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Everything posted by SuicideCommando

  1. SuicideCommando

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    foxone, that's an airsoft rifle. The real steel looks different. http://s118.photobucket.com/user/fluwoebers/media/scar/Picture1.jpg.html http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oDnuJgiy1Is/UNji4I6pU8I/AAAAAAAAAE0/TPdPiW8OibE/s1600/pic13.jpg
  2. SuicideCommando

    Project Infinite v1.0

    Nice work on the RK.95 Bnae. Is it going to have all the bells and whistles like the the render of the FDF mods 95 I posted? Just think that model is so badass. I'd also model the RK with the selector down, as it is right now it's on safe. Should look something like this: http://www.armedassault.info/ftp/pics/news/pics1/rk95_80101.jpg
  3. SuicideCommando

    NIArms Release Thread

    Can't wait for the MK20 SSR, and all the other MK16/17 variants. -edit- Really looking forward to the new MG3/42 mod as well.
  4. SuicideCommando

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Thanks for all the updates guys. Looking forward to trying them out.
  5. SuicideCommando

    Project Infinite v1.0

    Those two rifles look ready to use Bnae. Nice work. :) -edit- Also Bnae, I have one suggestion. That would be to try and make your rifles compatible with ASDG Joint Rails. That way the user would be able to utilize a lot of the excellent scope mods out there. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23242
  6. SuicideCommando

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    That would be nice to see. I also like the LBT 1961h model but I'm not sure it's being produced anymore.
  7. SuicideCommando

    NIArms Release Thread

    Barrel on both is too thin however, wrong gas block, lack of bipod, tracers for all belt feds look a little weird. Still the best MK48's in ArmA 3 however. :) And some of my favorite weapons in the game.
  8. SuicideCommando

    Project Infinite v1.0

    I'd like to see the standard green version. A desert camo version, and a woodland/jungle variant. As for attachments or accessories I think you have them all covered for the 42. Next model I'd suggest the RK.95. :D
  9. SuicideCommando

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The next release will be I believe.
  10. SuicideCommando

    NIArms Release Thread

    Well thank you toadie for the updated mods. Hopefully nothing gets changed so I don't have to download the various parts again. :D
  11. SuicideCommando

    Project Infinite v1.0

    Wow, nice attention to detail. I like the Aimpoint on the rifle as well. :D
  12. SuicideCommando

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    No problem, hopefully he can help you out.
  13. SuicideCommando

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    road runner just made a mod that features Norwegian uniforms for some milsim group. He might be able to help out, try dropping him a PM. You can view the uni's here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/138904-arma-3-photography-pictures-only-no-comments-and-list-your-addons-used/page-97 Just scroll down a bit.
  14. SuicideCommando

    NIArms Release Thread

    Yeah, I see what you mean about toadie breaking his releases. He's already had to re-upload the AK portion of his mod twice now. :D I'm grabbing them anyway for the hell of it.
  15. SuicideCommando

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Sounds great blazenchamber. Your weapon mod is one of the best around (if not the best). Looking forward to V 3.0 and the ARX-160 in particular.
  16. SuicideCommando

    NIArms Release Thread

    Are those all official links then. I mean I know it's toadie's twitter account but those are final versions, not for testing purposes?
  17. SuicideCommando

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    I've noticed the same problem as well. It is odd in appearance when it happens. Great mod though. I really hope you can get cleggy's Ridgeback MRAP updated and in the game. His port doesn't seem to work currently as I get shot through the glass by small arms fire and the M2 doesn't fire.
  18. SuicideCommando

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Ok, thanks for the input guys. Toadie's MK48 is a great start. Best in ArmA 3 so far. Still missing some things, the bipod for instance. Yeah, maybe I can shoot the money his way and hope for the best in getting a 46.
  19. SuicideCommando

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Doesn't Cunico have one already made. No sense in reinventing the wheel so to speak. I'd like to see something that's currently in-use that hasn't been made by anyone yet. Maybe and LV-MBAV with LoVis MBAV Detachable Chest Rig. http://i.imgur.com/Vkdjn3p.jpg http://cs627324.vk.me/v627324479/20405/-xIRRCKA56Y.jpg http://s1271.photobucket.com/user/joaof10/media/tumblr_na6x59OMh91t3u8mlo1_500_zps28512d9e.jpg.html
  20. SuicideCommando

    Project Infinite v1.0

    Ahh, ok. That sounds great. I'm really looking forward to this. :)
  21. SuicideCommando

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Maybe it's RHS or RobertHammer's Accessories? -edit- Yeah I think it's RobertHammer's Accessory mod. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28057
  22. SuicideCommando

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Would this be worth buying? https://www.creativecrash.com/3d-model/mk46-machine-gun-3d-model It pretty much is only the model and needs everything done to it to get it into ArmA 3. If someone would be willing to do all the work on it I'll shell out the dough to buy it. I'm dying to see an accurate MK46 and MK48 in-game.
  23. SuicideCommando

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    road runners MICH 2001 helmet pack is nice as well. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30710
  24. SuicideCommando

    Project Infinite v1.0

    Very impressive looking model in the pics. I like the different bipods and muzzle attachments. Is there going to be a suppressed version? And I take it those textures are just placeholders for now.