Reality - JBAD by Milkman & SmokeDog - Afghan Lighting by Fabiano Celentano - Northwest placement by Minimalaco - Qalat Tower by Robster - Wheat fields by Opteryx Special Thanks - Mikero Tools by Mikero - X-Cam by Silola - Ben Rampling Thank you.
  2. james2464

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    Hi everyone, I was hoping this terrain would be integrated into CUP however I see it isn't at this stage. If anyone is interested in updating this terrain or improving it further please feel free to access the true source files here: https://mega.nz/#!aZMSVYKb!ydhGqnVW2H4CtfWe3cJCZBdMnHrZr0MG4M9rNmZMDTk I've noticed people are complaining about the doors on Steam. J
  3. james2464

    Paul “Bushlurker” Pelosi (1960-2017) Rest in Peace

    Rest in peace Paul Pelosi. Thanks for your help.
  4. james2464

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    KUNDUZ UPDATE Hi everyone, I am releasing the source files. Feel free to do what you wish. :D I encourage others to do the same. Link: https://mega.nz/#!aZMSVYKb Key: !ydhGqnVW2H4CtfWe3cJCZBdMnHrZr0MG4M9rNmZMDTk J
  5. Hi guys, Just thought I'd post the new Kunduz config for anyone interested in updating their terrain for 1.60 or Apex. I believe this is the minimum required in order to inherit any future changes to lighting and terrain parameters. Tested and inherits well without RPT errors. class CfgPatches { class PRA3_Kz { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data","A3_Map_Stratis"}; }; }; #include "cfgSurfaces.h" #include "cfgVehicles.h" #include "cfgEnvSounds.h" class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld { cutscenes[] = {"Kunduz_intro1"}; }; class CAWorld : DefaultWorld{}; class DefaultLighting; class Stratis : CAWorld { class DefaultClutter; class Sea; class Underwater; class SeaWaterShaderPars; class WaterExPars; class HDRNewPars; class Lighting; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; class DayLightingRainy; class Weather; class SimulWeather; class EnvMaps; class OutsideTerrain; class Grid { class Zoom1; class Zoom2; class Zoom3; }; class Sounds; class Animation; class Subdivision; }; class Kunduz : Stratis { class Sea : Sea{}; class Underwater : Underwater{}; class SeaWaterShaderPars : SeaWaterShaderPars{}; class WaterExPars : WaterExPars{}; class HDRNewPars : HDRNewPars{}; class Lighting : Lighting{}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost{}; class DayLightingRainy : DayLightingRainy{}; class Weather : Weather{}; class SimulWeather : SimulWeather{}; cutscenes[] = {"Kunduz_intro1"}; icon = ""; worldName = "\pra3\pra3_kz\kunduz.wrp"; pictureMap = "\pra3\pra3_kz\data\icons\pictureMap_ca.paa"; pictureShot = "\pra3\pra3_kz\data\icons\ui_kunduz_ca.paa"; plateFormat = "AS$-####"; plateLetters = "ABCDEGHIKLMNOPRSTVXZ"; author = "$STR_PRA3_CFGWORLDS_KUNDUZ_AUTHOR"; description = "$STR_PRA3_CFGWORLDS_KUNDUZ_DESCRIPTION"; newRoadsShape = "\pra3\pra3_kz\data\roads\roads.shp"; startTime = "07:30"; startDate = "6/7/2009"; midDetailTexture = "A3\Map_Data\middle_mco.paa"; access = 3; worldId = 1; mapSize = 5120; mapZone = 42; longitude = 68.873; latitude = -36.712; elevationOffset = 0; clutterGrid = 1.5; clutterDist = 125; noDetailDist = 65; fullDetailDist = 20; minTreesInForestSquare = 2; minRocksInRockSquare = 2; safePositionAnchor[] = {1024,1024}; safePositionRadius = 1024; centerPosition[] = {2048,2048,2048}; seagullPos[] = {1024,1024,1024}; ilsPosition[] = {0,0}; ilsDirection[] = {0,0,0}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; loadingTexts[] = {"$STR_PRA3_CFGWORLDS_KUNDUZ_LOADINGTEXT1"}; class EnvMaps : EnvMaps{}; class OutsideTerrain { satellite = "pra3\pra3_kz\data\outsideterrain\s_satout_co.paa"; enableTerrainSynth = 0; class Layers { class Layer0 { nopx = "pra3\pra3_kz\data\kz_sanddesert_nopx.paa"; texture = "pra3\pra3_kz\data\kz_sanddesert_co.paa"; }; }; colorOutside[] = {0.8549,0.7019,0.3764,1}; }; class Grid : Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 5120; class Zoom1 : Zoom1{}; class Zoom2 : Zoom2{}; class Zoom3 : Zoom3{}; }; class Sounds : Sounds{}; class Animation : Animation{}; class Subdivision : Subdivision{}; class AmbientA3 { #include "cfgAmbience.h" }; class Names { #include "cfgNames.h" }; }; initWorld = "Kunduz"; demoWorld = "Kunduz"; }; class CfgWorldList { class Kunduz{}; }; class CfgLensFlare{};
