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Everything posted by pettka

  1. Actually, the functionality is common for all VTOLs, even for the community made ones. So it makes sense to use to mention changes to the universal solution - there may have been scripted solutions by community, but they are now free to use the engine solution for dust particles :icon_twisted:
  2. pettka


    To be precise, we didn't want to show some weapons and equipment in the diary, but it is at least briefly mentioned on the Apex page. If You want to discuss these, please, consider using spoiler tags for the rest :icon_twisted:
  3. Just keep in mind that changing the requiredAddons may lead to some unexpected results if done wrong. E.g. if You place a dev-branch asset in and remove the requiredAddons for that, it may disappear (in best case) on main branch :icon_twisted:
  4. pettka

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Some details about Apex and its VTOLs by Polygon
  5. pettka


    Yep, I can confirm that. PuFu is a respectable modder and artist who heed our call for help on Tanoa structures. There is always a good deal of Easter eggs in all our games, some of them even in vanilla Arma (e.g. even names on some assets) :icon_twisted:
  6. pettka

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    This may be the cause, it seems like Your Steam app didn't download the proper data yet. I know how harsh that sounds, but could You, possibly, wait a while? Huge downloads may take some time for Steam to process :icon_evil:
  7. pettka

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Could You, please, take a look if You have downloaded the whole update? It should be roughly 6 GB for Apex owners, 1.6 GB for non-owners.
  8. pettka

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    There may be possibly some licensing issues in the beginning, our Steam Support team should be ready to investigate. I'm sorry if there are problems blocking You from getting into Tanoa, we'll try to sort it as soon as possible.
  9. There's been even a mention of the performance improvements in recent SITREP, even mighty Maruk has seen the change :icon_twisted:
  10. pettka


    Heck, and I just wanted to post even here, nevermind, I'll continue to stalk :icon_twisted:
  11. pettka

    1.60 RC candidate CTD

    Thanks a lot for Intel, guys, it seems like our programmers have found a lead to fix this issue, they are working on that :icon_twisted:
  12. pettka

    Limping - Feedback

    Just to provide some scope of the feature to base your expectations: The goal is to visualize current behaviour that previously forced soldiers to walk if they had damaged legs. We don't plan any changes to the triggers of this behaviour currently, but the new limping actions and animations are freely available for modders to devise their own medical systems :icon_twisted:
  13. There was an issue with camSetDir script command yesterday, it should be fixed in today's version on Dev-Branch. But thanks a lot for the Intel :icon_twisted:
  14. 29-04-2016 EXE rev. 135790 (game) EXE rev.135789 (launcher) Size: ~39 MB DATA No changes for todayENGINE Added: Dedicated Servers check the Steam AppId set for the current process and produce a warning to the console and to the log when it doesn't match expected value Fixed: Being in an area of a trigger with swapped sides was causing the inArea command to fail Eden Editor Added: Initial support for resizing triggers by dragging their corners Fixed: Marker creation by mouse double-click is now placing them correctly under mouse pointer (thanks to @Mitrail01 for reporting that) Fixed: Connections are no longer drawn when some of the connection targets are inside a hidden layer (they are hidden) Fixed: Default values of custom attributes are no longer saved to SQMs
  15. A good catch, thanks a lot for Intel, sir. It should be fixed by today's Dev-Branch update :icon_twisted:
  16. This happens when a Superior Encoding Master Guru BXBX turns into a Senior Programmer and unleashes his encoding dreams into the engine :icon_twisted:
  17. As for the logistic issues, there are some troubles in update pipeline that prevent us from delivering data to Steam. We have just managed to create some temporary workarounds as You may see with the newest SECREP, but we are still working on fixing the main issue :icon_twisted:
  18. pettka

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    Thanks a lot for the report, we are working on solving this issue, it should be fine possibly even today :icon_twisted:
  19. No need to worry, there is a plenty of branches. The latest released official version is the main branch, which means the mission won't be compatible. On the other hand, we plan to release the Eden Update soon, that may possibly help :icon_twisted:
  20. Actually, the Release Candidate is 1.56, it is mostly identical with dev branch. The only branches that are not compatible with Eden Editor missions are the main branch of the game and legacy / ports :icon_twisted:
  21. pettka

    Bad version 70 in p3d

    Dev branch of the game and RC for next update should support the new format already, the only problematic part may be the main branch of the game, which should be updated with the RC soon (expected half of this month). Other way how to change the behaviour is to use main branch of Arma 3 Tools instead as it doesn't contain the updated binarization yet :icon_twisted:
  22. pettka


    New update: Master lord Joris is written with single "R" and I am pettka with double "T" :icon_twisted:
  23. Good point, sir. This is still in progress, what You see is a temporary state that should be addressed by the end of this week :icon_twisted:
  24. It is possible, but not advisable, I would say. The technology is not performance-hungry, but still takes some resources. When used for wrecks, it is easier as there is either a wreck or the main model. If You want to use it for proxies, it may be done, but it would mean some performance loss (I don't have any solid data on that, but it seemed so during our testing) :icon_twisted:
  25. pettka

    Development Blog & Reveals

    SoonBI time :icon_twisted: