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Kerc Kasha

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Everything posted by Kerc Kasha

  1. this is fixed in dev branch
  2. Kerc Kasha

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    5.56 is an underpowered round in arma 3, that's why nato and csat use 6.5. Stop using it as a benchmark
  3. Kerc Kasha

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I'm not seeing the horribleness of the new system that people are complaining about, I play both coop and pvp and occasionally on those long 'on foot' sections where we moved a couple klicks we might have to stop for a stamina break for like 10 seconds but otherwise it's barely noticeable. It seems those complaining are the ones that want to give themselves 30 extra mags and a launcher with 5 shots in it and just hold W without any thought about stamina management.
  4. Kerc Kasha

    Legal discussion regarding Steam Workshop

    Thank you for posting this, the constant whining about steam workshop has been getting on my nerves as it's a serious case of people being misinformed by 'word of mouth' instead of god forbid, reading the EULA. Instead they buy into this hysteria of valve wanting to steal their mods (seriously what utter nonsense is that..)
  5. in arma 3 it's disabled in multiplayer or at the very least doesn't work the same way it did in 2
  6. The init lines will rerun when someone jips as technically they run once for each client (plus server/host). You need to put a if (!local _unit) exitwith {}; at the top so it doesn't run on other machines
  7. Kerc Kasha

    Fixed a mod - where to next?

    The original author, if they don't get back to you idk. Releasing without permission after that point is a grey line that I'm sure a lot will have much to say about
  8. Kerc Kasha

    Abort treating yourslf?

    Wouldn't even need to script it. Movement is just disabled in that action so it's just a matter of reenabling it and it'd interrupt the animation. Just have to make sure it doesn't HEAL them after it's interrupted.
  9. 3rd person is a crutch but there's nothing wrong with either zoom or the crosshair.
  10. Kerc Kasha

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Seeing as JSRS has not been updated to the new method you might not be getting errors but you sure wont be using the JSRS sounds (apart from scripted ones like distance)
  11. Yeah this is going to be a painful week for me. A lot of busy work ahead
  12. Kerc Kasha


    Yeah I tried to get it to use the vector3d coordinates but I found it very unreliable so just went with the actual bullets direction which is working 100% when I tested it. The lower velocity also meant that people weren't flying back as dramatically and it seemed more in line (still exaggerated as people don't fly back at all from being shot..)
  13. Kerc Kasha


    I did some playing around with this mod and I got the ragdolls behaving a bit better. They now fly back in the right direction and don't fly back as much (usually only just falling in place) z75_RagdollEffect = { private ["_unit", "_dir", "_unitPos", "_force", "_o", "_projPos"]; _unit = _this select 0; _dir = _this select 1; _projPos = _this select 2; _unitPos = position _unit; _force = 250; _unit allowDamage false; _o = "Steel_Plate_L_F" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _o setObjectTexture [0,""]; _o setMass _force; _o setDir _dir; _o setPos [(_unitPos select 0) + sin(_dir + 180), (_unitPos select 1) + cos(_dir + 180), ((((boundingBox _unit) select 1) select 2) / 2) - ((_projPos select 2) / 100)]; _o setVelocity [(sin(_dir)) * 5, (cos(_dir)) * 5, 0]; sleep 0.5; deleteVehicle _o; _unit allowDamage true; }; z75_IsBullet = { private ["_projType", "_strArr", "_isBullet"]; _projType = _this; _strArr = toArray _this; _isBullet = false; if(count _strArr > 0) then { if(_strArr select 0 == 98 || _strArr select 0 == 66) then { _isBullet = true; }; }; _isBullet }; z75_HitPartHandling = { private ["_data", "_unit", "_shooter", "_projDir", "_projPos"]; _data = _this select 0; _unit = _data select 0; _shooter = _data select 1; _bullet = _data select 2; _projPos = _data select 3; _vdir = _data select 7; if(alive _unit) then { if((typeOf(_data select 2)) call z75_IsBullet) then { _projDir = direction _bullet; } else { _projDir = direction _bullet; }; if(_unit == player) then { addCamShake [3, 5, 5 + random 10]; }; [_unit, _projDir, _projPos] spawn z75_RagdollEffect; }; }; seems just as reliable as the current version but shooting in the arm is a bit iffy, might need to adjust the object placement
  14. Kerc Kasha


