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Everything posted by smokedog3para

  1. smokedog3para


    Jalalabad terrain 28km x 28km, m1lkman and myself have been working on jbad for the last 3-4 years so thought it was time to put up a WIP to show what you can expect from the terrain it has large mountain ranges with the river flowing through and a massive Greenzone following the river coarse up to the large city area with Airport and stadium. The terrain will be feature heavy for infrastructure and locations designed for long term missions Alive, we have adapted and opened up the the power station and added in power lines for protecting or if playing opfor destroying, other noteworthy locations are oil drilling facility, fuel refinery, fuel depo's and other such needed services along with governmental offices and buildings with Taliban infrastructure so both sides will have multiple locations and objectives. Currently the first 14km x 14km tile is near ready with another 2 x14km tiles under way just leaving the city to fill once the other 3 tiles are completed. Any questions or for early beta testing when ready jump on the jbad discord to get the latest intel.
  2. Finally got it out for release https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2258347913&searchtext=Sangin.v4
  3. smokedog3para

    Sangin District Helmand Province.V4

    updated sangin Deleted ammo crates random appeared in fields Deleted untextured bridge Deleted blast markers Reverted to old lighting config ca world Tanoa Added Smoke bi key for servers. Lighting is still being worked on same for water if you have a fix and want to pass it over it would be welcomed. If any other one is interested in getting involved in Tactical battlefield Environments we are looking to expand the team . TBE Have a patreon account where you can join to get the extra content to go alongside Sangin and Jalalabad upon release Manuals and digital maps will be available, by joining the patreon we will be giving out early access to Jbad and all our other unreleased terrains once jbad goes beta testing we have Belfast ready in total there are 16 terrains sat here in various states to be ported from A2 into A3 Project Goals To run servers hosting missions with a back story that sits along side each terrain these terrains will have Intel via an ISAF field guide and a Taliban handbook both having intel relevant to the terrain, both sides having intel on each other to a limited degree to use in planning operations working with the story line, time line runs from 2006 onwards using real world data to achieve more realistic campaigns for long term game play we have put more emphasis on supply and infrastructure to give more options for missions to really cripple either faction if the supply chain gets hit power, industry, governmental buildings , fuel over the longer period. TBE Website to keep an updated website hosting latest stats for our server and Addons maps and manuals. incorporating the TBE umbrella all in one place. Mission maker to make real world missions for use on TBE servers using intel from TBE manuals. Texture artist Retexture assets to give more variety to building assets we currently have and any new assets, TBE logo design. 3D Modeler to make a few iconic buildings from Jalalabad. Admin,/Promotions to keep all the channels updated Server updated and monitored Website maintained and updated . What can we offer in return, access to all Jbad and TBE assets, you will be joining a good, team you will get our manuals and maps, Join our dev channel on Discord, and once the digital download maps and manuals go on sale potential profit. I have been in contact with a Map makers to get quotes for making ingame map of sangin and jbad as we will get both made up but may put these up on our website for the hardcore out there to purchase.
  4. smokedog3para


  5. smokedog3para


    Cheers Gunter will have a go and see.
  6. smokedog3para


    hi Gunter yes i did see your message i used the explosion textures and models from a2oa so not sure what is effecting the texture but will try and get that fixed i tested a3 ones in place of the ported a2 ones and had the same result so not sure why they can be placed in game and work as normal but placed in terrain builder has this effect in game on the player.
  7. smokedog3para


  8. smokedog3para


    cheers Gunter comments like this go along way, terrains are time consuming draining really when it is a big one i agree it is all about the community and the open nature of arma to mod and create the nights i have had with gaming units and friends i have never seen will have some long lasting memories and life long friendships come from it, we enjoy seeing all the missions and youtube vids of the community enjoying the terrains once jbad is done i have an extensive list of terrains i made for a2 unrealeased we will work through to bring to arma3 another 12 terrains sat here Belfast being the first one we will work on as i have it in arma3 currently so have enough to keep you guys going for a few years more. I have started the bottom left tile over the last couple of days as i needed a break from the top left which is almost complete just on the tidy up, Sanchez has more time to help out so he is currently on the top right section filling it in game and gets imported into tb which i think works well and is pushing it on , M1lkman is opening up buildings and adding in anything we can make more mission based for objective based objects to interact with so for power station you you can enter and open the breaker box to cut power.
  9. smokedog3para


