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Everything posted by smokedog3para

  1. well I would want to move away from a3mp as all the walls spin round when lightly touched as theres no phsx been applied, its a quick fix using the a3mp but not the real solution to the problems we have from a2 to a3, hold out people are working on getting all the a2 stuff up to a3 standards phsx and all might take some time but it is coming community upgrade project. For me the most important thing is getting the core of a2 which is the buildings walls and vegetation and rocks to have phsx so it flows like a3 and works like a3 assets not walls that spin round instead of falling over like we have now as its a real immersion killer for me as it is now.
  2. smokedog3para

    indoor improvements

    (As for furniture, yeah it would wreck performance pretty bad) only if its in game all the time how about use a caching script like we do for ai for the furniture so get a 100 meters near a building and it spawns in the furniture proxys in the house your near far simpler ways than breaking the game having them there all the time
  3. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    cheers all, if any one is good with configs i've got an ied pack that needs a config to work, pressure plate models command wire ieds and signal bound ieds would be nice to have them used in pices and made to what type of ied you want to place like ace and the arti prep for rounds
  4. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Hi all thought I better reply as its been a while heres an update of things on an old blog it was easier to upload multiple images there than on here http://smokedog3para.blogspot.co.uk/
  5. smokedog3para

    R8 rifle

    ill help you out get modo or blender and export as.obj import to blender or modo grab the whole model and triangulate the faces then save as.obj and import to o2 job done takes less than five minutes nothing wrong with sketchup at all for simple modeling
  6. smokedog3para

    Distorted Model?

    probably the model config did not have the p3d named in it
  7. smokedog3para

    No women at all

    there will be woman, there in the configs as i mentioned in the other no women thread there will be hags farm women and beach babes just have to wait for them to come in the updates
  8. smokedog3para

    Arma3 Videos

    still pissing myself over this one para
  9. the fps was high getting 60fps oncz03 but the stuttering was worse than ever only dropped 10 fps in towns and when getting in the flat bed truck but could hardly move on the ground heres a vid of it I was trying to report this the other day but could not find the thread most of the video i took did not go through movie maker as it was stuttering to much the software could not handle it so the worst could not be shown.
  10. smokedog3para

    Bovington testing grounds Dorset

    Right guys ive got a test version no whistles and bells just as is, it will still be worked on, but its not a priority at the moment sangin is https://www.dropbox.com/s/x9ol1gg0ro01af2/%40Bovinton%20Tank%20Range.rar only 20 hours so more will be added like the warehouses and other bits and pieces but for testing vehicles its fine for that just run with a3mp as a2 version does not work because of the 5m cell and a2 not liking it.
  11. smokedog3para

    Pet Peeves of A3

    constantly freezing in game with stuttering
  12. Will you give more time for this then, its so late in the day to start if someone did want to build and enter a terrain not long left really to make one, if the terrain makers did want to enter a new terrain it takes a good amount of hours to get that detail. But its a good move on your part was kind of knocked back to see at first there was not one in the original announcement. also how would it work for adding non bi models in the terrain effect the rules like using opx buildings as an example for having a 3rd party content cheers smokedog.
  13. I know what you're saying BB last night I had the rare go on multi was getting 40 fps but the stutter freeze was too much after 30 mins 60 mins in i wanted to quit only had 6 people on the dedicated just not there yet think if it was better instead of the 665 hours i've clocked up would of been double that if it was more stable.
  14. smokedog3para

    NEW Visitor for A3!?

    Be good to get some info on what is actually going to be new in vis would be my question ?
  15. smokedog3para

