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Everything posted by Wolfgang110563

  1. Hello Scorchuk 

    tell me are you still working on the boxer ? if not i wanted to ask if i can get your data to continue working. would be glad to read from you. 


  2. Wolfgang110563

    Arma Mod France [WIP]

    have you link for this Mod ?
  3. Wolfgang110563

    Global Mobilization

    Nice Work welcom Back Galcon and Maverick https://www.facebook.com/wappler.wolfgang/?hc_ref=ARSv_4xze4M3I8_qe3t3FT8NbW4BiQAEvxnLm0heXUNSm0ujhIH5v3nVtvuno9WApB8
  4. Wolfgang110563

    [WIP] Terrain "X-Cam-Taunus"

    thank you team you make good job
  5. Wolfgang110563

    HMS "Victorious" late 50s [WIP]

    Keep up the good work, it is always a pleasure to see such a good job Wolfgang
  6. Wolfgang110563

    German Armed Forces Mod

    hello from you can hear nothing more gibts you still?
  7. Wolfgang110563

    Schwemlitz, Germany: 5x5km Terrain

    Hello and good day I have read with pleasure today that the map came out in front of you, I wish that more come out such maps. in such a quality. It can some would like to take an example map builder because it anyway in Germany until Mondkalb only one. Who built a German map, I hope you go on like this and more comes out of Germany and larger. keep it up
  8. Wolfgang110563

    Schwemlitz, Germany WIP

    Hello and good day I have read with pleasure today that the map came out in front of you, I wish that more come out such maps. in such a quality. It can some would like to take an example map builder because it anyway in Germany until Mondkalb only one. Who built a German map, I hope you go on like this and more comes out of Germany and larger. keep it up
  9. Wolfgang110563

    1.62 Linux

    hi sorry that I write in German, but I get no response from them anyway. is playing this game since ofp Arma, Arma 2, OH, and I think it's a disgrace that there is no patch 1.62 Linux for my server from my cut member. I will say that they do not want to wait long for 1.62 I have to say I expect more from you. Thank you for such a mess
  10. Wolfgang110563

    BW Guard Battalion

    The BwGuardBattalion have always on the lookout for new players who enjoy a tactical approach. It offers everyone the opportunity to specialize in one place. Here everyone is supported on its way through a sound education. Be it in the infantry or in fliegerischem. To achieve a high level of training and to ensure exercises are carried out on their own game servers. The learned will then demanded in the regularly scheduled operations which fill about 8 evenings. In addition, the BwGbl sporadically receives support from the JgBtl533 constant cooperation within the NATO community are sought. Now that the interest is aroused hope, please follow these steps: log on Register in the forum is the first step, because over the forum is a major part of communication. In addition, there are more to find information. questions If questions still should be open to all members of the unit are ready to answer questions. Which you can ask in Teamspeak or send a private message to. apply An application to age, time zone and wish to send position. It works either on this site through the contact form or by a declaration in forum by PN. The application should consist not only of two sentences, it is always glad to see that your doing what you thought about it you might expect or what you expect from us. We would also like to know if you have any clan experience and what you can bring so with our community. play along In addition to the official practice times can be found one as good as many players every night on our public servers, which now stands in the Operation Arrowhead version. http://www.bwguardbattalion.de
  11. hi rock very very very good work there may be a German model builder arma2 take one example. how to build a very good models.