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Persian MO

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Everything posted by Persian MO

  1. Persian MO

    Eden Composition Spawning

    I tested more and looks like script is fine with vanilla version. Before i tried cup islands and rhs and somethings happen like this, most times Sample: https://www.mediafire.com/?1i64ck4jo1ymztw
  2. Persian MO

    Eden Composition Spawning

    when spawn objects/units after saved, things spawning upper then that place i put them so most times things just roll over and mess up .any solution?
  3. thanks alot for sample mission. _junk = ["GARBAGE", "WRECK", "TOILET", "TYRES", "JUNKPILE"]; about _junk, have i need to put all objects class names or its a something like cfgpatch classnames?
  4. Persian MO

    Shock's Redressing Script

    /*//////////////////////////////////// Author: J.Shock Function File: fn_Redress.sqf Parameters: 1- Units to be redress: (array) 2- Use special units: (boolean) 3- Side of units: (side) 4- Loop through units: (boolean) Description: The redressing process of the defined units. Return: None **DISCLAIMER** Do not remove the header from this file. Any reproduced portions of this code must include credits to the author (J.Shock). *//////////////////////////////////// //if (isServer) then //{ private ["_scopez","_scopezlist","_arr","_units", "_unitSide", "_continuous", "_special", "_uniform", "_ATunits", "_Medunits", "_AAunits", "_weapon", "_goggle", "_head", "_vest", "_backpack"]; _units = (_this select 0); _special = (_this select 1); _unitSide = (_this select 2); _continuous = (_this select 3); _factionExclude = (_this select 4); if ((count _units) < 1) exitWith { if (_continuous) then { [_unitSide,_special,_factionExclude] spawn JSHK_fnc_countLoop; }; }; _ATunits = []; _Medunits = []; _AAunits = []; if (_special) then { { if (typeOf _x in JSHK_ATunits) then { _ATunits pushBack _x; }; if (typeOf _x in JSHK_Medicalunits) then { _Medunits pushBack _x; }; if (typeOf _x in JSHK_AAunits) then { _AAunits pushBack _x; }; } foreach _units; }; //The redressing process... { _uniform = JSHK_uniformArr call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _weapon = JSHK_weaponArr call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _backpack = JSHK_backpackArr call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _head = JSHK_headArr call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _vest = JSHK_vestArr call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _goggle = JSHK_goggleArr call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _muzzles = getArray(configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> (_weapon) >> "muzzles"); _unit = _x; _x unassignItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _x unassignItem "NVGoggles"; _x unassignItem "NVGoggles_INDEP"; clearItemCargo _x; clearWeaponCargo _x; clearMagazineCargo _x; removeallWeapons _x; removeAllHandgunItems _x; removeHeadgear _x; removeGoggles _x; removeUniform _x; removeBackpack _x; _x forceaddUniform _uniform; _x addBackpack _backpack; _x addHeadgear _head; _x addVest _vest; _x addGoggles _goggle; _x addMagazines ["HandGrenade", 2]; _x addMagazines ["SmokeShell", 2]; { if (_x=="this") then { _mags = getArray(configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> (_weapon) >> "magazines"); { _unit addMagazines [_x, 5]; } forEach [_mags select 0]; } else { _mags = getArray(configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> (_weapon) >> _x >> "magazines"); { _unit addMagazines [_x, 5]; } forEach [_mags select 0]; }; } forEach _muzzles; _x addWeapon _weapon; _arr = []; _scopezlist = [_weapon, 201] call CBA_fnc_compatibleItems; if !(_scopezlist isEqualTo _arr) then { _scopez = _scopezlist call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _x addPrimaryWeaponItem _scopez; }; _x setVariable ["JSHK_doneRedress",true]; } foreach _units; if !(_special) exitWith { if (_continuous) then { [_unitSide,_special,_factionExclude] spawn JSHK_fnc_countLoop; }; }; if ((count _ATunits) > 0) then { { _x addWeapon "rhs_weap_rpg7"; _x addMagazine ["rhs_rpg7_PG7VL_mag", 2]; } foreach _ATunits; }; if ((count _Medunits) > 0) then { { clearAllItemsFromBackpack _x; _x addItemToBackpack "Medikit"; _x addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit"; _x addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit"; _x addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit"; } foreach _Medunits; }; if ((count _AAunits) > 0) then { { _x addWeapon "rhs_weap_igla"; _x addMagazine ["rhs_mag_9k38_rocket", 2]; } foreach _AAunits; }; if (_continuous) then { [_unitSide,_special,_factionExclude] spawn JSHK_fnc_countLoop; }; //}; I changed a lit bit the script to add scopes to weapons.it worked fine however sometime mags not match with weapons in dedicated server sometimes.unitl last update for arma, 1.60 i receiving a error all the time here is rpt: Error in expression <>> "magazines"); { _unit addMagazines [_x, 5]; } forEach [_mags select 0]; };> 12:41:44 Error position: <_x, 5]; } forEach [_mags select 0]; };> 12:41:44 Error Undefined variable in expression: _x 12:41:44 File C:\Users\Persian MO\Documents\Arma 3\missions\PMC.Takistan\JSHK_Redress\fn_Redress.sqf, line 102 any solution?
  5. it's weird.The codes not working for me.can you share a sample mission here, please?
  6. Persian MO

