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Everything posted by inlesco

  1. inlesco

    Eden Feature Requests

    AFAIR, it's an engine terrain processing limitation that you can't modify preset terrain objects before actual runtime when time == 0. Not sure if the changes set off immediately when time > 0 (like, time == 0.001s (1ms, right?) or smth). Someone should experiment on that.
  2. Are these 'mempoints' & stuff some kind of spheres that register damage to the building (or do a similar function)? Don't think they can be exposed or access through SQF, sadly... Perhaps BIS will offer some kind of an implementation soon.
  3. Never seen anyone do it with the fog, too. Of course, it'd be neat to have an additional param 'Render' (default: true) for the fog. Will do some research on this tommorow's morning!
  4. Looks great, nice work! Speaking of AI visibility and other factors, shouldn't it be possible to add some fog into the simulation but remove its "presence on the screen"? In other words, its effects on AI are calculated, but player(s) doesn't see the fog rendered on screen. Hope you get the idea, it's hard to explain :)
  5. inlesco

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Fundamentally speaking, shouldn't any soldier go down instinctively when shot by any caliber higher than 9mm? The impact immediately makes you stop (basic human instinct), not continue to run forward as it is now when AI, for instance, hit with a silenced 7.62 in the leg. So, multiple custom animations should be triggered on 'Hit' EH to override the current movement direction and speed. Perhaps someone already implemented this realistic behavior via a mod?
  6. inlesco

    EDEN - Questions

    Nope. So it was said in the stream, yes? Sorry for being a little uninformed. Been busy these days making stuff in EDEN :D
  7. Lovely stuff, as always! Keep it coming!
  8. inlesco

    EDEN - Questions

    I'd love to get the source of these claims / plan. I guess now you're using common sense only, right?
  9. inlesco

    EDEN - Questions

    Just a major question I thought I'd ask: - will the missions created with 3DEN on curr. devbranch be full compatible with stable when 3DEN goes into it?
  10. inlesco

    PLP BeachObjects

    Hey Poolpunk, how's the progress coming along? ;) Eagerly awaiting new stuff to play with!
  11. inlesco

    EDEN - Questions

    There's no default Task Manager implemented into the game yet, I assume? That's pretty sad. Hopefully, BIS will take on this. It's a much needed feature.
  12. inlesco

    EDEN - Questions

    Just had a CTD when altering an object's Z axis pos lower than 0 to the relative terrain height (Stratis). No mods. Not sure why :D Suggestions? Make pasted objects inherit Z-axis settings, not only the angle of the CTRL+C object. In many cases, if I copy an object, I want its all pos coords to stay the same ;) Will it be possible to add custom locations to the 'Locations of Interest' list? That's all for now :)
  13. inlesco

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Any plans to make some of the vehicles' (M113s notably) driver 1P positions playable without PiP enabled?
  14. No idea why, but MB's action vanished from the menu after I saved one of my missions in the editor (A3 - STABLE - latest version as of this date). Tried: To sync the module to my player unit - nope Restart / resave the mission - nope Deleted and recreated the module in the editor - nope Restarted A3 - worked. Also, I haven't figured all of the controls, but there's an inconsistency (IMO) - sometimes, the camera continues to move in a direction after I end my WASD input. Some suggestions: Differentiate the objects placed with MB on the map (Zeus did it right ;)) Add a 'jump to player' button or differentiate the player in the map Allow to include entire categories of objects into fav list. Fe, I always seek for Wrecks to be available in a single click, not at the bottom of the selection list sorted alphabetically Will post more when I get some time to experiment further :)
  15. For everything elevation related, in case you want it to look realistic, use L3DT.
  16. Use firedNear EH: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#FiredNear Depending to which units you assign the EH, here's some pseudocode (couldn't test, not at home): _firedUpon = _unit addEventHandler "firedNear"; // this should return true or false if( side _unit !== side player && _unit knowsAbout player > 3 || _firedUpon && _unit knowsAbout player > 2 ) { playerDetected = true; // stuff happens }
  17. inlesco

    Custom main menu scene?

    Nice work, guys! Thanks for sharing the info on the matter. Btw - any luck replacing the entire Arma 3 menu with a custom designed variant? I'm looking to chance the dimensions, colors, font, screenX and Y positions of the default menu boxes, etc. Need a little advice.
  18. Yeah, classnames changed. Check this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgMagazines This works: flrObj = "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Flare_white" createvehicle ((player) modelToWorld [0,100,200]); flrObj setVelocity [0,0,-10];
  19. Gosh, I look at length of the script and it stirs my hair up. If .sqf ever was a line / expression efficient language, all of this could be done in < 50 lines. Now, it's way over 200. Not looking to insult anybody, just sayin' for the 1k-th time - SQF is da shit :D. tl;dr Just bitchin' things.
  20. Thanks for working tirelessly on this! Such amazing tools are very much needed! Speaking of MB's Wiki, what exactly do you think is missing in it? If possible, I'd certainly help out.
  21. Have you tried a tank touching a side-flipped tank? Would make for some decent laughs. Speaking of armored vehicle driving realism, calling PhysX 'outdated' or 'not fit for tracked vehicles' is no excuse for improving configuration, adding more logic to it, so it becomes more flexible. Speaking of BIS' intentions for the future, as seen from the island of their choice - Tanoa - armored vehicles won't get more attention until 2017 or so.
  22. inlesco

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Guys, why do we always have to read lots of offtopic in here? Ain't no Arma 4 or BIS' tech intentions' discussions allowed here. Keep that in mind. Personally, I like them threads clean ;)
  23. inlesco


    Hey man, nice work. But where's the download link or anything? Also, just a friendly advice: Upload all the pictures to imgur and insert them as a gallery here. Saves lots of vertical space for users, easier to browse ;)
  24. So you disallow fleeing for them from the battlefield? Doesn't solve the prob., nor it's logical. OP, try this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVehicleAmmo Removes ammo from all veh's turrets. If this doesn't advance the take-off, unitCapture is the only way to do this efficiently.
  25. inlesco

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Lovely video there, cosmic. All we need now - a compilation of all AI video tests and a thread with all of them listed and sorted by significance to the gameplay and overall experience. A couple of advices for improving AI behavior: ---- When under fire by an unknown entity [with a silenced weapon] / a sniper from far away, AI should: depending on their [probably false] guess on the caliber of the wpn, seek cover immediately (not talking about signposts / roadsigns which serve as cover from snipers :D) when cover is unavailable / too far away, take the risk to scan the area in all directions immediately. If a soldier was hit in his back, it's obvious from where the bullet is coming. As shown in the video, AI doesn't understand this simple concept of fire direction. Now, several considerations of current AI behavior: AI doesn't scan 360 degrees, they just look 'somewhere'. Sometimes, at a static building or a fence. At 3:06, a shot missed and the AI correctly guessed the direction by the angle of the impact. That's quite impressive, IMO. Or I'm mistaken and the AI still uses its godly powers whenever pissed :D Btw, is there any BIS' AI testing framework with all variables comfortably logged / displayed in the UI so we don't have to use the hints? I mean, come on... It's 2015 already.