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Everything posted by zooloo75

  1. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Thanks a ton Froggy, really appreciate it! :) Currently working with BadBenson on improving the vaporization effect. He's written up some nice blood mist code.
  2. zooloo75

    (WIP) JTD Blood

    That flow effect is fucking awesome! Outstanding Dmarkwick! I like the theme you're going for. Can't wait to try this out!
  3. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Working on an arm gib (plan on splitting it up to separate chunks). [base mesh here -> https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/character-people/man/adult-male-arms-and-hands] http://imgur.com/a/t1rja
  4. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Good news! Fixed the search algorithm issue I was having last night. Explosions have a much smaller impact on performance now! Also grenades can cause vaporization now (they could before, but now, due to the usage of the Explosion event handler, I can get an accurate explosion damage value and apply vaporization -- it also stops blood splatters from emitting when an explosion is behind a wall or some cover that should've blocked a majority of the damage). What I've noticed from this is that a unit laying on a grenade would likely be vaporized, but spare his nearby teammates from the effect -- very cool!
  5. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    [2:25AM] Making improvements to vaporization in regards to performance and effect. P.S. I wish the forums had a night theme :436: [3:03AM] Ran into an issue with my gibbing algorithm. Gonna call it a night and solve this problem in a dream or something.
  6. Indeed. Regarding the driving AI, I'd recommend trying out VCOM AI.
  7. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Please do, lol. Surprised no one has recreated Goat Simulator in ArmA.
  8. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    They may be lacking the traditional hitpoints like humans have.
  9. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Thanks! I have an intestine gib, but some more wouldn't hurt ;) Definitely not done creating models for the vaporization effect -- slowly but surely!
  10. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    I'd just like to thank everyone who has donated! Every bit helps me out and keeps the motivation up! -Thank you
  11. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Thanks! Here's something for those that want a giggle: LOL = { if(!isNull cursorTarget) then { cursorTarget call BloodLust_VaporizeUnit; }; }; player addaction ["LOL", { call LOL; }]; Aim at someone and click the fancy "LOL" button in the action menu.
  12. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    UPDATE New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v2.1.zip v2.1: Overhauled vaporization conditions. Added body exploding sound effects to vaporization. Added two new gibs (skull fragment and bone shard). Added collision sounds when a unit is hit by a vehicle. Added probability that a unit can be vaporized when hit by a high-speed vehicle. Fixed intestine gib (was frozen in place). Reduced gib bounciness. Added version number to BloodLust Settings menu. Added distance-based clean-up of BloodLust (removes splatters, gibs, etc, once the player leaves the area; can be toggled via Settings Menu). Moved all scheduled code into PFHs. Refactored code base, prefixing all global variables with "BloodLust_" to prevent naming collision.
  13. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Caution: people may explode. :don2:
  14. May this thread live on for eternity. @Moderators: please sticky
  15. zooloo75


    Congrats on the mod Haleks, I'm hooked! It's 3:30AM right now and I can't stop playing this in single player! Feels like a real wasteland with a Fallout kind of atmosphere! Very nice mod!
  16. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Working on a new feature -- sound effects when units are hit by vehicles: Some of the sounds are placeholder. This feature will be toggleable via the Settings Menu. I was disappointed while running over zombies in Halek's "Ravage" mod and not hearing any "thud" or confirmation that I just plowed through a group of zombies, so here's this.
  17. zooloo75


    Kind of off-topic, but I just want to say that I appreciate and think it's cool that the BI devs have their own hobby projects for their game.
  18. zooloo75

    Arma 3d editor

    I imagine the 2D Editor still has its uses. Besides familiarity, what can the 2D Editor within 3DEN not do that the legacy 2D editor can?
  19. Try using setPosASL after the creation of the object, like so: _object = "CLASSNAME" createVehicle [0, 0, 0]; _object setPosASL _position;
  20. zooloo75

    Quick Play (dev branch)

    Haven't tried it yet, but very nice that it checks for mod compatibility!
  21. zooloo75

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Thanks TPW -- right back at you with your mod! Love the immersion it adds!