  6. Hello everyone, I thought I would share a few things that may be unknown to some as I know new terrain developers and perhaps future ones could find this useful to polish off their terrains. Dust Effects You need to assign the dust effects to each mask colour for Man, Car, Tank and Air. For reference here is the layers.cfg which lists each surface I am using: class legend { picture="****\****_kz\source\maplegend.png"; class colors { kz_sanddesert[] = {{255,0,255}}; kz_deepdesert[] = {{0,0,255}}; kz_deepgrass[] = {{0,255,255}}; kz_lightgrass[] = {{0,255,0}}; kz_lightdesert[] = {{255,255,0}}; }; }; Here is the CfgVehicles.hpp that needs to be included into the main terrain config as seen below - you will see here each unique surface is listed next to the most appropriate effect for each type of vehicle and the corresponding dust effect of which there are varying types: #include "cfgVehicles.hpp" class CfgVehicles { class All; class AllVehicles : All {}; class Land : AllVehicles {}; class LandVehicle : Land {}; class car : LandVehicle { rightDustEffects[] = {{"KzLightGrass","RDustEffects"},{ "KzLightGrass","RGrassDryEffects" },{ "KzLightGrass","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","RDustEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","RGrassEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","RDustEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","RStonesEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","RDustEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","RSandEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","RStonesEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","RDustEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","RSandEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","RStonesEffects"},{ "KzDirtRoad","RDustEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","RSandEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","RStonesEffects"},{ "KzA7MSR","RDustEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","RSandEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","RStonesEffects"}}; leftDustEffects[] = {{"KzLightGrass","LDustEffects"},{ "KzLightGrass","LGrassDryEffects" },{ "KzLightGrass","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","LDustEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","LGrassEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","LDustEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","LStonesEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","LDustEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","LSandEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","LStonesEffects"},{ "KzDeepDesert","LDustEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LSandEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LStonesEffects"},{ "KzDirtRoad","LDustEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LSandEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LStonesEffects"},{ "KzA7MSR","LDustEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","LSandEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","LStonesEffects"}}; }; class tank: LandVehicle { rightDustEffects[] = {{ "KzLightGrass","RDustEffects" },{ "KzLightGrass","RDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzLightGrass","RStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzLightGrass","RGrassEffectsDryBig" },{ "KzLightDesert","RDustEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","RDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzLightDesert","RStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzDeepGrass","RDustEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","RGrassEffectsBig" },{ "KzDeepGrass","RDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzDeepGrass","RStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzSandDesert","RDustEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","RDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzSandDesert","RStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LDustEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LStonesEffectsBig"},{ "KzDirtRoad","RStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LDustEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LStonesEffectsBig"},{ "KzA7MSR","RStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzA7MSR","LDustEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","LDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzA7MSR","LStonesEffectsBig"}}; leftDustEffects[] = {{ "KzLightGrass","LDustEffects" },{ "KzLightGrass","LDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzLightGrass","LStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzLightGrass","LGrassEffectsDryBig" },{ "KzLightDesert","LDustEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","LDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzLightDesert","LStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzDeepGrass","LDustEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","LGrassEffectsBig" },{ "KzDeepGrass","LDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzDeepGrass","LStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzSandDesert","LDustEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","LDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzSandDesert","LStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LDustEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LStonesEffectsBig"},{ "KzDirtRoad","LStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LDustEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LStonesEffectsBig"},{ "KzA7MSR","LStonesEffectsBig" },{ "KzA7MSR","LDustEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","LDirtEffectsBig" },{ "KzA7MSR","LStonesEffectsBig"}}; }; class Air: AllVehicles { rightDustEffects[] = {{"KzLightGrass","RDustEffectsAir"},{ "KzLightGrass","RGrassDryEffects" },{ "KzLightGrass","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","RDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzDeepGrass","RGrassEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","RDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzLightDesert","RStonesEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","RDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzSandDesert","RSandEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","RStonesEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","RDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzDeepDesert","RSandEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","RStonesEffects"},{ "KzDirtRoad","RDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzDirtRoad","RSandEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","RStonesEffects"},{ "KzA7MSR","RDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzA7MSR","RSandEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","RDirtEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","RStonesEffects"}}; leftDustEffects[] = {{"KzLightGrass","LDustEffectsAir"},{ "KzLightGrass","LGrassDryEffects" },{ "KzLightGrass","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","LDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzDeepGrass","LGrassEffects" },{ "KzDeepGrass","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzLightDesert","LDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzLightDesert","LStonesEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","LDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzSandDesert","LSandEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzSandDesert","LStonesEffects"},{ "KzDeepDesert","LDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LSandEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LStonesEffects"},{ "KzDirtRoad","LDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LSandEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LStonesEffects"},{ "KzA7MSR","LDustEffectsAir" },{ "KzA7MSR","LSandEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","LDirtEffects" },{ "KzA7MSR","LStonesEffects"}}; }; class Man: Land { rightDustEffects[] = {{ "KzLightGrass","RDustEffectsMan" },{ "KzDeepGrass","RDustEffectsMan" },{ "KzLightDesert","RDustEffectsMan" },{ "KzDeepDesert","RDustEffectsMan" },{ "KzSandDesert","RDustEffectsMan"},{ "KzDirtRoad","RDustEffectsMan" },{ "KzA7MSR","RDustEffectsMan" }}; leftDustEffects[] = {{ "KzLightGrass","LDustEffectsMan" },{ "KzDeepGrass","LDustEffectsMan" },{ "KzLightDesert","LDustEffectsMan" },{ "KzDeepDesert","LDustEffectsMan" },{ "KzSandDesert","LDustEffectsMan" },{ "KzDirtRoad","LDustEffectsMan" },{ "KzA7MSR","LDustEffectsMan" }}; }; }; There is one particular effect that is very cool and I think may be missing from the majority if not the whole of Altis and Stratis (not sure) but here is one of them: http://i.imgur.com/6b4q71d.png http://i.imgur.com/eBzRfav.png Ocean Effects Changing the appearance of the ocean is not as simple as changing an array of RGB values in the main terrain config. You must photoshop 7 textures to change how global light (the sky and sun) reflects colour across the whole surface of ocean. Before that you need to setup new materials. Below is a small section of the main config.cpp and the cfgMaterials.hpp that must be included into the main terrain config - here you define part of the reflection which colour's roughly half the surface of the ocean at only a closer distance otherwise the global light takes over from greater distances. #include "cfgMaterials.hpp" class Sea { seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa"; [color="#FF0000"]seaMaterial = "#KZ_water"; shoreMaterial = "#KZ_shore"; shoreFoamMaterial = "#KZ_shorefoam";[/color] shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet"; WaterMapScale = 20; WaterGrid = 50; MaxTide = 0; MaxWave = 0.10; SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50"; SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveHScale = 1.0; SeaWaveXDuration = 5000; SeaWaveZDuration = 10000; }; class Underwater { noWaterFog = -0.001; fullWaterFog = 0.001; deepWaterFog = 200; waterFogDistanceNear = 2; waterFogDistance = 8; [color="#FF0000"][color="#FF0000"]waterColor[] = {0.419,0.341,0.172}; deepWaterColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009}; surfaceColor[] = {0.643,0.557,0.369}; deepSurfaceColor[] = {0.0,0.001,0.009};[/color][/color] }; The material inheritance below defines the intensity of the colours you've chosen above - please note this only changes part of the ocean colour but needs to blend with your Photoshop'd textures. class CfgMaterials { class Water; class Shore; class ShoreFoam; class KZ_water : Water { ambient[] = {0.039,0.027,0.016,0.3}; diffuse[] = {0.411,0.470,0.325,0.3}; }; class KZ_shore : Shore { ambient[] = {0.039,0.027,0.016,0.3}; diffuse[] = {0.643,0.557,0.369,1.0}; }; class KZ_shoreFoam : ShoreFoam { ambient[] = {0.039,0.027,0.016,0.3}; diffuse[] = {0.643,0.557,0.369,1.0}; }; }; Now you need to photoshop the textures below and either have river or ocean as the folder name depending on the geography of your terrain. See the textures in a3\map_stratis\data for reference. As you can tell each texture defines the colour of the ocean at different points of weather, ever wondered how the engine made the ocean grey when it's overcast? This is how. class Overcast: Overcast { class Weather1: Weather1 { skyR = "****\****_kz\data\river\sky_veryclear_lco.paa"; }; class Weather7: Weather1 { skyR = "****\****_kz\data\river\sky_clear_lco.paa"; }; class Weather2: Weather2 { skyR = "****\****_kz\data\river\sky_almostclear_lco.paa"; }; class Weather3: Weather3 { skyR = "****\****_kz\data\river\sky_semicloudy_lco.paa"; }; class Weather4: Weather4 { skyR = "****\****_kz\data\river\sky_cloudy_lco.paa"; }; class Weather5: Weather5 { skyR = "****\****_kz\data\river\sky_mostlycloudy_lco.paa"; }; class Weather6: Weather6 { skyR = "****\****_kz\data\river\sky_overcast_lco.paa"; }; }; Example of settings above: http://i.imgur.com/lL3JAfq.png Sound Effects I won't be covering the whole spectrum of environment sounds but a small sound effect that you may miss initially and think is a bug. Below you will define the roads as surfaces because they are essentially textures layered over the terrain. This will activate infantry and vehicle sounds for road surfaces in the engine. class CfgSurfaces { class Default {}; class GdtDirt; class GdtSoil; class GdtGrassDry; class GdtGrassGreen; class GdtDesert; class GdtConcrete; class KzLightGrass : GdtGrassDry { files = "kz_lightgrass_*"; character = "KzLightGrassClutter"; impact = "hitGroundSoft"; }; class KzDeepGrass : GdtGrassGreen { files = "kz_deepgrass_*"; character = "KzDeepGrassClutter"; }; class KzLightDesert : GdtSoil { files = "kz_lightdesert_*"; character = "KzLightDesertClutter"; impact = "hitGroundSoft"; }; class KzDeepDesert : GdtDirt { files = "kz_deepdesert_*"; character = "KzDeepDesertClutter"; impact = "hitGroundSoft"; }; class KzSandDesert : GdtDesert { files = "kz_sanddesert_*"; impact = "hitGroundSoft"; }; class KzDirtRoad : [color="#FF0000"]GdtDirt[/color] { files = "[color="#FF0000"]surf_roadrough_*[/color]"; }; class KzA7MSR : [color="#FF0000"]GdtConcrete[/color] { files = "[color="#FF0000"]surf_roadA7_*[/color]"; }; }; The roads inherit from Altis surfaces because BIS is likely to keep their parameters up-to-date. The file entries above should correspond to that of the actual file name and RoadsLib.cfg entries below. class RoadTypesLibrary { class Road0001 //A7 MSR Highway { width = 10; mainStrTex = "****\****_roads\Roads\data\[color="#FF0000"]surf_roadA7_[/color]asf3clear_ca.paa"; mainTerTex = "****\****_roads\Roads\data\[color="#FF0000"]surf_roadA7_[/color]asf3clear_end_ca.paa"; mainMat = "****\****_roads\Roads\data\[color="#FF0000"]surf_roadA7_[/color]asf3clear.rvmat"; map = "main road"; AIpathOffset = 3; }; class Road0002 //Village path desert { width = 2.5; mainStrTex = "****\****_roads\Paths\data\[color="#FF0000"]surf_roadrough_[/color]pathtak_ca.paa"; mainTerTex = "****\****_roads\Paths\data\[color="#FF0000"]surf_roadrough_[/color]pathtak_end_ca.paa"; mainMat = "****\****_roads\Paths\data\[color="#FF0000"]surf_roadrough_[/color]pathtak.rvmat"; map = "track"; AIpathOffset = 3; }; ... }; Now the highway will sound like driving or walking on concrete and the dirt tracks respectively. Otherwise without this there is 0 sound and you will be very confused. Cheers.
  7. james2464