    Power station has been opened up and has breakers in to cut power destroy in missions, Opx police station got updated nice work M1lk
  10. smokedog3para

    JBAD Release Thread

    Hi I know there was issues with ai walking through the normal oa taki walls back in the day and i think at times i have seen ai come through gaps may be an option to widen the lods a touch.
  11. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Hi all thought I would show a bit of the new Sangin off lots have changed in this version. More Roads Roads now show on mask when flying more than 1000m from roads New footpaths New buildings New objects New rocks New walls After the years of fighting in Sangin its taken its toll on the town and after heavy battles and destruction the government have started regenerating the area with new police stations hospital building and a school the government have set up offices in the town now too, after the ANA and ANP have built many police stations VCP's and FOB's around the area to give better security to the region which now has allowed the town to prosper with more locals returning here to live and to open up the bazar again for business. Don't be fooled only the town is safe the Taliban have a big presence in the green zone and will attack and use all natural terrain to their advantage from ditches to the many tunnels they have made to move from compound to compound Taliban will hide in the many caves that surround Sangin using them as ammo caches or for a place to hide when cas is in the air. I am just in the final phase of testing all objects to make sure they are all working correctly shortly after that I will be releasing the terrain hopefully with my afghan pack that has afghan and taliban units, weapons, and vehicles, sounds
  12. smokedog3para

    Sangin District Helmand Province.V4

    alpha male cat done the skybox edit think it is a2 oa tweaked and new cloud, we tested a few versions before we settled with what we have all images of terrain lighting was posted in the sangin discord as it progressed.
  13. smokedog3para

    Sangin District Helmand Province.V4

    lighting is getting rolled back, the uv showing on the uk bridge is being sorted for jbad objects and tanoa is no longer defied in config so update incoming.
  14. smokedog3para

    Sangin District Helmand Province.V4

    Thanks for the sub appreciated i will email you with your ISAF manual asap.
  15. smokedog3para

    Sangin District Helmand Province.V4

    Hi bud yes pita uploading to the forums as no drag and drop but will do some today and upload.
  16. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2258347913&searchtext=Sangin.v4 Released today.
  17. smokedog3para

    JBAD Release Thread

    Hi all Jbad objects will be releasing over the weekend with more additions thx M1lkman for all the hard graft. Both myself and M1lk are now using ploppr to push on jbad so we are filling bad a lot faster now we have found plopper to use thanks guys great tool .
  18. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Beta test is going well thanks to all the bug reports, cleaned them up caught the couple of errors that come up 2 left to do and should be clean of all errors for server test. TBE have ported the opx police station back into Sangin and milky has worked his magic making the station functional for detaining prisoners, I have rebuilt fob Jackson and added back in vcp's and 2 addition fobs. Jbad objects are getting the final polish before steam release this Friday as they will be required to run Sangin.
  19. hi mate you about at some stage just need a heads up on indexing sangin and jbad for alive and will send over a copy friday for you to test out


  20. Hi bud just letting you know i will send link for sangin this friday so we can get on and have a test 


  21. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    Sangin District Helmand Province V3.0 is ready for beta release this weekend, if you would like to gain early access join Tactical battlefield Environments pateron account. On official Release there will be a Laheya Jihad conduct of war for Mujahideen best practices for fighting in Sangin and a notebook that gives all out access to Taliban resources on the terrain all locations with grid cords to aid in the fight to free the occupied lands. ISAF will have a field manual that will include intelligence but to a limited capacity the manual covers Laws, History, Leadership, Weaponry. https://www.patreon.com/posts/42235219
  22. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    cheers buddy how you been good to see you still about yes got some nice stuff coming with all the old updates getting ironed out to get it all looking good new water for both terrains thanks to alpha male cat new ground textures thanks to dirks, milk has sorted the tools so jbad can pack again so been a productive few days and will make nice results.
  23. Water flows in Jalalabad river system well done Milk will open up a lot more for game play river patrols.
  24. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ytxczonda5bir46/Screenshot 2020-05-10 23.12.41.png?dl=0 last one of the night irrigation ditches got some attention should be able to use them as was always intended cell size changed to 2.5 meters
  25. smokedog3para

    Sangin WIP

    yes mate there in loads of places will pop on ts to come speak to you guys if your about later