    I'm pretty sure _o setObjectTexture [0,""]; works if you just want to hide the object.
  15. Kerc Kasha

    CBA-based config help

    I think initpost doesn't work that way and you probably won't need to run it like that instead just use class Extended_Init_Eventhandlers { class CaManBase { class z75Ragdoll_RespawnInitMan { onRespawn = true; // Run this even after respawn init = "[_this] spawn {_unit = _this select 0; _unit setVariable['z75_Loaded', false]; waitUntil {!isNil 'Zooloo75_Ragdoll_Ready'}; _unit call z75_UnitHook; _unit setVariable['z75_Loaded', true];"; }; }; }; EDIT: actually your issue might be just the [_this], _this is already an array so it might be nesting it
  16. This is an amazing change. But will this fix Muzzle devices always remove the lighting caused by the muzzle flash? While it's fine for suppressor stuff like flash hiders or other devices should still have some sort of light created
  17. Kinda, the main issue was _climbhandled was always returning true whenever the key was pushed and didn't account for the fact that it was pushed twice so I moved the bool to input check and made it so it only returned true on a double tap
  18. Ohh I've been looking for the wrong problem haha. Well that makes the issue more obvious. This works: keyhandle.sqf private "_climbhandled"; _key = _this select 0; // The displayeventhandler hands over the pressed key _shift = _this select 1; if ((_key == L_Climb_Key)) then { [] call L_fnc_climb_inputcheck; } else { false }; inputcheck.sqf if (isNull player) exitwith {}; // Don't do stuff in case the player isn't "there" if ((vehicle player) != player) exitWith {}; // Also don't do stuff if the player is inside a vehicle if (!(L_canClimb)) exitWith {}; // _Also_ don't do stuff if the player is currently climbing // The next part might be hard to understand; We want the button to be pressed twice // so we ... L_climbThreshold = L_climbThreshold + 1; // ... increase the variable by one if (L_climbThreshold == 2) then // If the variable is two the button has been pressed twice already... { L_canClimb = false; // ... so we disable the climbing while it ... [] spawn L_fnc_climb_main; // ... executes the main function L_climbThreshold = 0; // Oh, and the threshold variable is set to 0 again true; } else // If the button was only pressed once so far... { [] spawn { sleep 0.3; // Wait 0.3 seconds, giving the player enough time to double-tap if (L_canClimb && L_climbThreshold > 0) then { L_climbThreshold = L_climbThreshold - 1; }; }; false; }; Only issue is that the first tap will always use in engine execution but I don't think there's a way around that
  19. I had a look and I couldn't replicate the issue..I turned off the double tap work around first and tried it but combat pace toggle (and the 'hold' version) all worked without issue For reference this was my modified keyhandle.sqf private "_climbhandled"; _key = _this select 0; // The displayeventhandler hands over the pressed key _shift = _this select 1; _climbhandled = false; // "handled" is used to tell the handler if everything was handled. We set it to false first if ((_key == L_Climb_Key) && (_shift)) then { _climbhandled = true; // It was the right key so it's "handled" L_canClimb = false; // ... so we disable the climbing while it ... [] spawn L_fnc_climb_main; // ... executes the main function }; _climbhandled; // Returns the bool to the displayeventhandler
  20. And tactical pace still isn't working? that's really odd I wonder if it's something unique to that particular action. I'll take a better look when I get home if you haven't worked it out by then
  21. Are you returning false at the end of the script called by displayaddeventhandler? You have to return true or false to tell the engine if it should handle the key press aswell as the event handler or not. I can't remember which way around it is but I'm pretty sure 'false' tells it to do in engine handling.
  22. Kerc Kasha

    Weapon recoild camera shake mod

    It works if the mod inherits from preexisting ammo types. EDIT: Could apply some generic shake to 'bulletbase' as most mods will at least inherit from that (if not the maker should get a stern talking to)
  23. Kerc Kasha

    Development Blog & Reveals

    This whole topic is absurd