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    KUNDUZ UPDATE Hey guys, I have decided to donate the Kunduz source files to CUP. This will provide more variety of buildings, building destruction, small enhancements and bug fixes for other similar terrains as well. Kunduz can now be freely modified and updated within CUP and into the future for Arma 4. ;) Expect to see the next release of Kunduz in CUP TP: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186835-community-upgrade-project-cup-terrains/
  8. james2464

    Disappointed with lack of Interactability on Tanoa

    I think in a way what you're concerned about is somewhat superficial and doesn't really detract from your imagination in-game. It also confirms that what we've actually got is a pretty good expansion. It's a bit like a list from 1 to 10. When you get your number 1 feature, number 2 becomes number 1 and the level of "disappointment" remains. Which is fine because that's how games evolve and progress.
  9. james2464

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    My initial thoughts on Tanoa: 1. The environment/jungle sounds are amazing. Whoever recorded and coded that well done! However please remove the legacy Arma 2/Chernarus bird sound... breaks immersion. 2. Beautiful vegetation and building assets, first class! 3. Love all the local points of interest, meticulously detailed! 4. Would be cool to see birds flying around under the ambience class like butterfly's do.
  10. james2464

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    Yeah I had reports it might be the poppy fields causing the slow down in certain areas so I've improved the LODs on them. I've also improved the LODs on some of the heavier Arma 2 trees as they were also causing issues for some people.
  11. james2464

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    HOTFIX UPDATE v1.20.2 Enjoy :) Changelog Optimized Vegetation LOD Performance Optimized File Size By ~177Mb Tweaked Door Sounds Tweaked Vegetation Shading Fixed Tunnel Shadows Fixed Code Pathing Bugs Fixed Code Formatting Known Issues General Lighting (BIS Development Issues)
  12. james2464

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Although if you unpack most custom terrains the layers folder with all the rvmats haven't changed and still state: diffuse[] = {0.25,0.25,0.25,1};
  13. james2464

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    I would like to know if we should tweak our textures and satellite images darker now and be done with it for the new visual update or should we wait for an update from BIS in regards to engine/lighting config clarification?
  14. james2464

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    HOTFIX UPDATE v1.20.1 Please report any issues to the BIS forum thread. Enjoy the weekend! Change Log: Fixed missing moon and stars Fixed AI/AI vehicles can now cross the two main north and south river bridges Fixed tunnel system shadows Known issue(s) Lighting over-brightness/exposure (BIS issue)
  15. james2464

    1.60+ Terrain Config Update Example

    Yes i've seen your mission videos on Youtube, great viewing. I'll have an update out before the weekend for AI river crossing issues with the two main bridges and stars and moon missing. As for performance very interested to know more about the frame drops supposedly due to the poppy fields or zooming into certain areas... Thanks.
  16. james2464

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    Thanks for the feedback. This is a BIS issue with their new universal lighting setup. It's a known issue that desert/afghan type terrains are too bright. Work in progress I assume, I'll keep an eye out for a solution. Will get an update out before the weekend for the AI crossing the river bridges and stars/moon.
  17. james2464