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Not solved yet.I tried again after new update still same error. Somebody else tried too?
  7. Persian MO

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    : Wrong signature for file E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@blood_splatters\addons\bloodsplatter.pbo i tried both steam version and pws version on client ans server and verifying and diagnosing for some times.still receive that error and season lost! anybody else has this error?
  8. Persian MO

    Using Zeus as ad hoc FOB creator?

    how to change this script to working on dedicated server?
  9. I have this issue in my missions sometimes.Try to remove all playable units and add them again.It worked for me in some case's.Also make group playable units just after put them on editor, don't change playable units group in middle of editing.anyway still its a strange issue.Hope this help you.
  10. Persian MO

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    ADDED IN 0.4.1 Added ZSh-1-2 for AFRF but i cant find it! where is it?
  11. Hi. openbox.sqf and savebox.sqf are client side scripts.I used inidbi code in there,not working on dedicated server.Im looking for a way to execute those lines on server. Tried BIS_fnc_MP to execute inidbi part code lines on server but looks like not working. anyway, i want to add a option to all players to have a storage box with them by addaction, so players can spawn the box and save their weapons/items, .... in the storage box. i search and read forum and i don't have better way for save/load until now. maybe i should try OO PDW if my codes will not work at all for dedicated server!
  12. Need some help. I'm trying to create a save inventory box for all players.here is what i got until now. initplayerlocal.sqf act = player addAction ["open box", "openbox.sqf",[],0,false,true,"","((_target distance _this)<1)"]; player addEventhandler ["Respawn", { act = player addAction ["open box", "openbox.sqf",[],0,false,true,"","((_target distance _this)<1)"]; }]; openbox.sqf _unit = _this select 1; _unit removeAction act; _Storage = "Box_NATO_AmmoVeh_F" createVehicle getpos _unit; _Storage addAction ["save box", "savebox.sqf"]; _Profile = getPlayerUID _unit; _inidbi = ["new", _Profile] call OO_INIDBI; _items = ["read", ["box", "locker", "ARRAY"]] call _inidbi; if(!(_items isEqualTo [])) then { { _subArr = _items select _forEachIndex; _weps = _subArr select 0; _wepsCount = _subArr select 1; _mags = _subArr select 2; _magsCount = _subArr select 3; _itemss = _subArr select 4; _itemsCount = _subArr select 5; _backpacks = _subArr select 6; _backpacksCount = _subArr select 7; { _Storage addWeaponCargoGlobal[_x,_wepsCount select _forEachIndex]; } forEach _weps; { _Storage addMagazineCargoGlobal[_x,_magsCount select _forEachIndex]; } forEach _mags; { _Storage addItemCargoGlobal[_x,_itemsCount select _forEachIndex]; } forEach _itemss; { _Storage addBackpackCargoGlobal[_x,_backpacksCount select _forEachIndex]; } forEach _backpacks; } forEach _items; }; savebox.sqf _target = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; _Profile = getPlayerUID _unit; _saveArray = []; _guns = getWeaponCargo _target; _mags = getMagazineCargo _target; _items = getItemCargo _target; _backpacks = getBackpackCargo _target; _subArray = _guns + _mags + _items + _backpacks; _saveArray set [count _saveArray,_subArray]; _inidbi = ["new", _Profile] call OO_INIDBI; ["write", ["box", "locker", _saveArray]] call _inidbi; act = player addAction ["open box", "openbox.sqf"]; deletevehicle _target; because the script running from player local , it won't work on server. i tried some mp functions for that codes are for inidbi part. how to change this to get it work?
  13. I'm looking for a way to stop task patrol for helicopter and then add a waypoint to it. Tried terminate https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/terminateand bis_fnc_taskPatrol--terminate, no luck. here is my script: _heliList = [ "O_Heli_Light_02_v2_F", "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F", "RHS_Mi24V_UPK23_vdv", "RHS_Mi8MTV3_UPK23_vdv", "RHS_Ka52_vvsc" ] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _heli = createVehicle [_heliList, getpos _startpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _heli setdir 241; _grp = createGroup East; "rhs_vdv_flora_crew" createUnit [getpos _startpos, _grp, " this MoveinDriver _heli",0.5,"SEARGENT"]; scriptp = [_grp, _patrolpos] execVM "events\gunShipPatrol\patrol.sqf"; sleep 30; terminate scriptp; sleep 10; _wp = _grp addWaypoint [getpos exitArea, 50]; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";
  14. Persian MO

