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Everything posted by sgtgunner

  1. Looks like with the latest APEX update, that this mod doesn't work. Anyone have an updated config? Thanks in Advance.
  2. sgtgunner

    Terrain Processor

    Nice, I love the idea of leveling terrain where a road passes. Great job!
  3. Many thanks!! Keeping the tradition of helping the community of modders to learn and get better. All the Best!
  4. As I understand it. This project has been discontinued. It would be great if we could have it as open sourced. That is, maybe on GITHUB or something similar as then the community could continue working on it.
  5. sgtgunner

    Bulldozer controls

    Excellent! This should be stickied or the BI Wiki should have this. Thanks again Jakerod. -SGTGunner
  6. Have the new 1.36 stable build. I am trying to get the HC client working. I am using the instructions here - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Headless_Client. I am doing it using the arma3server -client -connect=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -password=xxxx I have create the slot in the mission as well as added in the cfg file the following entry headlessClients[]={"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", ...} I get the client trying to connect and get a steam ticket failed error and the HC get disconnected. In the HC rpt file is the following too - 16:16:21 No more slot to add connection at 033057 (3386.8,5735.4) and then the following errors in the server rpt 16:17:04 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1809451524 (headlessclient) 16:17:08 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #1814138676, users.card=1 Not sure what is going on here?
  7. Nice Job! Another great addition to 1st Ranger Battalion. -SGTGunner
  8. sgtgunner

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Is there a way to turn off the AGM_Explosives functionality via script? Workaround: rename/delete the AGM_Explosives pbo. I would rather not do it this way. It would be great that I could enable it for some players and not for others.
  9. Can you tell me what did you do to fix it?
  10. Thanks, I did not see the 'Bold Mode' I will take a look at that. Cheers, -SGTGunner
  11. This is a very useful tool! It would be good if I could zoom in on the chart as sometimes it is very crowded. Also, if I could select a value at it would be highlighted, like if I was in windows perfmon.
  12. Can I add an in-build radio say via script to an object, similar to the way an in-build radio is provided for a vehicle?
  13. sgtgunner

    Live feed control (LFC)

    I think, I may have found a bug. It consistently repos. If I go to each screen and select a player, so I do this 4 times. If I go back to the screen and select a player on existing screen, then the other 3 screens go black. Still digging into it more. But was wondering if anyone else has this problem. I am running 1.30 public version of A3 as well. -Update: Never mind figured it out. There is a concurrent cams value in liveFeed.sqf that needed to be increased.
  14. Cortez471 is it possible to implement the scoring system in the players table? It is a quick and dirty way to find out if someone is cheating, etc. :-) Thanks in advance.
  15. I already had Curator running as it is default in Linux dedi server. I have both cba_a3 and TFAR running as still same problem where LR works fine and SR doesn't. Very weird? ---------- Post added at 02:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 AM ---------- missionNamespace setVariable [_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 2:47:44 Error position: <_variableName, nil]; }; }; } count _allU> 2:47:44 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 2:47:44 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 106 2:47:44 Error in expression <request = missionNamespace getVariable (_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 2:47:44 Error position: <_variableName); if !(isNil "_radio_reque> 2:47:44 Error Undefined variable in expression: _variablename 2:47:44 File task_force_radio\functions\fn_ServerInit.sqf, line 51 I keep getting a lot of errors like this too?
  16. Yep, tried that. The only thing that might be the issue is that I am running a ARMA 3 Linux dedicated server. But it kinda works, which is wierd?
  17. Is there is a problem with TFR 0.9.2 and 1.20 ARMA 3 update? I found that LR (CTRL + CAPSLOCK) works fine. But SR (CAPSLOCK) does not? I tried changing the key bindings and it still does not help. Anyone have any ideas?
  18. Yes. If you have multiple instances of the game running, say one private and one public, then in your server.cfg or equivalent you need to set the steamport and steamqueryport different from the defaults. Port 27016 is a default port and must do it for both instances. You cannot have one using the default and the other using a custom port. I found both need to be custom. This may be an obvious one, but I will ask. Make sure the FW has the outgoing port defined too. :-)
  19. Sorry, not a server to web site issue, I use to get the report successfully. Actually accessing the web site to get the report, it times out.
  20. A little off topic but is arma3.swec.se offline? I cannot connect to it?
  21. sgtgunner

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    +1 Well said and articulated. There is work on the community side for sure. Though, I think you are right, most folks do not have the background to check this or test this. From my observations it mostly consists of the statement of "I am only getting this FPS and why?". I think that a consolidated testing guide is required for folks to do a good job of testing and providing the necessary accurate feedback.
  22. I had problems running on squeeze, I suggest you upgrade to wheezy. As I have it working well. I will put out a new guide shortly. :) Cheers, -SGTGunner
  23. yep, I get the same error. I have tried the different ways that folks have recommended on this forum too. I still get cannot load texture a3\data_f\halfa.paa error as well, even though I depbo'd it into the location specified.
  24. I would definitely concur with Bushlurkers response. A big shout-out on educating folks in making their own terrain. -SGTG