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    Thanks :) 1. How many of the updates in the changelog come from just updating the config? The update I made to the terrain config is mostly in regards to inheriting the new lighting system, I've done this in a way that will automatically inherit future tweaks without updating the terrain. See here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191021-160-terrain-config-update-example/ Other changes to the configs involve the buildings in regards to the doors and bugs. 2. Terrain texture PAAs and RVMATs? Once I had inherited the new lighting system and begun testing in-game I could see the new lighting was exposing large rvmat inconsistencies from the Arma 2 days in regards to brightness and contrast on some plants/trees etc which made them pop and distract from the scene. I fixed this by comparing similar assets in Arma 3 and looking at their RVMAT values using the Eliteness tool by Mikero. I also tweaked a few paa textures using Photoshop to blend the colours better with the new lighting for example the flower heads on the poppy fields and the wheat. 3. Updating the clutter assets? I simply rearranged/tweaked and swapped out some clutter for each type of ground texture for different types of clutter to give the ground a new feeling and better blend. I haven't added any custom clutter assets. 4. Doing some photoshop surgery on your Sat image? This was difficult because my options were limited as the original satellite image is not the best quality. In Photoshop I used the magic wand tool which allowed me to select all pixels of the same colour in the image (for example anything tinted with bluey-green) to then replace with the best alternative considering its neighbouring pixels. I did this for each pixel until most of the bluey-green was replaced. You can see the result of this method if you zoom all the way in on the in-game map. 5. Tree shaders? I simply double checked all RVMATs were using appropriate values and not the old Arma 2 values to blend harmoniously with the scene/terrain surroundings. These are the key values (p_fiberplant_ep1.rvmat): ambient[] = {0.01,0.58,0.2,0.2}; diffuse[] = {0.3,0.3,0.3,1.0}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0.75,0.15,0.3,0.55}; emmisive[] = {2.6,2.3,2.0,0.2}; specular[] = {0.01,0.01,0.01,0.2}; specularPower = 1; PixelShaderID = "TreeAdv"; VertexShaderID = "TreeAdv"; You can see what i'm using with the Eliteness tool by Mikero 6. Other maintenance in this update? Lots of code changes and bug fixes in the configs, model configs and p3d parameters in OB for the buildings and other objects. I'm using Jbad but i've modified, updated and fixed parts for Kunduz like the door system, destruction etc. These changes are very important for other mods and missions. eg. ACE3, campaigns etc. Thanks for reporting. Fixed and update coming. First the Jbad mod by Milkman and Smokedog would need to be merged into CUP with my changes to the mod also. Kunduz as a part of CUP will give other afghan maps greater variety, better buildings and more plant life but also provide Kunduz with long term support and compatibility to any future engine changes like we've seen with the new lighting system in 1.60. Without CUP/group support where everyone can contribute to the source code of mods then I would say the terrain graveyard/abandonment will only grow. Yes I think that would be awesome, I just need to find the right way to do that with the new water shading system that has been implemented. But i'll definitely do this soon.
  18. james2464

    1.60+ Terrain Config Update Example

    I've updated the config in the OP to fix an issue where the moon and stars were not inheriting correctly and thus not showing in-game. This config is for anyone who wants to model their new terrain config off this one. The extra includes will be merged with the config in the pra3_kz PBO. This happens when I build the terrain with PboProject.
  19. james2464