    how to terminate bis_taskPatrol

    Thanks alot.It working , finally!
  15. Persian MO

    how to terminate bis_taskPatrol

    yes.it working. ok. here is patrol.sqf.i forgot to it. :) if !(isserver) exitWith {}; private ["_grp","_area","_wp","_pos"]; _grp = _this select 0; _area = _this select 1; [_grp, _area, 500] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol; I read somewhere if i make a script , later i can terminate it with the command but the helicopter will not exit from taskpatrol loop.
  16. any way to force ai units in cargo to fast rope via script?
  17. I made a mission few months ago, saving worked fine but today i tried the mission and the save/load not working anymore. Something has been changed? Here is codes. initserver: call compile preProcessFile "\inidbi\init.sqf"; saveVeh.sqf private ["_unit","_near","_object"]; _unit = _this select 0; _near = nearestObjects [ blueGarage1, ["Land","Air"], 10]; _object = _near call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //if (_object == "") exitWith {["No asset at garage area...","hint",_unit,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;}; _Profile = format["%1", getPlayerUID _unit]; _landCar = [_Profile, "Vehicles", "typeOf", typeOf _object] call iniDB_write; deletevehicle _object; ["The asset has been saved...","hint",_unit,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; it give me a error about not running indbi. i tried some solution like permission in windows to dll files and others. Still im not sure why the code not working anymore!!!
  18. Persian MO