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I have just been doing some tests with streams using the road sections early days yet but its working just need some fine tuning on the texture\rvmat as its like a tide still and makes it appear and then dissapear so ill keep having a poke at it im using the pond water on the road paths, it will need some stream banks textures adding to get it to look natural with the terrain. and also for a config to act like a road but not spawn ai on or vehicles to drive on.
  16. Even porting is not simple the a2 walls in a3 when hit don't fall over now they spin round when hit or blown up its messed a lot up so fixing things is slow without docs and tuts, I know I am struggling with a lot of things now it makes it hard and the motivation starts to drain away fast when we can't get our hands on information. Ive got a lot sat on the side waiting to go it will sit there till we get what we need in terms of info and the new visitor so there is content but not as much as some of us would like to put out but can't.
  17. What's the requirements for terrains to work well with alive sangin always worked well with mso but i always thought some custom names for spawning different things in would be a good way to go i know we have a few but thought maybe we could expand on them to get more use out of the mso\alive as it did spawn stuff in some weird places at times. It would be good to have more names\markers for animals to spawn in fields or ai with animations working in fields or vulnerable points for ied to spawn in a realistic manner so you can get that bit more realism when placing enemy or ieds on tight channeled ground means it would not be so random for spawning stuff in, if the terrain has more predefined markers and alive would pick em up and spit out what is needed for that marker. at the moment we have this Hill BorderCrossing VegetationBroadleaf VegetationFir VegetationPalm VegetationVineyard NameMarine NameCityCapital NameCity NameVillage NameLocal RockArea ViewPoint what we could have is this arable field vulnerable point ambush marker roadblock satashed arms cache ied spawn marker ied factory fob police station OP reinforcements
  18. What makes that worse is when you spend months making models for the feature that is said to be in the game but 6 months later and hours and hours of work into the project, that you find out the feature will not be in game pissed me right off even though on the confirmed features its still listed after the game released and to top it off the dll tow script that I was going to use as a backup to get my trailers working now does not work in arma3.
  19. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Hi all, scorch the wire is a command wire for some future ied pack i have, the vehicle is a vbied ready to roll up to a checkpoint the scene was an ied factory with many components for ieds laying around sangin will be the whole package when finished new buildings and walls, rocks, caves, tunnels, plants, irrigation ditches, ied's, hesco, and general scenery objects with a taliban faction and their vehicles pickups bikes and cars. But the big news is sangin has gone from 10m cell size down to 5 so now I can play with the terrain more for better ground detail and the irrigation channels will reduce in size as they were stuck at 10 meters wide which was to big. Also after tonight we should have all the a3 bits working lighting and clutter so hopefully it will look even better we also hope to go independent from AIA and A3MP in time. And if that was not enough for you I have just been talking about making sangin bigger with M1lkman and he said it would be possible to merge both sangin maps that me and another friend have been building so if it all goes to plan a 10km x 10km sangin will be in the pipeline I will release a 5x5 sangin for a3 then will start on the big one now I have been told its possible so Damo pull your finger out your arse and get on it mate the bottom half of Sangin. All the extra features and a3 config work is down to a top guy called M1lkman so a great deal of thank's has to go to him as hes the man that has just made this get bigger and better than I had planned for.
  20. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    @oktyabr cheers i hope it will work with alive as it did with mso so have my fingers crossed a had not tried it as there were no Taliban units out at the time that worked with it.
  21. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    At the moment these walls won't be knocked over by vehicles as their armour is set high, may be able to with a few small explosives placed down I have not fully tested them but they seem to work well so far soon ill let them out for a beta test to see what they work like and improve what we can if we get any major errors.
  22. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Cheers all, bushlurker I would like to release a few oa walls so its not just the one type for all terrain makers to use if they want to, and I have already ported the acr dlc trees and plants to a3 and will be releasing them too for terrains so any one can use these when building, along with the oa rocks I have retextured and rotated them so there is quiet a bit new for terrains coming up, M1lkman is the guy that did all the hard work I was just bumbling through and would of took me ages to finish and yes he certainly is moving boundaries for environment destruction. I was on the day shift and the milkman was on the night shift worked out great its guys like this and yourself that really push the possibilities for others to achieve goals its one thing I always wanted to have since I first went on Sangin,also cheers to BI for the Mlods
  23. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Hello all after a few days of headbanging the wall M1lkman has helped me out on a new feature I am implementing into Sangin I held up on releasing the beta the other day to get this working as I think it has great benefit to the realism of the game now 90% of the walls can be breached with 1-2 AT rounds to create a small hole you can climb through or if you need a bigger breach hole place a few satchels down and stand back and you will get a bigger breach hole. In the upcoming release I have made a few new wall models and houses M1lkman has kindly offered some destroyable buildings that he has made for use too a big thank's again to him, I am adding a lot more detail to the town as I have deleted a lot of it sorry to keep you waiting but with these new features and addons I think its worth the wait and is a lot more intricate now
  24. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Its based on the lower part of sangin from a google earth image the terrain is set out as the image is and most compounds are where one is on the image buildings are just what's available in game with a bit of imagination.