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    UPDATE v1.20 Please report any issues to the BIS forum thread. Enjoy. Change Log: Updated terrain lighting to v1.60+ Updated tree shaders Updated satellite image Updated normal image Updated object textures Updated terrain textures Updated clutter Updated road network Updated location names Updated door system to A3 standard Updated vegetation layout Updated compound layout Updated terrain layout Updated config code standards Updated sounds Updated fort compound Fixed satellite colour imbalance Fixed floating objects Fixed airport road elevation Fixed road paths Fixed object angles Fixed door issues Fixed clipping objects Fixed outside terrain Fixed dust effects FUTURE Merge with CUP STEAM UPDATE (DIRECT DOWNLOAD COMING SOON) http://imgur.com/a/4wnd6
  20. Minimum required and to inherit future lighting changes/config changes etc is: class CfgPatches { class PRA3_Kz { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data","A3_Map_Stratis","PRA3_Kz_Scenes","PRA3_Roads","PRA3_Plants","PRA3_Structures","PRA3_Misc","PRA3_Tunnels"}; }; }; #include "cfgSurfaces.h" #include "cfgVehicles.h" class CfgWorlds { class DefaultLighting; class DefaultWorld { cutscenes[] = {"Kunduz_intro1"}; }; class CAWorld : DefaultWorld{}; class Stratis : CAWorld { class DefaultClutter; class Sea; class Underwater; class SeaWaterShaderPars; class WaterExPars; class HDRNewPars; class Lighting : DefaultLighting{}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; class DayLightingRainy; class Weather; class SimulWeather; class EnvMaps; class OutsideTerrain; class Grid { class Zoom1; class Zoom2; class Zoom3; }; class Sounds; class Animation; class Subdivision; }; class Kunduz : Stratis { class Sea : Sea{}; class Underwater : Underwater{}; class SeaWaterShaderPars : SeaWaterShaderPars{}; class WaterExPars : WaterExPars{}; class HDRNewPars : HDRNewPars{}; class Lighting : DefaultLighting{}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost : DayLightingBrightAlmost{}; class DayLightingRainy : DayLightingRainy{}; class Weather : Weather{}; class SimulWeather : SimulWeather{}; cutscenes[] = {"Kunduz_intro1"}; icon = ""; worldName = "\pra3\pra3_kz\kunduz.wrp"; pictureMap = "\pra3\pra3_kz\data\icons\pictureMap_ca.paa"; pictureShot = "\pra3\pra3_kz\data\icons\ui_kunduz_ca.paa"; plateFormat = "AS$-####"; plateLetters = "ABCDEGHIKLMNOPRSTVXZ"; author = "$STR_PRA3_CFGWORLDS_KUNDUZ_AUTHOR"; description = "$STR_PRA3_CFGWORLDS_KUNDUZ_DESCRIPTION"; newRoadsShape = "\pra3\pra3_kz\data\roads\roads.shp"; startTime = "07:30"; startDate = "6/7/2009"; midDetailTexture = "A3\Map_Data\middle_mco.paa"; access = 3; worldId = 1; mapSize = 5120; mapZone = 42; longitude = 68.873; latitude = -36.712; elevationOffset = 0; clutterGrid = 1.5; clutterDist = 125; noDetailDist = 65; fullDetailDist = 20; minTreesInForestSquare = 2; minRocksInRockSquare = 2; safePositionAnchor[] = {1024,1024}; safePositionRadius = 1024; centerPosition[] = {2048,2048,2048}; seagullPos[] = {1024,1024,1024}; ilsPosition[] = {0,0}; ilsDirection[] = {0,0,0}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; loadingTexts[] = {"$STR_PRA3_CFGWORLDS_KUNDUZ_LOADINGTEXT1","$STR_PRA3_CFGWORLDS_KUNDUZ_LOADINGTEXT2","$STR_PRA3_CFGWORLDS_KUNDUZ_LOADINGTEXT3","$STR_PRA3_CFGWORLDS_KUNDUZ_LOADINGTEXT4"}; class EnvMaps : EnvMaps{}; class OutsideTerrain { satellite = "pra3\pra3_kz\data\outsideterrain\s_satout_co.paa"; enableTerrainSynth = 0; class Layers { class Layer0 { nopx = "pra3\pra3_kz\data\kz_sanddesert_nopx.paa"; texture = "pra3\pra3_kz\data\kz_sanddesert_co.paa"; }; }; colorOutside[] = {0.8549,0.7019,0.3764,1}; }; class Grid : Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 5120; class Zoom1 : Zoom1{}; class Zoom2 : Zoom2{}; class Zoom3 : Zoom3{}; }; class Sounds : Sounds{}; class Animation : Animation{}; class Subdivision : Subdivision{}; class AmbientA3 { #include "cfgAmbience.h" }; class Names { #include "cfgNames.h" }; }; initWorld = "Kunduz"; demoWorld = "Kunduz"; }; class CfgWorldList { class Kunduz{}; }; class CfgLensFlare{};
  21. james2464

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    These errors are fixed for the next release due with Apex. Please post any more that you see.
  22. james2464

    Bundeswehr Spezialkräfte by BSK

    Awesome! :) Looks great! Looking forward to more updates
  23. james2464

    Targeting improvements

    The good old WW1/2 diving technique is gone! yay :)
  24. james2464

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    Getting Kunduz ready for Apex! Lots of updates coming for v1.2 :)