    Error mission loading

    Somebody help me out! I have some coop missions, made with eden editor, working fine in single and mp but in dedicated server it not working and give a massage : Error loading mission mission.sqm start part version=51; class EditorData { moveGridStep=1; angleGridStep=0.2617994; scaleGridStep=1; autoGroupingDist=10; toggles=1; class ItemIDProvider { nextID=330; }; class MarkerIDProvider { nextID=5; }; class Camera { pos[]={8995.168,510.11157,4492.0781}; dir[]={-0.038728673,-0.44688043,0.89375693}; up[]={-0.01934625,0.894593,0.44646192}; aside[]={0.99906343,2.8471732e-008,0.04329161}; }; }; binarizationWanted=0; addons[]= { "A3_Characters_F_Civil", "a3_characters_f", "rhsusf_c_troops", "rhsusf_c_hmmwv", "rhsusf_vehicles", "rhsusf_c_fmtv", "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR", "A3_Soft_F_Gamma_Offroad", "a3_soft_f_offroad_01", "A3_Soft_F_Truck", "A3_Characters_F_Gamma", "CUP_Weapons_AmmoBoxes", "RHS_US_A2_AirImport", "rhsusf_c_m113", "A3_Modules_F_Curator_Intel", "rhs_cti_insurgents", "A3_Modules_F_Events" }; randomSeed=9719272; class ScenarioData { onLoadMission="Act like a rebel"; respawn=5; class Header { gameType="Coop"; minPlayers=1; maxPlayers=15; }; wreckManagerMode="AddAll"; wreckLimit=5; wreckRemovalMinTime=130; wreckRemovalMaxTime=180; corpseManagerMode="AddAll"; corpseLimit=10; corpseRemovalMinTime=130; corpseRemovalMaxTime=180; }; class CustomAttributes { class Category0 { name="Multiplayer"; class Attribute0 { property="RespawnTemplates"; expression="true"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "ARRAY" }; }; class value { items=2; class Item0 { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="EndMission"; }; }; class Item1 { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="SwitchPlayer"; }; }; }; }; }; }; class Attribute1 { property="RespawnButton"; expression="true"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=1; }; }; }; nAttributes=2; }; class Category1 { name="Scenario"; class Attribute0 { property="EnableDebugConsole"; expression="true"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=0; }; }; }; nAttributes=1; }; }; description.ext onLoadIntroTime=true; onLoadMissionTime=true; RESPAWN = 4; respawnTemplates[] = {"Spectator"}; author = Persian MO; onLoadName = taki rebels; class RscTitles { #include "ais_injury\dialogs\rscTitlesAIS.hpp" }; class CfgFunctions { #include "ais_injury\cfgFunctionsAIS.hpp" }; //task taskManagement_markers3D = 1; taskManagement_markers2D = 1; //0: do not use new 2D markers (default), 1: replace task markers with new 2D markers taskManagement_propagate = 1; //0: do not propagate (default), 1: propagate shared tasks to subordinates taskManagement_drawDist = 20000; //3D marker draw distance as UNASSIGNED (default: 2000) class CfgTaskEnhancements { enable = 1; //0: disable new task features (default), 1: enable new task features & add new task markers and task widgets into the map 3d = 1; //0: do not use new 3D markers (default), 1: replace task waypoints with new 3D markers 3dDrawDist = 20000; //3d marker draw distance (default: 2000) share = 1; //0: do not count assigned players (default), 1: count how many players have the task assigned propagate = 1; //0: do not propagate (default), 1: propagate shared tasks to subordinates }; init.sqf if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then {waitUntil {player == player};}; // Player sync enablesaving [false, false]; //task force radio tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true; TF_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier = false; tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true; tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side = true; waitUntil {!isNull player && {time > 3}};//JIP //medic if (!isDedicated) then { TCB_AIS_PATH = "ais_injury\"; {[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach (if (isMultiplayer) then {playableUnits} else {switchableUnits}); // execute for every playable unit }; initplayerlocal.sqf enableSentences false; player disableConversation true; player setSpeaker "NoVoice"; player addAction ["Weapon on back", {if (currentWeapon player == "") then {player action ['SwitchWeapon', player, player, 0]; } else { player action ['SwitchWeapon', player, player, 100];};},[], 1.5, false]; initserver.sqf //task [Independent,["task1"],["Set a <marker name='ambushmrk'>Ambush</marker> against NATO patrol.","Ambush NATO","ambushmrk"],"ambushmrk",true,2,true,"A",true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [Independent,["task2"],["Take control the <marker name='townmrk'>Town</marker> . Eliminate local fighters.","Capture Town","townmrk"],"townmrk",true,2,true,"B",true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [Independent,["task3"],["Hold and defend the <marker name='townmrk1'>Town</marker> against AAF forces.","Hold Town","townmrk1"],"townmrk1",true,2,true,"C",true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [Independent,["task4"],["Attack to rest <marker name='restmrk'>NATO</marker> forces . Eliminate all enemy groups.","Destroy Rest","restmrk"],"restmrk",true,2,true,"D",true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; [] spawn { while {true} do { { if ( side _x == West) then { if (_x isKindOf "Man") then { _x removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; _x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{_damage = (_this select 2)*2; _damage}]; }; }; }forEach allUnits; sleep 10; }; };
  19. _grp = createGroup Civilian; Informer = _grp createUnit ["C_man_polo_1_F_euro", _informerpos, [], 0, ""];
  20. Persian MO

    3den Enhanced

    idea: GUI editor if its possible.
  21. How to destroy a portable generator?I have a portable generator, produce power for some lights, when somebody fire at it , i want to cut the power and lights off. Portable generator not destroying in normal way, looks like.i tried hit eventhandler like this and not working. this addeventhandler ["hit", { if (damage (_this select 0) < 0.9 ) then {hint "cut";}}];
  22. Thanks . I tried that but not working for portable generator.
  23. Persian MO

    3den Enhanced

    some more ideas :) Arma 3 Particle Effects maker tool attachTo Is this possible to attach objects via something like syncing?